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History 201 – Early American History. Jefferson to Jackson. Themes in US History in the Era. Sectional disunity States Rights vs. Federalism Growth of power of Judicial branch Judicial Review and high profile cases “Entangling Alliances” Development of political identities/parties
History 201 – Early American History Jefferson to Jackson
Themes in US History in the Era • Sectional disunity • States Rights vs. Federalism • Growth of power of Judicial branch • Judicial Review and high profile cases • “Entangling Alliances” • Development of political identities/parties • End of elitism, beginning of era of the “common man” • Endless hunger for land • Indian Removal
Jefferson as President http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQVRUZFM8Iw: “Elect Jefferson” advertisement • More moderate than in the 1790s • "Revolution of 1800“ • Inaugural speech: "We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists." • Pledged "honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.“ • First party overturn in the history of the country • Significance: Demonstrated the efficacy of a two-party system
Jefferson’s Style • Less pretentious • Sent a clerk to read presidential messages (e.g. annual message) • Contrasted with Federalist practice of president making personal appearances which seemed monarchical • Small dinners, seating without rank • Often received callers in sloppy attire; aristocrats shocked Jefferson shook hands with guests. • Reduced the number and grandeur of formal events • Rode on horseback about the Capital instead of using a carriage.
Jefferson as President • Kept most public servants from the Federalist administration • Kept the Hamiltonian system intact with the exception of excise taxes • Maintained the Bank of the U.S. • Retained the mildly protective tariff • Did not tamper with Federalist programs for funding national debt at par and assuming Revolutionary War debts of the states. • Pragmatist, not an idealist • Lessen rift between parties
Jefferson's Presidency • Peaceful transfer of power in 1801. • Maintained many Federalist programs: Nat'l Bank, tariffs, funding debt at par, kept most public servants from Federalist administrations. • Supreme Court issues: Marbury v. Madison, • Expansion: Louisiana Purchase • Tripolitan Wars Embargo Act
"The government that governs least, governs best." • Reversals of Federalist policies • Defended rights provided by Bill of Rights and Constitution • Enacted new naturalization law in 1802; return of 5 year requirement for citizenship • Alien and Sedition Laws had expired in 1801; parts that were still in effect were removed. • Succeeded in substantially reducing the national debt while balancing the budget by cutting government spending. • Reduced Hamilton’s standing army but upheld need for stronger navy. • Emphasized states’ rights • Encouraged development of an agrarian nation
John Marshall and the Supreme Court • Act of 1801 1. Federalists created 16 new judgeships and other judicial offices 2. Jeffersonians charged Federalists were packing judicial branch for life. 5. Act repealed by the newly elected Republican Congress in 1802. • John Marshall 1. Appointed Chief Justice during last days of Adams' term 2. Served 34 years 3. Continued handing down Federalist decisions long after Federalist party was dead.
Marbury vs Madison, 1803 • Judicial Review • Marshall gave Supreme Court power to rule a law by Congress unconstitutional • Contrasted with the Kentucky Resolutions where Jefferson had claimed states had that right (due to compact theory). • Power of Supreme Court greatly enhanced -- 1st time declared something “unconstitutional”
Impeachment of SamuelChase • Went from being a “State’s Righter” to Federalist in policy • Jefferson supported attempt to remove Chase • Senate failed to convict Chase in early 1805 Evidence clear that judge had not been guilty of "high crimes and misdemeanors", only of bad manners and unrestrained partisanship. • Significance: no further attempts to reshape the Court by impeachment • Reassured the independence of the judiciary and the separation of powers in gov't.
Tripolitan War • Plundering of U.S. ships by pirates of the North African states led to increased military. • War seemed cheaper than peace in 1801. • Pasha of Tripoli declared war on the U.S. • US wins with "mosquito fleet") that later proved ineffective during the War of 1812
The Louisiana Purchase • Napoleon seemed to pose a possible military threat to U.S., perhaps requiring U.S. to make alliances with other European powers. • Napoleon decided to sell all Louisiana and abandon his dream of a New World Empire • Decided to use sale of Louisiana as revenue for his conquest of Europe. • Did not want to be distracted by the U.S. as an enemy in North America. • More than doubled size of US
Most important land purchase in U.S. History • Constitution did not authorize the President to negotiate treaties incorporating huge new expanses of land into the union. • Secretly proposed an amendment to the Constitution to provide for such an act. • Land-hungry Americans jubilantly supported the purchase • Paved way for westward expansion • Accelerated rise of U.S. as economic & political power • Hastened Indian Removal. By 1890, all remaining Native Americans in the region would be on reservations. • Ended European expansion in North America • Boosted national unity
Exploration of Louisiana Territory • Lewis and Clark: Expedition bolstered U.S. claim to Oregon; further opened West to trade & exploration. • Zebulon M. Pike • 1805-1807, explored headwaters of the Mississippi, Colorado & New Mexico • Spain concerned of increased settlement in these Spanish regions.
