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Summer Research Opportunities for Dental Students 2014 http://dental.case.edu/research ( click on student summer research on the left menu). Summer Research Goals. participate in the process of scientific investigation;
Summer Research Opportunities for Dental Students • 2014 • http://dental.case.edu/research • (click on student summer research on the left menu)
Summer Research Goals • participate in the process of scientific investigation; • gain first-hand knowledge and experience with the methodology required for the project; • student should collect, analyze and interpret the project data under the guidance of their faculty mentor; • present findings at local/national meetings Design, Collect, Organize, Describe, Analyze, Share: D-CODAS
Summer Research- Process • Identify a mentor and agree on a project • Complete an application; see website for application details & format • Address all of the questions on the application. • DUE March 30, 2014; notified early April • Email submission preferred; mentor must be copied on the email. • Submit IRB documents as needed (human subjects approval)– start ASAP • 2-3 meetings during June – dates TBD
Summer Research Program • Human Subjects Research • Submit IRB documents as needed (human subjects approval)– start ASAP • Any project that requires IRB approval, will require you to complete the CITI (human subjects protection) certificate.
Funding Support Summer Stipend $2200 Paid in 2 installments; 2nd payment after progress reports Travel $750 to DEFRAY expenses; we do not guarantee that all your travel expenses will be covered with this amount.
Your Responsibilities • Complete the project activities; honor your time committment • Submit an interim and final progress report when requested. • Submit abstract for national meeting • AADR preferred • Your are expected to give an ORAL presentation at Professional’s Day; you may also contribute a poster presentation
FAQ 1.Off campus project? Generally discouraged; need a mentor at the off-campus site; need a letter of support & understanding from off-site mentor; also a local mentor; thoroughly described project. Partial stipend 2. When conducted? 8 weeks between May 1 and July 30; some flexibility; you are expected to fulfill commitment to a full-time 8 week project.
FAQ 3. Shorter time period? Highly discouraged; must accomplish most work prior to leaving; pro-rated stipend 4. Shared projects? Permitted, BUT the projects must be clearly delineated. 2 separate abstracts must be possible, which address distinct questions. 5. Is everyone funded? Not necessarily. Create a strong application. Answer the questions on the application
Basic Science Research Department of Biological Sciences – 3rd Floor • Oral defense mechanisms; Oral Innate Immunity, Human beta defensins; genetic variation in HBDs; oral cancer • Dr. Aaron Weinberg – axw47@case.edu 368-1525 [BEST CONTACT if interested in basic science research – he will hook you up w/faculty] • Dr. Ge Jin – gxj7@case.edu; 368-3791; Rm 3570 Dr. Vernon – oral health in HIV • (ltv1@case.edu; 368-0712; Rm 3540)
Clinical Research Comprehensive Care • Dr. Lisa Lang (Chair): lal73@case.edu [She is your best contact for CompCare faculty & projects] • Dr. Teich stt5@case.edu • Dr. Kaleinikovazxk18@case.edu, 368-3565, A09J • Dr. Akkus, asp7@case.edu, 368-4351, B19A • Dr. Aurelio Alonso , aaa184@case.edu; 368-2486; TMD, patient surveys, chart review
Clinical Research • Clinical Projects • Dr. Baur, Chair, Oral Surgery, dab34@case.edu • Dr. Russell Wang, Comp Care, rxw26@case.edu, 368-6716 (see his slide) • Dr. Andres Pinto, axp484@case.edu; Chair, Oral Diagnosis. Rm 1190
Clinical Research Periodontics Dr. Leena Palomo–(perio@case.edu) PD and systemic health • Orthodontics • Drs. Marty Palomojmp5@case.edu • Dr. Manish Valiathanmxv13@case.edu; Pedodontics • Dr. Sharon Freudenberger (sxf199@case.edu; • Dr. Masahiro Heima (mxh392@case.edu)
Biomechanics of primary dental implant stabilityRussell Wang, DDS, MSD, Associate ProfessorDepartment of Comprehensive CareTel: 216-368-6716, email: rxw26@case.edu Primary implant stability is a prerequisite for implant survival, an important issue for clinicians. Correlation of insertion torque and bone quality has been reported. Systematic studies on optimization of implant insertion torque are lacking. The measure of bone quality using average Hounsfield unit in implant literature is misleading. Specific aims of the proposal are: to establish a power or linear regression relationship between the Hounsfield unit (HU) and modulus of elasticity (MOE) of bone; to study relative contributions of implant insertion torque value (ITV) by cortical and trabecular components of bone; and to evaluate the correlation among implant stability quotient number (ISQ), HU, and ITV
Community- Based • Drs. Lalumandier, Nelson(sxn15@case.edu), Narendran, Demko(cad3@case.edu), Williams (kaw14@case.edu); Dr. Marco Rouman (mer92@case.edu) • School-based: Sealant program, Xylitol study • Special needs populations; Oral health disparities • Community centers
Must present at Professional’s Day; AADR, IADR, NOHC, ADEA… PRESENTAT I ONS
2015 AADR(combined with IADR) • Boston MA • Abstracts usually due Oct. 1 QUESTIONS?