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Collecting evidence and documenting best practices in ACSM for TB prevention and control

Collecting evidence and documenting best practices in ACSM for TB prevention and control. Dr Netty Kamp Chair, ACSM Subgroup ACSM Subgroup meeting 30 Nov-1 Dec 2009. Outline Presentation. What is the scope of ACSM? How to improve effect and impact? Models of Best Practices.

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Collecting evidence and documenting best practices in ACSM for TB prevention and control

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  1. Collecting evidence and documenting best practices in ACSM for TB prevention and control Dr Netty Kamp Chair, ACSM Subgroup ACSM Subgroup meeting 30 Nov-1 Dec 2009

  2. Outline Presentation • What is the scope of ACSM? • How to improve effect and impact? • Models of Best Practices

  3. What is comprehensive ACSM?1. Is crosscutting, covering all components Stop TB strategy2. Integrated ACSM Interventions GOAL 1) Advocacy 5) Social Mobilization, Involve affected communties 2) Group communication 3) Media Communication 4) Interpersonal communication

  4. Assessment Evaluation Situation analysis: KAP/OR, epidemiological data, Identify target and risk groups and stakeholders Implement M&E plan/survey and adjust Planning Implementation • Problem and causal analysis • Involving Stakeholders • Communication Channels analysis Strategic Planning Process ACSM • Operational Plan • Distribute materials • Organize advocacy events • Organize networks • Support campaigns • Training Health workers and others • Objectives, Strategies, Activities • Partners/functions • Channels, Focus • Indicators M&E • PLAN Development • Desarrollo • Develop messages and materials • Pretesting and revisions • Distribution plan materials and training plan

  5. How improve effect? • Create a task force • Involve communities/NGOs, and other stakeholders as early as possible and in all steps • Good Analysis • Well designed interventions • M&E plan and documentation of steps

  6. ACSM Best Practices document

  7. Process of selection • Open call for submission • Key criteria : measurable outcome/impact, focused intervention • Challenges

  8. Enhance DOTS Services: Patient-centered approach • Organization of health services adapting to needs of patient and affected community • Improve inter-personal communication at the health service level • Increase access to diagnostic services through the facilitation of sputum sample transport

  9. Enable empowerment of Patients and Communities • Patient Clubs: mutual support, organize participatory IEC sessions, increase self esteem, reduce stigma • Patient Association: rights based approach

  10. Involve CHWs and (traditional) leaders in detection and treatment support. Network with communities, commercial sector and local institutions to: Raise awareness Reduce stigma Support needs of (vulnerable) patients Partner with affected communities and civil society

  11. Improve supportive communication methodologies • First step to empowerment: increase knowledge • All ACSM interventions need appropriate communication strategies and materials as support

  12. Measuring process and impact • M&E system in place • Formative and OR research • Document models with evidence and share (Publish, website etc)

  13. Next steps • Finalize document and disseminate to all partners • Continue to collect and showcase ACSM best practice • Build Evidence: develop guidance for M and E for ACSM • Revive web site and include online best practices.

  14. ACSM Subgroup web site: http://www.stoptb.org/wg/ advocacy_communication/acsmcl • Join us: stoptbacsm@who.int

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