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Educational Research

Educational Research. Chapter 1. Sources of Knowledge. Experience Authority Deductive Reasoning Inductive Reasoning – imperfect = based on incomplete observations; perfect = based on complete observations. Sources of Knowledge cont. Scientific Approach and hypotheses

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Educational Research

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  1. Educational Research Chapter 1

  2. Sources of Knowledge • Experience • Authority • Deductive Reasoning • Inductive Reasoning – imperfect = based on incomplete observations; perfect = based on complete observations

  3. Sources of Knowledge cont • Scientific Approach and hypotheses • Steps in Scientific Inquiry • Identification of the problem • Statement of the problem • Formulation of hypotheses • Prediction of consequences • Testing of hypotheses

  4. Scientific Approach cont – Additional Aspects • Assumptions • Attitudes • Scientific Theory – set of interrelated constructs, definitions, and propositions that presents a systematic view of phenomena by specifying relations among variables, with the purpose of explaining and predicting phenomenon

  5. Scientific Theory cont Purpose of Theories: To organize findings from observations into a framework that explain phenomena – a theory shows what variables are related and how they are related

  6. Scientific Theory cont Criteria for Theories • A theory should be able to explain observed facts relating to a particular problem • A theory should be consistent with observed facts and with the already established body of knowledge • A theory should provide a means for its verification • A theory should stimulate new discoveries and indicate further areas in need of investigation

  7. Complexity of subject matter Difficulties in observation Difficulties in replication Interaction of Observer and subjects Difficulties in Control Problems of Measurement Limitations of Scientific Approachin the Social Sciences

  8. Educational Research Goal of Educational Research: • To discover general principles or interpretations of behavior • that people can use to explain • that people can use to predict • that people can use to control events in educational settings Purpose of Educational Research – formulate theory

  9. Federal Legislation and Educational Research • Educational policy and practices need to be based on scientific evidence • No Child Left Behind Act 2001 • Education Sciences Reform Act 2002 – basic and applied researchBasic – gain fundamental knowledge for advancement of knowledge in the field but without specific applicationApplied – gain knowledge about or understanding of means to meet a specified need – directed to the advancement of educational practice.

  10. National Reports Influencing Education Research • Principles of Inquiry are: • Pose significant questions that can be studied empirically • link research to relevant theory • use methods that allow direct investigation of the question • provide a coherent and explicit chain of reasoning • replicate and generalize across studies • disclose research to encourage professional critique

  11. National Reports cont • Report also noted need for quantitative and qualitative research and that joining the two would accelerate scientific progress. • Gold standardaccordingto Report – Randomized controlled trials

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