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A Day In The Life of an Ancient Greek Farmer. By Alex Makuch & Haley Dolan. Morning. You would go outside and see your crops. You would usually find grapes or olives, unless you had a lot of land, in that case you would probably see w heat and barely.
A Day In The Life of an Ancient Greek Farmer By Alex Makuch & Haley Dolan
Morning You would go outside and see your crops. You would usually find grapes or olives, unless you had a lot of land, in that case you would probably see wheat and barely. http://eatwellfarm.typepad.com/.a/6a00d83546749f53ef011570cd46e0970c-800wi
Harvest Time You would probably start picking your grapes, or other farmed materials. You would place the picked ones in a basket, and bring them to the river to clean.
Bees After cleaning off the grapes you would probably go check your bees. Some family's kept bees for the honey, as it was the only know sweetener, http://img.ehowcdn.co.uk/article-new/ehow/images/a08/a7/qk/wild-honey-800x800.jpg
Vegetable Garden Most family’s had small vegetable gardens, so at about noon, just after getting the honey, you would probably check on your vegetable garden. http://www.colostate.edu/Dept/CoopExt/4DMG/images/raised-5.jpg
Hillside Orchard After getting your vegetables, you would go to your hillside orchard. You would have fruit or nut trees here. http://www.daleysfruit.com.au/UserFiles/Image/newsletter/dwarfcitrus%20013%20(Medium).jpg
Mountain Goat Most family’s had a goat. This was for cheese and milk, and because goats can roam on the side of mountains. You would probably get the cheese and milk while you see him/her http://images.nationalgeographic.com/wpf/media-live/photos/000/006/cache/mountain-goat_635_600x450.jpg
Sheep In addition to your goat you would have a sheep or two. You can get wool from sheep, so they are very useful. They can also graze the side of a mountain, so they don’t take up much space. You would get the wool when you see them. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3101/2455584800_436fb4e363.jpg
War War was also an everyday part of Greek farmer life. There were shortages of food, so you may try to steal food from another farmer. Bad choice. He might kill you because he is too hungry. http://www.wulflund.com/images_items/greek-falcata-sword_3.jpg
Transportation After a long day of work, you would want to go home. You would take either your mule, oxen, or donkey. http://www.tackandsaddletips.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/mule.jpg
Dinner Now, after all your hard work, you eat it. Most Greek family’s grew food for their families. You would be snacking on almost everything that you just picked! http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/stephaniefrey/stephaniefrey0905/stephaniefrey090500023/4804430-fresh-red-grapes-in-a-antique-wooden-bowl-with-leaves-and-vines.jpg