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Social Protection in the Caribbean: Processes, Lessons Learnt and Institutional. Elaborated by: Alexander, Jemma C. James, Elke R. NATIONAL CONTEXT.
Social Protection in the Caribbean: Processes, Lessons Learnt and Institutional Elaborated by: Alexander, Jemma C. James, Elke R.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ( SVG) lies between Saint Lucia and Grenada in the Windward Islands of the Lesser Antilles, an island arc of the Caribbean Sea. It’s a small multi-island State with an approximate size of 150.3 square miles, comprised of a main land, St. Vincent, and a chain of thirty-four islands and cays known as the Grenadines
POLITICAL GOVERNMENT: Parliamentary Democracy HEAD OF STATE: Queen Elizabeth II GOVERNOR GENERAL : Sir Frederick Ballantyne PRIME MINISTER : Hon Dr. Ralph E. Gonsalves INDEPENDENCE: October 27, 1979. SUBDIVISIONS: Six parishes. POLITICAL PARTIES: Unity Labour Party (ULP) New Democratic Party(NDP) SVG Green Party (GP)
The Parliamentary term of office is five years. SVG is a participating member of: • Caribbean Community(CARICOM) • Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) • CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME)
POPULATION: 118,149 (June 2008 est). • Economic summary:GDP/PPP (2007 est.): $1.042 billion; per capita $9,800 • Real growth rate: 6.6%. • Inflation: 6.1%. • Exports: $193 million (2006):. • Imports: $578 million (2006): • Unemployment : 21.1%
SOCIAL INSURANCE The area of social insurance is the responsibility of National Insurance Scheme ( NIS). Benefits: sickness, invalidity, maternity, age, survivors, retirement, funeral and employment injury. The Maximum Insurable Earnings- $4333 per month or $1000 per week, total Contribution rate – 8 % (3.5% Employee’s – 4.5% Employers)
The NIS expanded its service in 2007 to include voluntary contributors, self- employed coverage and employment injury. It has also made contributions in the field of education and health, constructed two centres for the elderly and instituted a Non- Contributory Assistance Age Pension ( NAAP). There is a need for a National Health Insurance Programme in SVG.
SVG faces serious structural limitations to its social and economic development. Critical among these are Its open economy, adverse terms of trade, vulnerability to natural disasters, rising crime rate and increasing globalization. On the other hand, there is clearly a positive trend towards economic growth, strengthening of governance and political will to address frontally the critical challenge of poverty faced by a large segment of the population.
The economy of SVG is fuelled by agriculture and tourism. Development in the World Trade Organization and trade liberalization haveseverely reduced income from the banana industry. • Although there has been a decline in the contribution of agriculture to GDP in recent years, it is still the most important productive sector in terms of its contribution to employment and the government’s fight against poverty particularlyin rural areas.
The Tourism sector had experienced decline in visitor arrivals in the last ten years. The government has embarked on the development and expansion of a robust security system as its multi island ports of entry to attract tourist from North America and Europe.
The data presented by the 2001 Population and Housing Census indicates, an increased unemployment rate of 21.1% from 1991 with a higher rate among males . Despite the thrust of the Government towards Poverty Reduction, it is fair to say that tackling national unemployment will continue to be a long term challenge.
The GOVSVG has launched specific initiatives : • To generate employment opportunities for poor and vulnerable persons in Tourism, Agriculture and the Small and Micro-enterprise sector. • Investment in human capital through education and training . • Instituted an educational strategy aimed at providing secondary school education to all primary school leavers .
Low income housing programme. • Improvements in airport development, transportation, water, telecommunications and electricity services. • Investments in disaster preparedness. • Broad macroeconomic policies. • Implementation of the Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (IPRSP).
The Government of SVG and, in particular, The Ministry of National Mobilisation, Social Development, Youth and Sports has commissioned this Social Sector Plan (SSP) as a strategic tool to guide its work until the year 2011. General Objective: • To develop the social infrastructure of SVG. • To empower the poor and the vulnerable.
Programme Review and Analysis
MINISTRY OF HEALTH Estimated Total Public Expenditure (2009) : 71.600 000 Allocation of funds • Targeting • Mechanism: • Self selection • Targeting • Certain • organizations Social Welfare Vote $275 000 Public Assistance $50 000 Social Welfare Assistance $600 000 Nutrition Support Programme $849 774
MINSITRY OF EDUCATION Estimated Total Public Expenditure ( 2009) : $98, 185 ,960 Book Loan Scheme $ 1,500,000 School Transportation School Feeding Programme $2,221, 853 Adult & Continuing Education Programme $2, 435, 044 • Targeting • Mechanism: • Self selection targeting
MINISTRY OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Estimate Total Public Expenditure : $17, 725,616 Gender Affairs Division $214, 437 Administration $1,096 800 Family Affairs Division $11,732, 982 Cooperative Division $491, 699 Sports Division $1,258, 434 Community Development $719, 273 Liberty Lodge Boys Training Centre $72, 102 Youth Affairs Division $464, 167 Home Help for the Elderly $1,026, 722
Targeting Mechanisms: • Eligible Persons are identified via various stakeholders. • Self selection targeting • Community based targeting • Geographical targeting
Who is registered? All persons born in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. When they are registered? Within 1 yr after birth. By whom? By parents or guardians at the Registry or at Revenue Offices (applicable to births in some rural areas and the Grenadines.)
Information Required: The date of the birth Where the baby was born The baby's full name The mother's and father’s full name Occupation of mother and father. Age of mother Order of birth Sex of the child Date registered
For what purpose? • To record the number of births in a given year and vital events of its citizens. • To create a data source for the compilation of vital statistics.