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Preparing for an event on campus

Preparing for an event on campus. Elaine Lauerman, Internet2 25 January 2004. Local and Remote site planning. Check availability of desired speakers Check venue availability and network connectivity into the room check locations of the jacks

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Preparing for an event on campus

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  1. Preparing for an event on campus Elaine Lauerman, Internet2 25 January 2004

  2. Local and Remote site planning • Check availability of desired speakers • Check venue availability and network connectivity into the room • check locations of the jacks • check with the buildings system administrator or network engineer to see how the jacks are configured • Secure date with speakers

  3. Planning cont. • Secure venue for two days (you’ll need the first day for testing). If you’re planning a major event you may want to arrange for testing in the venue weeks before the event. Plan on testing the same time of day as the scheduled performance. • Notify Network Operations Center of upcoming event • You may want to notify the Abilene NOC if the event has several remote sites involved. • Identify technical contacts including land lines, cell phone and email addresses, technology used and ip addresses. You may also want to set up a chat program or use IM. • Make sure the technical contacts are committed to the event.

  4. Logistics for venue • Check for plenty of power • Check for adequate HVAC • If possible have spare equipment available • Have a land line available • Be sure to schedule technical staff for testing at the venue (this is very important!) • If venue needs to be secured hire campus security or a private company. • Plan on reserving a room for storage containers if necessary.

  5. Contact information If you have any questions contact ekl@internet2.edu

  6. www.internet2.edu

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