Meanwhile . . . Back at “Home” (Conspiracy and Intrigue)
Essex Junto (1804): the exploits of Aaron Burr • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPlw5RK0e5Q • Essex Junto: Federalist extremists plotted for New England's secession from the union and the creation of a seven-state northern confederacy • New England a highly sectional Federalist stronghold threatened by Jefferson dominance & the Louisiana Purchase which would lead to western influence • Plotters courted Hamilton to run for governor of NY in 1804 and then lead the secessionist movement. • Hamilton refused—did not see Louisiana as the problem, only the expansion of democracy. • Plotters then courted Vice President Burr. • Hamilton led opposition to Burr’s NY gubernatorial campaign. Burr was defeated and his plot was exposed by Hamilton • Burr kills Hamilton in a duel.
More Intrigue and Conspiracy • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPlw5RK0e5Q: Aaron Burr • In 1806, Burr attempted to separate the western part of the U.S. from the eastern part and unite it with to-be-conquered Spanish territory west of the Louisiana Territory and perhaps in northern Mexico. • Burr was eventually exposed to Jefferson • Burr arrested in 1806 in Natchez and tried next year at Richmond, VA.
Jefferson re-elected in 1804 • Incorporated Federalist principles during his first administration; minimized Federalist appeal. • More pluses: International peace, territorial expansion, and inexpensive, unobtrusive government • Republicans = Obvious Choice
Yazoo Land Controversy, 1804 • Jefferson’s opponents accuse him of mis-use of land grants • Georgia wrongfully granted millions of acres prior to turning land over to the federal gov’t. • land companies had bribed GA legislators for millions of acres in land grants • Jefferson and Madison attempted to repay the new (corrupt) land owners for lands ceded to federal gov’t • Significance: • Created strife within Republican party and weakened Jefferson during 2nd term.
Berlin Decree: 1806 • Harassment of U.S. shipping • British controlled seas but France controlled continent. • British began seizing American ships to end U.S. practice of importing French goods into U.S. & re-exporting them as neutral cargo. • Berlin Decree, 1806 • Napoleon to starve Britain by closing ports of the continent to British commerce and outlawing all trade with British Isles. • American ships would be confiscated by France. • England closed ports under French continental control to foreign shipping • Neutrals (e.g. U.S.) might enter Napoleonic ports only if they first stopped Britain. • American ships that didn’t stop at Britain prior to entering the Continent would be confiscated.
Milan Decree, 1807 • Napoleon’s retaliation • Any neutral ship entering a British port, or submitting to a British warship at sea, would be confiscated by if it attempted to enter a Continental port. • British Impressment: 6,000 Americans from 1808-1811; many died or were killed in service. • Chesapeake-Leopard Affair (June 21, 1807) • British commander demanded surrender of four alleged deserters on the U.S.S. Chesapeake; American captain refused. British fired at the Chesapeake: 3 dead; 18 wounded • American reaction the most hostile since XYZ affair 10 years earlier. • Jefferson, nevertheless, used the incident to incite calls for U.S. action.
Embargo Act -- 1807 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhd6Ix88Jd0 • Loose construction of the Constitution: Congress' power to "regulate commerce" meant it could stop exports. • Undermined Jefferson’s states’ rights philosophy • Embargo Act was a disaster to the U.S. economy • Illegal trade mushroomed as a result • Jefferson got Congress to pass harsh enforcement laws. • Viewed by many as tyrannical. • New England again talked of secession
Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 • Formally reopened trade with all nations except France and Britain • Reasons for embargo's failure 1. U.S. overestimated British dependence on American trade, underestimated British resolve. 2. Embargo not long enough or well controlled 3. Embargo Act proved to be three times as costly as war 4. Worsened the conflict between Britain & France • New England forced to become self-sufficient once again. • The Embargo eventually wins • Election of 1808 impacted by the Embargo Act issue 1. Federalists made significant gains in Congress (although still in minority) and gained control of several state legislatures.
