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Convection/CVTT update

Convection/CVTT update. At Spring Meeting .... Switch to finite volume Switch to UW PBL/shallow convection Explore alternate deep convection Donner, Emanuel, ? New capabilities (microphysics, aerosols, radiation link, chemistry) New large-scale clouds (PDF?)

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Convection/CVTT update

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Convection/CVTT update • At Spring Meeting .... • Switch to finite volume • Switch to UW PBL/shallow convection • Explore alternate deep convection • Donner, Emanuel, ? • New capabilities (microphysics, aerosols, radiation link, chemistry) • New large-scale clouds (PDF?) • Help in transition to “single executable, ESMF, development of a dynamics interface”

  2. Convection/TVTT Update • Task Team AMWG/OMWG topics • Ocean Model Working Group • Tropical instability Waves • Diurnal cycle of SST • less diffusive thermocline • higher resolution representations in upwelling regions • Atmosphere Model Working Group • deep convection • boundary layer • shallow cumulus • gustiness

  3. Formation of Tropical Variability Task Team • General announcement to CCSM • Very heartening response from local and remotemembers of the community. • 30-40 responses total (10-20 locals) • How to organize and exploit remote participants? • decision to start with locals • meet approximately monthly • tackle shorter time scale biases first(diurnal through seasonal annual) • defer ENSO till we see some beneficial signal on shorter timescales • Explore sensitivity to variations in process representation, even to detriment of other aspects of simulation

  4. First TVTT Calculations • Benchmark • new version of CLM (physics and substantial recoding) • new version of CAM(FV, recoding of physics, slight variations in resolution) • convective signatures essentially like CAM3 • First experiment – OMWG addition of TIW to ocean • no real change in transient activity, Double ITCZ, etc • significant improvements to ocean circulations

  5. Next experiments on CAM side • A few minor issues with UW PBL scheme

  6. Progress on Zhang – McFarlane parameterization • Modification to closure • www-cas.ucsd.edu/~zhang/ncar_diag/cam3eul64x128_d50amip

  7. Emanuel Scheme

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