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Assist NYS CCE Educators in strategies for hosting successful community field biomass education and media events

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Assist NYS CCE Educators in strategies for hosting successful community field biomass education and media events

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  1. CCE Energy and Climate Change Educator developing planning and evaluation model for “Energy Awareness on the Dairy Farm” in NYS. This will assist NYS CCE Educators with materials development and implementation strategies, as well as incorporating increased use of energy evaluations on NY dairy farms to determine baseline electric energy use.

  2. Use pilot Biomass Lab as template to help CCE and School Educators plan and develop their own biomass labs in NYS. These “labs” provide farmers, landowners, and students opportunities to learn of emerging bio-energy markets in NYS.

  3. Assist NYS CCE Educators in strategies for hosting successful community field biomass education and media events …brings our stakeholders together to bridge University-led research to our students and the community

  4. Assist NY teachers and CCE Educators and planners in providing increased student awareness …introduces bio-energy content as well as workforce skills and opportunities

  5. CCE Educator to bring Agricultural Bio-Fuels information to many venues in the State. Electronic Curriculum being developed and will be made available to CCE Educators in NYS.

  6. Focus on providing kits and tools that CCE Educators can use in Energy and Climate Change Education efforts.

  7. Secured expanded training opportunity to include CCE Educators from NBB Panel about advances in Agricultural Bio-energy and Bio-Product development. http:/www.regonline.com/BioenergyTeachers2011

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