Jefferson's Legacy • Expansion! • Orderly expansion in Old Northwest • Southern conquest difficult due to Spanish presence. • Ended unwanted European expansion in North America with Louisiana Purchase. • Soft-side of Jeffersonian expansion: invasion of Canada during War of 1812 • Hard side of Jeffersonian expansion: removal of Indians, blacks, and Spanish (in during Madison and Monroe’s presidencies) • Empire and liberty for whites only. • Jeffersonians believed free blacks should not be allowed to migrate west.
Jefferson’s Legacy • Creation of a democratic non-aristocratic government. • "Government that governs least, governs best." • Lowered debt, balanced budget, promoted states’ rights • Two-term presidency • More than two terms might lead to dictatorship. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtunYdxGLck&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsDACbjK8tY
Federalist Defeat: complete by 1816 • "High Federalists" • Creation of European-like aristocracy through intermarriage, creation of standing army, and gov’t suppression of political opponents. • Scandal: Burr encouraged secession of western territory. • Jefferson kept the country out of a damaging European war • War of 1812 not until late in Madison’s first term.
"To have shrunk, under such circumstances, from manly resistance, would have been a degradation blasting our best and proudest hopes It would have acknowledged that the American people were not an independent people, but colonists and vassals.“ — President James Madison, November 1812 War of 1812
James Madison: The Little Magician • Inaugurated in March, 1809 • "Virginia dynasty • Strongly Jeffersonian in his views
Macon's Bill No. 2 • Replaced Non-Intercourse Act of 1809. • Purpose : entice Britain or France to repeal commercial restrictions • U.S. would restore non-importation against the non-repealing nation • Napoleon seized the opportunity with hopes of getting U.S. in a war with Britain • Madison gave the British 3 months or the U.S. would restore non-importation • Britain angered and demanded U.S. withdraw restrictions on Britain until France had withdrawn all their restrictions on American shipping. • Napoleon had no real intention of honoring the agreement.
War Hawks • New young leaders from South & West , Strongly nationalistic • Wanted war to achieve the glory their fathers had in Revolutionary War. War Hawks desired U.S. to attack Canada to remove further Indian threats. Southern expansionists desired Spanish Florida • Henry Clay (from Kentucky) elected Speaker of the House • John C. Calhoun elected as a representative of South Carolina. • Battle of Tippecanoe: Western war hawks eager to wipe out resistance against white settlers in the western wilderness • General William H. Harrison advanced with 1,000 men and advanced upon Indian headquarters. • Significance: Essentially ended the Indian threat; Indians pushed further west.
Daniel Webster • Federalist, spoke against entry into the war. • Spoke eloquently on behalf of New England manufacturing interests. • Webster had ghost written many of John Marshall’s opinions.
U.S. declares war on Britain in June, 1812 • Why did U.S. fight Britain when France had committed nearly as many maritime offenses? 1. Traditional Republican (Jeffersonian) partiality toward France 2. Visibility of British impressments and arming of Indians. 3. Lure of British Canada: timber, fishing, pelts. • Resentful New Englanders hurt U.S. war effort. 1. Believed British actions were old and exaggerated wrongs; still disliked France 2. New England merchants making handsome profits before the war. 3. Opposed acquisition of Canada which would add more agrarian states (Jeffersonian). 4. New England investors lent more money to Britain than to U.S. 5. New England farmers sent supplies and foodstuffs to Canada, helping Britain to invade New York. 6. New England governors refused to permit their militias to serve outside their states.
War of 1812 • Small war -- 6,000 Americans killed or wounded • Mostly Canadians fought Americans, very few British. • One of America's most poorly-fought wars on land. a. Nation militarily unprepared for war b. Attack on Canada a complete failure. c. Washington, D.C., burned by British d. British nearly won large territories in the New York and New England. • National disunity: Federalists undermined war effort • U.S. Navy out performed the Royal Navy on the Great Lakes • Andrew Jackson emerged as a national hero for defending New Orleans. • William H. Harrison a hero and later and also elected President. • War ended in a stalemate, but America gained respect diplomatically and militarily • Fall of the Federalists: Reduction of sectionalism • Large Native-American losses during war. • Relinquished vast areas of forested land north of the Ohio River. • American industry was stimulated by less dependence on Br. manufacturing.
