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Apuntes… La Acentuación. Accents. To know when a word needs an accent, you need to know... A) That some words always need an accent: 1. Question words ¿Qu é ? ¿C ó mo? ¿Cu á ndo? ¿D ó nde? ¿Qui é n? ¿Por qu é ?.
Apuntes… La Acentuación Accents
To know when a word needs an accent, you need to know... A) That some words always need an accent: 1. Question words ¿Qué? ¿Cómo? ¿Cuándo? ¿Dónde? ¿Quién? ¿Por qué?
2. Words that are spelled the same but have different meanings need accents • Tú = you Tu = your • Mí = me Mi = my • Té = tea Te = yourself…
3. Words that end in –ando or –iendo when one or two pronoun(s) are attached need an accent on the ándo or the iéndo • Está cantándote una canción. • Está cantándotela por tu cumpleaños .
4. Words that end in –AR, –ER or –IR when two pronouns are attached need an accent on the ár, ér, or ír. • Necesita llevarlos a la escuela. • Va a llevárselos a su casa. • Necesita leérmelos esta noche. 1 pronoun= NO accent!
5. Words that end in –ción or –sión need an accent on the ó • la canción • mansión • conclusión NO accent if plural! canciones, mansiones
6. Regular verbs conjugated in the preterit need an accent in the YO and Él forms • yo hablé tú hablaste él habló • yo comí tú comiste él comió
7. Regular AR verbs conjugated in the imperfect need an accent in the nosotros and ER/IR verbs need an accent on the í in all forms of the imperfect • ábamos ía, ías, ía, íamos, ían
You also need to know... B) How to separate words into syllables: • Divide syllables so the syllables always start with a consonant. • If a word starts with a vowel, separate the vowel and start the next syllable with a consonant.
Divide these words into syllables: • silla • mañana • enemigo • amarillo • comedor si-lla ma-ña-na e-ne-mi-go a-ma-ri-llo co-me-dor
3. *Keep a strong vowel (A, E, O) and a weak vowel (I, U) together, *separate 2 consonants that are not ll, rr, or ch and *separate 2 strong vowels 1. fuerte 2. almuerzo 3. accidente 4. veo 5. paseo 6. farmacia fuer-te al-muer-zo ac-ci-den-te ve-o pa-se-o far-ma-cia
4. Separate a strong vowel (A, E, O) and a weak vowel (I, U) when you want to separate their sounds. A weak vowel with an accent becomes a strong vowel! • María • Fotografía • Continúa Ma-rí-a fo-to-gra-fí-a con-ti-nú-a
Finally, you need to know... C) That you must memorize 3 rules of pronunciation: • Words that end in n, s, or a vowel are naturally stressed on the second to the last syllable.
These words are pronounced according to the rule for words ending in a vowel, N or S. The underlined syllable shows the natural stress. • alemanes • lunes • lecciones • examen • joven a-le-ma-nes When the rule and the natural stress are the same, NO accent is needed! lu-nes lec-cio-nes e-xa-men jo-ven
2. Words that end in a consonant except n or s are naturally stressed on the last syllable
These words are pronounced according to the rule for words ending in a consonant except N or S. The underlined syllable shows the natural stress. • explicar • federal • navidad • pared • español ex-pli-car When the rule and the natural stress are the same, NO accent is needed! fe-de-ral na-vi-dad pa-red es-pa-ñol
Words that don’t follow these rules need a written accent. • tambien 6. platano • natacion 7. increible • dias 8. pais • Barbara 9. mirandola • boligrafo 10.darmelo
The rule for the natural stress and the real pronunciation don’t match, so you need a written accent to show the correct pronunciation. • tam-bién 6. plá-ta-no • na-ta-ción 7. in-cre-í-ble • dí-as 8. pa-ís • Bár-ba-ra 9. mi-rán-do-la • bo-lí-gra-fo 10.dár-me-lo
4. Divide into syllables and add an accent IF it is needed: • numero 6. cupon • pasaporte 7. quizas • funcion 8. ruido • tecnologia 9. miercoles • basquetbol 10. nariz
4. You only need a written accent when the natural stress (according to the rules) and the correct pronunciation don’t match. • nú-me-ro 6. cu-pón • pa-sa-por-te 7. qui-zás • fun-ción 8. rui-do • tec-no-lo-gí-a 9. miér-co-les • bás-quet-bol 10. na-riz