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República Bolivariana de Venezuela Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador Instituto Pedagógico “Prof. Antonio José Lira Alcalá” de Maturín. Lesson Planning. Professor: Students:
República Bolivariana de Venezuela Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador Instituto Pedagógico “Prof. Antonio José Lira Alcalá” de Maturín LessonPlanning Professor: Students: Rosa Ponce Jesús Marcano Edgar Benavides 12 – 03 - 2013
Learningestrategies Beginning Haveyouhadanyexperience withemergencies? Professor asksstudentstheirexperiencewithany Emergency case
Development Whatisan Emergency? An emergency is a serious situation or occurrence that happens unexpectedly and demands immediate action. Is a condition of urgent need for action or assistance
Injured People Bombthreat Emergency Robbery Housefire Car accident
Dialogue • John: Dad, Please come here. My sisterhaveinjuredthe • baby’s head withtheballbyaccident. Weneedtocallanambulancenow. • Fred: Ow! That’stoobad. Do youknowtheemergencynumber? • John: Yes, Itis 171. Please dial quickly. • Thanks. I haveforgottenit. I’monthat son. Keepcalm.
Simplepresent Definition The present perfect is a grammatical combination of the Present tenseand the perfect aspect, used to express a past event that has present consequences. Formula Personal Pronoun + has/have + Participleverb + complement Examples: • Shehas gonetotheparkrecently • I haveeatensomefood
Closure Exercises After lunch yo gotosee a friend. Shesays: Wouldyou liketoeat? Yousay: No, thanks. I (haveeat) 2. He (havework) alldaylong. HAVE EATEN HAVE WORKED
2nd content 2. Basic questionstobeprepared in case of emergency. • Where do youlive? • Haveyoutakenanymedication? • How do youfeelnow? • Are youalergictoanymedication? • Howold are you? • Do youhaveanyhealthproblem?
Beginning Word search
Development Dialogue After a car accident… • Mr. Penn: Aw! Ithurts me. My leg, my leg. • Operator: Oh I know. Please, keepcalm. Ambulanceisontheway. • Where do youlive? • Mr. Penn: I live in New York 5th avenue. Please, call my family. I’m Mr. Penn. • Operator: Ok, do yourememberanyphonenumber of yourfamily? • Mr. Penn: Yes, My sister. I thinkit’s 0291-7665434 • Operator: Ok, Do youhaveanyhealthproblem? Mr. Penn: Well, I suffer of hypertension. Me: That’stoobad.Howold are you? Mr. Penn: I’m 50 Yearsold.
Explanation of Emergency phrases • Where do youlive? • I live in ____ • Haveyoutakenanymedication? • No, I haven’ttakenanymedication • How do youfeelnow? • Are youalergictoanymedication? • Yes, I am • No, I’mnot. • Howold are you? • I’m __ yearsold • Do youhaveanyhealthproblem? • No, I don’t Las garzas
Closure Video