Unprepared for War • Economy hurt by Embargo Act and non-intercourse • Regular army inadequate; supplemented by even more poorly trained militia. • Britain possessed the best navy in the world. • British maintained a blockade on American Atlantic ports for most of the war which U.S. shipping and caused significant opposition to the war. • Jefferson’s navy was inadequate. • U.S. attack on Canada was a strategic failure • Americans falsely believed Canadians would easily crumble. • 80% of Canadians in Upper Canada (Ontario) were post-Revolution Loyalists. • If U.S. had concentrated on Montreal, Canada would have fallen
1814 • Napoleon subdued and British concentrated on North America. • Set fire to most public buildings incl. Capitol and the White House. • Retaliation for American burning Canadian capital at York. • Francis Scott Key, Star Spangled Banner
General Jackson • Victorious in the Southwest and at New Orleans • British strategy in addition to Canada and the Atlantic coast was to take the U.S. Gulf Coast and New Orleans. • Mississippi Creek Indians : 400 Americans killed General Andrew Jackson retaliated by attacking a Creek village and killing 300
Battle of New Orleans • Significance: Bought time for Jackson’s 7,000-man army to fortify New Orleans • Battle of New Orleans: British blundered by launching a frontal assault in Jan. 1815 • Jackson commanded 7,000-man force of sailors, regulars, pirates, Frenchmen, free blacks & militiamen from LA, KY and TN • Over 2,000 killed & wounded in 1/2 hour compared to about 70 Americans. • Battle of New Orleans resulted in tremendous upsurge of American pride and nationalism • Jackson became the hero of the West
Naval Battles • Americans didn't have nearly enough large warships to challenge Britain at sea. • American privateers more effective than the U.S. navy (as in Revolutionary War) • British manufacturers, merchants, & shippers put strong pressure on Parliament to end the war due to U.S. privateers' damage of Br. shipping. • British responded with a crushing blockade along America's coast and by landing raiding parties almost at will. a. U.S. economy was crippled. b. U.S treasury was bankrupt.
Treaty of Ghent (1814) • Both sides agreed to stop fighting and to restore conquered territory. • No mention of pre-war U.S. grievances: impressment, Indian menace, search and seizure, confiscations. • Americans retained right to fish off Canadian coast • Americans rejoiced -- many expected to lose territory.
Hartford Convention • New England Federalists and some Republicans adamantly opposed to the war. • Hartford Convention (Dec. 15, 1814 -- Jan. 5, 1815) • Purpose: Discuss grievances and seek redress • Immediate goal to secure financial assistance from Washington due to British blockading menace on New England shores. • A minority of radical delegates urged secession • Convention recommended amendments to the Constitution • End 3/5 Compromise, reduce Southern influence in House • 2/3 vote for an embargo, admission of western states and declaration of war. • Limit the term of the President • Deny naturalized citizens (usually Republicans) right to hold office
International legacies • American hatred of the British and mutual suspicion would last for decades. • Canadian patriotism and nationalism was boosted: some say birth of the Canadian nation. • Naval arms race between U.S. and Britain began in the Great Lakes. • Rush-Bagot Treaty (1817) 1. Severely limited naval armament on the lakes. 2. By 1870, U.S. & Canada shared longest unfortified border in the world (5,500 mi) • Americans no longer worried of European intervention in North America. 1. New sense of nationality. 2. Turned towards settlement of the West.
At no period of our political existence had we so much cause to felicitate ourselves at the prosperous and happy condition of our country. -- James Monroe PRESIDENT MONROE AND THE ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS
1812 and Nationalism • Madison more popular when leaving office in 1817 than when he assumed it in 1809 • Why? • Victories, especially Battle of New Orleans • Death of the Federalist party; reduced sectionalism; reduced states’ rights-ism • Lessening of economic and political dependence on Europe • Westward expansion and optimism about the future • Americans coming to regard themselves as Americans first and state citizens second.
Henry Clay's American System • BUS, tariffs, internal improvements • Second National Bank voted by Congress in 1816. • Lack of national backing during the War of 1812 created a banking vacuum • Local banks sprung up all over the country • Country flooded by depreciated bank notes that hampered the war effort. • Modeled after the first National Bank but with 3 1/2 times more capital: $35 mil. • Jeffersonians supported the revived bank. a. Used same arguments that Hamilton had used in 1791. b. Ironically, Federalists denounced it as unconstitutional.
Tariff of 1816 • Purpose: protection of American manufacturing from British competition. • After the war, Brits flooded U.S. with cheap goods, often below cost too strangle infant U.S. industries • Americans perceived this as British attempt to crush U.S. factories. • First protective tariff in U.S. History • 20-25% duties on imports • Not really high enough to provide completely adequate safeguards
Henry Clay’s Strategy • Tariffs = way to develop a profitable home market. • Eastern trade would flourish under protection. • Tariff revenues would fund roads and canals in the interior esp. Ohio Valley. • Frontier folks wanted better transportation; poor-no roads existed. • Foodstuffs, raw materials from the South and West would flow into the North and East