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Fourth meeting of the WG: objectives and agenda. Jennifer H. Madans U.S.A. WG: Purpose.
Fourth meeting of the WG: objectives and agenda Jennifer H. Madans U.S.A. 4th Meeting of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics
WG: Purpose Our main purpose is the promotion and co-ordination of international co-operation in the area of health statistics by focusing on disability measures suitable for censuses and national surveys which will provide basic necessary information on disability throughout the world. 4th Meeting of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics
Overarching objectives • Develop a small set/s of general disability measures • Recommend extended set/s of items to measure disability as components of population surveys / supplements • Address methodological issues associated with disability measurement 4th Meeting of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics
1st meeting: Washington, DC 2002Areas of agreement • It is important and possible to craft internationally comparable general disability measures • Short and long set/s of measures that are inter-related are needed • ICF model will be used as a framework in developing disability measures • Census questions are the first priority 4th Meeting of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics
2nd meeting: Ottawa, Canada 2003Linking purpose with measurement • Disability measurement matrix: Conceptual matrix linking the purpose of a general disability measure with conceptual definitions and question characteristics. • Empirical matrix: An evaluation of the characteristics of general measures currently in use according to the dimensions of the matrix. • The matrices helped us identify gaps in disability measurement. 4th Meeting of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics
3rd meeting: Brussels, Belgium 2004Purpose Dictates Question Type 3 major classes of purposes at aggregate level • Service Provision • Monitoring functioning in the population • Equalization of opportunities 2 criteria for selection of a purpose • Relevance • Feasibility 4th Meeting of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics
3rd meeting: outcomes • Highest priority given to equalization of opportunities as the purpose of an internationally comparable general disability measure • 3 workgroups designated to address objectives for the 4th meeting • A plan for governance was adopted by the WG • A Development Grant Facility was submitted to the World Bank to support the work of the WG 4th Meeting of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics
Workgroup goals • Workgroup 1: Generate a draft set of questions (short form) related to the purpose of equalization of opportunities • Workgroup 2: Propose method/s for implementing the general disability measure (short form). • Workgroup 3: Propose an approach for development of extended measurement set/s related to the general disability measure/s. 4th Meeting of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics
Objectives of the 4th meeting • Present work on development of the general disability measure • Discuss proposed plan for implementation • Discuss proposed approach for development of extended measurement set/s • Discuss methodological issues of full population coverage • Steering Committee chair will lead a discussion on strategic issues 4th Meeting of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics
Agenda for the 4th meeting • Each session has specific objectives • Presentation of draft position papers will be followed by focused discussion that will address specific session objectives • There will be products and a work plan following each session 4th Meeting of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics
Session 1 Welcome Practical information Developments since the last meeting Review objectives and agenda for 4th meeting Session 2 Discuss proposed approach in context of purpose, criteria, and relationship to ICF Agree on a set/s of questions for pilot tests Session objectives 4th Meeting of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics
Session 3 Determine key components of plan for implementing census measure including procedures for pilot testing Session 4 Decide on purpose/s of extended set/s Identify other pertinent issues related to fielding Develop priorities for additional work Session objectives 4th Meeting of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics
Session 5 Identify impact of excluding the institutionalized population and children from disability surveys Discuss problems and approaches for covering full population Session 6 Review country reports re: timing and venue for pre-testing Plan use of WB DGF funds Discuss governance issues Session objectives 4th Meeting of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics
Session objectives Session 7 • Summarize accomplishments of 4th meeting and outline next steps • Announce the date/location of 5th meeting and determine objectives • Solicit volunteers to host the 7th WG meeting 4th Meeting of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics