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ALMA MATER STUDIORUM UNIVERSITA’ DI BOLOGNA. St. Petersburg, 03/02/2011. A multicampus structure. School of Modern Languages for interpreters and translators (SSLIMIT) Faculty of Political Science- Forlì Faculty of Agriculture Department of applied chemistry Language Center – CLIRO
School of Modern Languages for interpreters and translators (SSLIMIT) Faculty of Political Science- Forlì Faculty of Agriculture Department of applied chemistry Language Center – CLIRO at Forlì Campus Faculty of foreign languages MSU ‘Lomonosov‘ RSUH Institute ‘A.S. Puskin' for Russian Language Moscow State Linguistic University SPSU Institute of agriculture, food industry technologies, agricultural economy Pushchino State University, Russian Academy of Science PFUR Faculty/Department Agreements
Unibo and Russia: framework agreements SPSU PFUR HSE MSU “Lomonosov” RSUH UNIBO Cooperation Agreement IKSUR Plekhanov RAE Astrakhan STU TRIPLE I CONSORTIUM RSU Physical Education and Sport a.Tourism MSU of environmental engineering
EMA 2 TRIPLE I (2008-2009-2010!) TEMPUS (curriculum development) - Integrated coastal management - Development of SME in transition countries - Lifelong learning structure in Siberia FP7 (Cooperation) 20% success ratio submitted/funded projects Health Space Environment KBBE (Knowledge Based Bio-Economy ) NMP (Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies ) UNIBO and RussiaEu funded projects
Structured (and funded!) MOBILITY SCHEMES TRIPLE I (since 2008) Unibo mobility scheme “OVERSEAS” (since 2005) JOINT master programmes (2 years) “Economics and Market Policy” HSE(Coming Soon!) Master’s degree in Interdisciplinary research and studies on eastern europeSPSU JOINT professional master programmes (1 year) MIEX-ProfessionalMaster in International Management Moscow State Institute for International Relations CESPEM-Creation and Development of Small and Medium-Sized Innovative Enterprises in Countries in Transition (professional Master not active in 2010-11) Novosibirsk State Technical University Cooperation results: some examples
Incomingstudents from Russia: Triple I contributes to the 30% of overall student mobility (only undergraduate and master level!) Student mobility data Analysis
Student mobility data Analysis Outgoing students: Triple I contributes to the 40% of overall student mobility (undergraduate and master level)
Triple I Mobility data Analysis one of the highest number of mobilities to Russia within TRIPLE I…
Why Russia? Quality Reliability Mutual interest Promotion Institutional committment (from Unibo strategic plan) Increase participation in EU programmes (and mobility opportunities!) More graduates with an integrated mobility experience Invest on quality of international and joint programmes Improve services to International students and staff Attractiveness 1
Why Unibo? History and tradition coupled with innovation (international research groups) Popular university exchange destination International programmes offered …Art, food, wine … Attractiveness 2
Adjusting existing organisational structures To new management systems Erasmus Mundus Action2Management and Services
Workload and responsibilities Set up of EMA2 Coordination Unit Main tasks Application preparation phase Advising during application selection Preparation for arrival /departure of grantees Registration procedures Academic Financial Administrative Monitoring Internal management & organisation
Immigration services bank account & fiscal code Welcome day for exchange students accommodation services language course IT-support for enrolment/registration procedure Services for incoming students
Promotion meetings Counselling / Liaison activities Support during application phase Support for travel arrangements and visa Services for outgoing students
Before Accurate couselling during application phase Organisation of meetings with students minimum requirements for unibo students to participate Accurate Learnign Agreement before departure during Feed-back from academic tutors Mid-term activity report after Recognition procedures reporting Monitoring and Follow-up: ensuring academic quality of mobilty
Integration of the new scheme to existing organisational structure Setting-up a new management approach Improve the quality to meet the expectations of international students and staff tailor existing programmes and teaching/learning methods to the international audience Consolidation or expansion of relations with partner institutions Increased visibility Networking for further projects Increased number of grants for own students and staff to go abroad International Mobility schemesChallenges and impact
A story FORLI CAMPUS MULTI- DISCIPLINARY COOPERATION AGREEMENT Double Degree EMP Summer/winter Schools Partnership in professional Master OTHERS!
Thanks! francesca.maltauro@unibo.it diri.ecw@unibo.it