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Year 5 Revision booklet. One sheet per topic Mind map, note or questionnaire type form Some links to the internet For a general revision site go to: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/science /. KEEPING HEALTHY – Part 1. 5A.
Year 5 Revision booklet • One sheet per topic • Mind map, note or questionnaire type form • Some links to the internet • For a general revision site go to: • http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/science/ Year 5 Revision booklet
KEEPING HEALTHY – Part 1 5A Dairy Products such as milk, cheese, yoghurt, are a good source of protein and calcium, but also contain fat Fats provide insulation and energy. Only eat in small amounts. Proteins help muscles to grow, and repair damaged cells and tissue. Found in meat, fish, beans Vitamins and minerals found in fruit and vegare essential for healthy bodily functions Carbohydrates are essential for energy. Sugars in fruit and starch in bread, pasta, rice, potatoes Remember to stay healthy we need a varied and balanced diet Year 5 Revision booklet
Heart Rate for England Players during a football match 160 140 120 100 Heart rate (BPM) 80 60 40 20 0 30 50 0 10 20 40 60 70 80 90 100 Time (minutes) KEEPING HEALTHY - Part 2 5A Lungs Oxygen poor blood is pumped to the lungs from the heart Oxygen rich blood flows from the lungs to the heart David Beckham Oxygen poor blood flows back from the body to the heart Oxygen rich blood is pumped from the heart to the body Body Circulation of blood around the body • Beckham’s heart rate at the start of the match is 60 BPM. • His heart rate rises because he is active and his heart is pumping • blood to his muscles • Beckham’s heart rate drops after 45 minutes because he rests at • half time • When we exercise our heart rate rises but then drops back down • to its resting rate, when we stop. Year 5 Revision booklet
LIFECYCLES 5B PARTS OF A FLOWER 2. Growth- plants need sunlight, water, nutrients to grow. Carpel 1.Germination-the seed starts to sprout 3. Pollination- occurs when pollen is carried from one flower another flower 5. Seed Dispersal- Seeds are released from the plant and scattered in different ways such as explosion, animals, wind and water • STAMENThe male part of a plant consisting of • Anthers which store pollen • Filaments which are the stalks holding up the anthers • CARPEL The female part of the plant made up of the • Stigma where the pollen arrives • Style which is a tube that joins the stigma to the ovary • Ovary where the eggs (ovules) are stored. • PETAL: a brightly coloured part of the flower, which attracts insects and helps a plant pollinate. • SEPAL: The protective leaves around the flower when it is a bud EXPLOSION- seedpods split suddenly along their seams to scatter their seeds WIND- Seeds covered in feathery materials, act like parachutes when caught in the wind. WATER- Coconuts have hollow centers and can float Year 5 Revision booklet
When gases escape from containers they flow in every direction 5C Gases Around us Properties of Solids, Liquids and Gases Natural Gas Carbon Dioxide Helium What happens when we pour water into beakers where there are gaps or spaces between the solid objects? Oxygen We smell things when gases enter our nose We smell liquids when some of the liquid evaporates marbles sponge soil Bubbles of air Perfume Year 5 Revision booklet
5D Changing State Melting Evaporation Solid Liquid Gas Freezing Condensing Evaporation When a liquid warms up and starts to turn into a gas. Condensation When water vapour cools and turns to liquid. Melting When a solid warms up and turns into a liquid. The water cycle in nature, is an excellent example of the processes of evaporation and condensation. Freezing When a liquid gets cold enough to turn into a solid. Water turns into snow or ice when it gets verycold. When it warmsup it turns back to water Lava is molten rock, but it has to be very hot to melt rock! Chocolate goes soft and gooey if you heat it. Cool it down and it goes hard again Washing drying on the line is a good example of evaporation Year 5 Revision booklet
5E Earth Sun and Moon Year 5 Revision booklet
5E Earth Sun and Moon Spring equinox – March 21st The Earth is tilted at 23 ̊. Because of this, in our Summer the Northern Hemisphere is pointing towards the sun . This gives us long days and short nights, with warm temperatures as the Sun’s rays shine direct on us. In winter the Northern Hemisphere is pointing away from the sun. We have shorter days and longer nights as the sun’s rays bend to reach us Winter – Dec 21st Summer – June 21st Autumn Equinox – Sept 21st Year 5 Revision booklet
5E Earth Sun and Moon The earth spins or rotates on its own axis. It takes 24 hours for the Earth to spin once on its axis. As the Earth spins, some parts are facing towards the sun and some parts face away from the sun. This causes day and night. The earth spins from west to east. This means the sun always rises in the east and sets in the west. The sun moves across the sky in an arc and is at its highest point at midday. During the winter, the sun is much lower in the sky and the number of daylight hours is much less. DAY & NIGHT Year 5 Revision booklet
5F Changing Sounds • Sounds are made by vibrations, • Sounds travel through any substance which has particles and which can vibrate eg air, walls, water etc • Musical instruments vibrate strings, skins, wooden blocks, columns of air etc. • Sounds are muffled by thick materials. Pitch is how high or how low a note is Amplitude is how loud or soft a note is. High pitch Low pitch An Oscilloscope showing the shape and size of two sound waves Sound travels at different speeds through different materials