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ZAMBIA UN THEME GROUP ON HIV AND AIDS. 2007 ANNUAL SUMMARY REPORT January to December 2007. OBJECTIVES OF THE ANNUAL REVIEW REPORT. The overall objective of the annual review report was to provide strategic information to the UNCT members on:
OBJECTIVES OF THE ANNUAL REVIEW REPORT • The overall objective of the annual review report was to provide strategic information to the UNCT members on: • The achievements of the UNJT Team and Joint Support Programme • The performance of the UN Joint Team with respect to coordination, harmonization, alignment and simplification • The effectiveness and efficiency of the UN Joint Support Programme • The outcome of the implementation of the UN Joint Support Programme including the impact of its technical support plan as a response to the National capacity building needs
SUMMARY OF MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS IN 2007. • Seventy-nine percent (79%) of agreed activities were implemented in the UNJT support programme • Witnessed Improved Technical support to the National AIDS Response with about 33 full time technical staff and 141 temporary staff to support different TA needs • Improved financial support to the National AIDS Response with $24 million with 100% absorption rate • increased commitment of the UNJT to Joint planning, monitoring and coordination, harmonization and simplification • The overall UNJT Performance was rated through a structured survey to be very satisfactory.
We had excellent implementation rates in all the outcome areas except outcome 4 UNAIDS/G.PIROZZI
. Catalytic funding support was provided to support orientation of newly appointed NAC councilors maintained the positions of the District AIDS Coordination Advisers (DACA) and 22 line ministries UNV throughout the year. Trained 27 civil society organizations, 9 Provincial AIDS Coordination Advisers (PACA), 72 DACA, 72 DPO, 9 PPO in HIV and AIDS mainstreaming, Basic M&E and CRIS. Technical support was provided to NAC to develop the 2007 and 2008 multisectoral costed annual work plans and the development of the operational plan of the NASF The UN continue to support NAC through 60% of the time of the UNAIDS M&E Adviser and 100% IUNV (International UNV). There was also improvement in the quality and depth of strategic information- National AIDS spending assessment; the UNGASS Report; the Mode of Transmission (MOT); the driver of the epidemic documentation of Joint supervisory visits to the Northern Province has been recognized as a best practice by UNAIDS Secretariat; UN Support to achieve an effective, efficient NAC that is able to achieve its mandate
provided technical and financial support to the Ministry of Health to finalize the PMTCT guidelines built capacity of nurses and doctors. facilitated the launching of the National PMTCT scale up plan which is being implemented. supported the process of developing an evidence based HIV prevention strategy. supported NAC in establishing and operationalising the Theme Groups and Sub-theme groups. Supported 61 community schools in central province have been provided in provision of life skills on HIV prevention. supported the provision of food supplements to food insecure HIV positive mothers on ART. Supported the provision of HIV prevention services and condoms to refugee communities; commodity security of both male and female condoms for the general population, vulnerable groups and prisons services were also sustained in the country UN SUPPORT TO IMPROVE ACCESS TO AN EFFECTIVE AND COMPREHENSIVE PACKAGE OF PREVENTION SERVICES, BASED ON APPROACHES THAT ADDRESS THE UNDERLYING DRIVERS OF THE EPIDEMIC, INCREASED
Provided technical to the finalization of the comprehensive national strategy towards universal access to treatment, care and support for people living with and affected by AIDS in Zambia which is currently being implemented. supported the Operationalization of the roadmap and pediatrics ART guidelines Catalyzed the procurement of Co-trimoxazole Supported the Integrated Management of Adult and Adolescent Illnesses (IMAI) scaled up process. Provided TA to improve patient tracking, SMART CARE Provided TA to develop Guidelines for the involvement of traditional and religious structures in HIV programming-printed, including Braille versions and disseminated 600 bicycles were procured for community-based volunteers in 10 districts to support their work in linking home-based care to ART through the Livingstone Model of community-based counseling, testing and care. Nutritional support was provided to households severely impacted by HIV through food rations. Mapping of food and nutrition programmes was done as a contribution to the Food Security Strategy. The MoH Procurement and Supply Management Unit was strengthened through recruitment of staff; formulation of an LMS framework and Logistics Management Information System database. UN SUPPORT TO IMPROVE ACCESS TO TREATMENT, CARE AND SUPPORT INCREASED
THE NATIONAL INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY TO MITIGATE THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACT FOR PEOPLE INFECTED AND AFFECTED BY HIV AND AIDS WAS STRENGTHENED • provided direct financial support to the printing of instructional material to support training of community care givers and scaling-up of FFL. • supported building of capacity of members of Parliamentarians, Judges and the Zambia Law commission on Orphan and vulnerable children. • supported development of the Gender Sector Programme (under GIDD) was also catalyzed by the UN. • catalyzed training of communities workers on nutritional counseling was also one of the achievements of the joint support programme.
Better Strategic Focus of the Joint Team UNAIDS/L.TAYLOR
Lessons Learned • If the UN does not strengthen its workplace programme, the burden of caring for infected staff will soon be unbearable as staff members are definitely at most vulnerable; • Some staff living with HIV have experienced discrimination within UN Zambia, and there is a need to build capacity of head of agency on the UN workplace policy; • there is need to create workplace environment within the UN to encourage staff members who are HIV+ to be open within UNPlus and receive appropriate care; • UN Joint programming is still affected by different programming cycles of individual agencies; • Three UN agencies-WB, UNECA and IMF need strong advocacy to buy-in to the process • UN Agencies need 2 day a week co-location to form a stop shop for partnerships with government at UNAIDS without affecting their mandate
Recommendations • Improve access to financial information at the agency level • New recruits to agencies should be briefed on UN Joint Team work if it is not already specified in their job description. • There is need to have a full time adviser to work on the UN workplace and coordinate the UN learning strategy and encourage the recruitment of someone living with HIV to take on that role. • Need to start pooling of resources using some innovative and evidence based approaches • Approve 2 day a week co-location of all UNJT to UNAIDS • Approve sensitization of the specific agencies that need further encouragement into the UNJT