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Joint UN Teams and Programmes on AIDS

Joint UN Teams and Programmes on AIDS. Lessons from a UNDP/UNAIDS e-Discussion. What was the e-Discussion?. Initiated by Michel Sidibe , UNAIDS Deputy Executive Director, and Ad Melkert , UNDP Associate Administrator September- October 2007 Questions:

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Joint UN Teams and Programmes on AIDS

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  1. Joint UN Teams and Programmes on AIDS Lessons from a UNDP/UNAIDS e-Discussion

  2. What was the e-Discussion? • Initiated by Michel Sidibe, UNAIDS Deputy Executive Director, and Ad Melkert, UNDP Associate Administrator • September- October 2007 Questions: • Challenges encountered in the establishment of Joint UN Teams on AIDS? • Actions and factors that have supported or inhibited the development of Joint Programmes of Support?

  3. Responses Received from 28 countries – from RCs, UNDP Country Directors, UCCs and joint team members • Underscored commitment to ensuring the success of Joint Teams and joint programmes • Emphasized that coordination on AIDS is key contribution to wider UN reform and ‘delivering as one’ • Noted where there was some history of joint programming, transition was easier from individual agency to full joint programme • Described evolving progress with considerable initial challenges • Expressed that joint programmes necessitates a certain amount of 'learning by doing'

  4. Challenges

  5. Transition from Individual to Joint Programme of Support • Changing mindsets and established ways of working • Transition to true joint programme – not just compilation of agency activities • ‘Retro-fitting' agency specific plans into joint programme, rather than starting from agreed priorities and joint strategic planning • Lack of adherence to Division of Labour • Accountability mechanisms not well articulated: • adapting TORs • evaluating performance of Joint Team members • holding agencies accountable to their commitments to the Joint Team

  6. Functions of the Joint Team and UN Theme Group on AIDS • Perceived overlapping roles in work of Theme Group and Joint Team • Joint Team may be seen as weakening the authority of well-functioning Theme Group • Value added of maintaining both structures was questioned by some

  7. Human and Financial Resource Capacities • Few agencies have full-time HIV programme staff not all joint team members have time to participate actively • Technical capacities of joint team members vary across agencies • Lack of agreement on administrative and financial structures to support joint programme • Weak harmonization of procedures among agencies hindered mobilization of resources for joint activities • Reluctance of agencies to merge funding

  8. Communication with Country Partners • Lines of communication with government can be unclear: who should be communicating about what? • Agencies continue communications on agency- driven agendas, rather than speaking for UN system

  9. Supporting Factors

  10. UNCT Commitment • Overwhelming factor identified for success is leadership of RC and UNCT (agency country representatives) • Role of dedicated and skilled UCC • Contributions of RCs, Theme Group Chairs and UCCs in helping Cosponsors to arrive at consensus to present to national counterparts • Commitment and the efforts of Joint Team members ensures effective development and implementation of joint programmes

  11. Development of Joint Programmes - 1 • Recognizing that the programme should centre on joint planning and resource mobilization and coordinated, complementary implementation, based on National AIDS Plan • Process of formulating the joint programme as important as final programme : clarified roles and responsibilities, helped build commitment and ownership, and provided platform for addressing challenges of funding issues • Focus more on results via sound joint programme, rather than on structures of Joint Team

  12. Development of Joint Programmes - 2 • Division of Labour adapted on comparative advantages important in clarifying roles and promoting joint programming • Joint development of HIV component of UNDAF ensures that joint programme and UNDAF outcomes are aligned • Implementation of joint HIV in UN workplace programmes creates supportive environment for moving towards a joint programme

  13. Human Resources • Capacity assessments of the joint team and mapping of available technical resources • Team retreats, regular reviews and stocktaking exercises • Systematic capacity building plan for Joint Teams within context of UN Learning Strategy • Joint Team members assessed on their contribution to joint programmes • Timeline for revising TORs for Joint Team members • Results included in performance assessments

  14. Financial Resources • Mapping of financial resources • Joint resource mobilization strategy and initiatives defining means for collaboration in order to avoid competition for funds

  15. Working with Country Partners • Consultation and coordination between the Joint Team and National AIDS Authorities and other national partners • Communication from the RC to government, donors and civil society partners to introduce Joint Team • Donors support and provide funding for Joint Programmes

  16. Thank you

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