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SAT Vocabulary 12. DELUGE. The amusement park experienced a deluge of visitors on opening day. DELUGE. Noun- a flood; an overwhelming rush Ant- drought; dearth. CATHOLIC. His catholic interests made him quite knowledgeable in many subjects. CATHOLIC. Adjective- universal; wide-ranging
DELUGE The amusement park experienced a deluge of visitors on opening day.
DELUGE • Noun- a flood; an overwhelming rush • Ant- drought; dearth
CATHOLIC His catholic interests made him quite knowledgeable in many subjects.
CATHOLIC • Adjective- universal; wide-ranging • Antonym- provincial; limited; parochial
EERIE No one accepted the dare to stay in the eerie old mansion for one night.
EERIE • Adjective- weird; mysterious; strange and frightening • Antonym- common; ordinary
MARTIAL A state of martial law was declared in the small country in the weeks following the overthrow of the government.
MARTIAL • Adjective- warlike; relating to the military
ANTHROPOMORPHIC Very well, thank you. How are you?? Anthropomorphic stories such as Animal Farm might feature pigs and rabbits walking upright, wearing clothes , and speaking the human language.
ANTHROPOMORPHIC • Adjective- attributing to human characteristics or qualities to objects, animals or gods
BENEFICIARY John’s wife is the beneficiary of his property and possessions should anything happen to him.
BENEFICIARY • Noun- one who receives benefits • Synonym- recipient
CAREEN The strong winds caused the ship to careen from side to side.
CAREEN • Verb- to swerve or lurch from side to side while in motion
APLOMB The aplomb of the man amazed the audience especially since the man had been voted as the most shy student in high school!
APLOMB • Noun- Self-confidence • Antonym- awkwardness
GUILE Fox’s are usually characterized as having guile; they are supposedly very clever.
GUILE • Noun- slyness and cunning in dealing with others • Antonym- honesty
MODICUM My mom decided to use the smaller measuring cup since she only needed a modicum of sugar for the miniature pound cake.
MODICUM • Noun- a small amount • Antonym- abundance
FESTER The bump inside of the boy’s nose began to fester and run because he did not go to the doctor to get it treated when he noticed it a few weeks prior.
FESTER • Verb- to grow embittered over time; to rot; to worsen
LANGUISH The runner languished of ever having to run in another marathon.
LANGUISH • Verb- to become weak or feeble; to lose strength • Antonym- to thrive
PALL A pall of grief came over the school after one of the most popular students was killed in a car accident.
PALL • Noun- something that covers or conceals
HAVOC The storm wrecked havoc on the small town; many people were left without food and shelter for several months.
HAVOC • Noun- great destruction; chaos • Antonym- order
RANCID The trash was so rancid that even the birds did not pick at it long!
RANCID • Adjective- having a bad taste or smell; spoiled • Antonym- fresh