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Museums as Places for Intercultural Dialogue – from a European Perspective

Museums as Places for Intercultural Dialogue – from a European Perspective. Margherita Sani Istituto Beni Culturali Regione Emilia Romagna Dublin 4 April 2014. 2008 Year of Intercultural Dialogue.

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Museums as Places for Intercultural Dialogue – from a European Perspective

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  1. Museums as Places for Intercultural Dialogue – from a European Perspective Margherita Sani Istituto Beni Culturali Regione Emilia Romagna Dublin 4 April 2014

  2. 2008 Year of Intercultural Dialogue “We want to go beyond multicultural societies, where cultures and cultural groups simply coexist side by side. We need to become intercultural societies where plurality of cultures cooperates in dialogue and in shared responsibility.” Ján Figel, European Commissioner at the launch of European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008 in Slovenia, January 2008

  3. MAP for ID - Museums as Places for Intercultural Dialogue Funded by the LifelongLearning ProgrammeGrundtvig 2007 - 2009 Led by IBACN Institute for Cultural Heritage Regione Emilia Romagna

  4. MAP for ID - Partners Istituto per i Beni Artistici Culturali e Naturali della Regione Emilia Romagna (IBACN), IT - Múzeumok és Látogatók Alapítvány - The British Museum, UK - Chester Beatty Library, IE - Museo degli Sguardi, Rimini, IT - Imagine Identity and Culture, NL - Museo de América, ES - City of Turin - Department of Cultural Heritage Education, IT - Amitié srl, IT

  5. MAP for ID - Aims • To develop the potential and practice of museums as places of intercultural dialogue • To promote a more active engagement with the communities they serve • To explore and experiment new ways of interpreting and mediating collections in an inclusive way MTM

  6. MAP for ID Actions • Research on goodpractices • Development of guidelines • Support to thirtypilotprojects in the partner countries - Disseminationthroughconferences, the website and a publication

  7. www.mapforid.it

  8. “Museumsasplaces for interculturaldialogue: selectedpractices from Europe“

  9. Oneyearafter…… ‘ MAP for ID - Experiences, Developments, Reflections’

  10. The thirtypilotprojects

  11. The thirtypilotprojects

  12. The thirtypilotprojects

  13. The thirtypilotprojects

  14. Choose the piece

  15. 60 students from 18 countries attending an adult training course in Modena

  16. Choosethe piece, the symbolicadoption of archaeologicalpiecesrepresenting the history of the city

  17. The first approach to the museumasrepository of local history… …happenedthrough a guided tour

  18. Some objectshadbeenhighlightedasparticularlyrelevant… …and out of theseparticipantswereinvited to choosetheirpiece, according to their taste, interest, emotions

  19. Participantsalsohad to givereasons for theirchoice and the museumfavoured the discussion. Eachparticipantwasgiven a certificate statingthat he/shehadadopted the object.

  20. The participantbecomes a «tutor» of the object and committs to contribute to protectingit and disseminatingknowledgeaboutit

  21. Creating a photographic set … …to documentthe ownership of the objects by the new citizens

  22. The photosbecame the illustration of the InterculturalDiary 2010 ‘Choosethe Piece’ produced by the museum and the school

  23. whichalso shows the festivities of allparticipatingcountriesand wasdistributed to the citizens of Modena A multiculturaldiarycollecting the stories of the objects and of the peoplewhoadoptedthem,

  24. MAP for IDGuidelines for good practice Intercultural dialogue as an interactive, bi-directional and dialogical process A focus on methodology and on the acquisition of new interpersonal, social, civic and intercultural attitudes and skills

  25. MAP for ID Guidelinesfor goodpractice Long-termwork and commitment with audiences, through the inclusion of community voices in planning, interpretation, documentation and display Building the outcomes of intercultural activities into the institutional fabric of the museum, ensuring legacy and progression.

  26. Modena 2011- 2012LAND

  27. LAND – The exhibition

  28. Modena 2013- 2014STREETS

  29. Streets – The exhibition

  30. Modena Interculturaldiaries

  31. LEM – The Learning Museumwww.lemproject.eu

  32. www.lemproject.euThe Reports

  33. Differentperspectives • Interculturaldialogue in Latvia • Museums and Migration in Germany • The need of a common vocabulary

  34. VISIBILITY. www.ne-mo.org Berlin, 2013

  35. Interculturaldialogue: a dialoguebetweenindividualsasbearers of cultures • Interculturaldialogue: leaving a comfort zone to exercise self reflection

  36. Interculturaldialogueis a processthatcomprises an open and respectfulexchange or interactionbetweenindividuals, groups and organisations with different cultural backgrounds or world views. Amongitsaims are to develop a deeperunderstanding of diverse perspectives and practices, to increaseparticipation and the freedom and ability to makechoices, to fosterequality, and to enhance creative processes.

  37. Thankyou! masani@regione.emilia-romagna.it

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