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APA Referencing Exercise: Learning Objectives. Be able to paraphrase and reference correctly. Be able to quote and reference correctly. Use references from the web correctly. Make a correct reference list. The Original Text.
APA Referencing Exercise: Learning Objectives • Be able to paraphrase and reference correctly. • Be able to quote and reference correctly. • Use references from the web correctly. • Make a correct reference list.
The Original Text Second, nonprofits have learned significantly more about the value and techniques of marketing through cause marketing partnerships between for-profit firms and nonprofit organizations. These alliance have come about as a result of the new approach of corporations to social involvement that makes such ventures part of their core business strategies.
The Publication Reference APA style Andreasen, A. R., Godstein, R. C. & Wilson, J. W. (2005). Transferring “marketing knowledge” to the nonprofit sector. California Management Review,47 (4), 46-67.
The Paraphrase Researchers have found that nonprofits learn marketing skills though joint marketing campaigns with for-profit companies (Andreasen, Goodstein& Wilson, 2005).
The Direct Quote • Second, nonprofits have learned significantly more about the value and techniques of marketing through cause marketing partnerships between for-profit firms and nonprofit organizations. These alliance have come about as a result of the new approach of corporations to social involvement that makes such ventures part of their core business strategies.
The Quote Reference Andreasen, Goodstein& Wilson (2005) have examined this issue and conclude that “… nonprofits have learned significantly more about the value and techniques of marketing through cause marketing partnerships between for-profit firms and nonprofit organizations” (p. 47).
Web Reference California Employment Development Department, Labor Market Information Division, (2008). September 2008 California employment highlights. Retrieved November 15, 2008, from http://www.labormarketinfo.edd.ca.gov/article.asp?ARTICLEID=1220
Reporting the Data California’s unemployment rose from 5.6 percent in September 2007 to 7.7 percent in September 2008. (California Employment Development Department, Labor Market Information Division, 2008)
Referencing Exercise • From Journal page: • Write a sentence with paraphrase and reference. • Write a sentence with Direct quote and reference. • Write our a reference page complete reference for the article.
What you meant to write • Reference Page: Foote, M. F. & Ruona, W.E.A (2008). Institutionalizing ethics: A synthesis of frameworks and the implications for HRD. Human Resource Development Review, 7, (3), 292-308.
Help With Referencing(These are in your syllabus) • The Writing Lab at Purdue University. The OWL at Purdue: Free Writing Help and Teaching Resources (online). Available: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/ • American Psychological Association. 2003. Electronic reference formats recommended by the American Psychological Association (online). Available: http://www.apastyle.org/elecref.html . • The Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. (2006) Writer’s Handbook (online). Available: http://www.wisc.edu/writing/Handbook/ (Aug. 28, 2006).
Model Industry Report Outline Transmittal Memo Executive summary Table of Contents List of Figures and tables I Introduction Define Industry Why worthy of study Key Competitors Key market segments
Outline II Approach/ Method (What you did) Data Sources Analysis method III Results/ Analysis (what you found) Organize around questions Describe Porter’s five forces based on data IV Conclusions What are the strategic issues facing this industry? References (APA) Style Appendix, additional data etc.