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Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency

Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency. 1801-1809 Topic #7. The Election of 1800 – We want a recount!. Democratic-Republicans select Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr as VP. Federalists select John Adams and Charles Pinckney.

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Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency

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  1. Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency 1801-1809 Topic #7

  2. The Election of 1800 – We want a recount! • Democratic-Republicans select Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr as VP. • Federalists select John Adams and Charles Pinckney. • Brutal campaign, but no speeches and debates, just newspapers and letters being shared. • Jefferson won popular vote, but was tied at 73 electoral votes with Aaron Burr. • House of Representatives selected Jefferson as president. • Caused passage of the 12th Amendment.

  3. Thomas Jefferson – 1801- 1809 • Democratic-Republican • Wealthy plantation farmer from Virginia. • Inaugurated March 1801 • Speech so quiet no one could hear it. • Very low key day – walked to the capitol; wanted to show he was available to all citizens. • Very well read and had diverse knowledge. • Wanted a small federal government. • Eliminated Alien and Sedition Acts, cut military spending, eliminated taxes when he could. • Jefferson Presidency

  4. Marbury vs. Madison • First Supreme Court decision. • Established judicial review. • Adams appointed judges on his last night as president (one was Marbury) • Madison (the new Secretary of State) was told by Jefferson not to approve the appointment, so Marbury sued. • Supreme Court ruled against Marbury. • Gave supreme court much more power.

  5. Barbary Pirates • For years Americans had been paying North African pirates to not attack Yankee trading vessels. • 1801 Jefferson refuses to pay any more money, so the Barbary Pirates declared war on the USA. • The USS Constitution is sent. • American Navy blockades Tripoli and attacked the port city. • Also, American sailors were facing British impressments, so Jefferson tried an embargo, which only hurt the US tradersand damaged his popularity.

  6. Louisiana Purchase • US Merchants were nervous to send goods down the Mississippi River because the French owned Louisiana again in 1802. • Americans wanted to purchase New Orleans for $10 million to increase trade routes, income and safety. • The slave uprising in Haiti made Napoleon Bonaparte want out of North America. • French offer ALL of Louisiana territory for $15 million. • Livingston and Monroe have to decide… • Doubled size of USA! • Not even sure of boundaries • Was Jefferson allowed to purchase Louisiana? • October 20, 1803 Congress Approved the purchase.

  7. Corp of Discovery 1804-1806 • Jefferson needs to explore what he has purchased! He hires: • Merriwether Lewis –Virginia hunter/outdoorsman; raised with private tutors and college educated. Served in military and helped put down the Whiskey Rebellion; became Jefferson’s private secretary • William Clark – Kentucky and Virginia planter family; privately tutored but didn’t attend college. Joins military and retires from it by 26 – is 33 in 1803. • Goals – • chart/map out territory and route to Pacific Ocean. • Note any potential resources • Establish friendly trade with Natives

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