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Learning Place Tutorial 1 of 3. LP Admin What it is used for and how. Adding users to LP If you, or one of your students/colleagues are not yet a member. Finding existing LP users ’ usernames To enrol students/teachers in your course, you must first know their username.
Learning Place Tutorial 1 of 3 • LP Admin • What it is used for and how. • Adding users to LP • If you, or one of your students/colleagues are not yet a member. • Finding existing LP users’ usernames • To enrol students/teachers in your course, you must first know their username. • Enrolling existing users in your course • The enrolment process. • Requesting generic usernames • If the enrolment process fails/is too complicated. • LP Tutorial 2 – Course design and functions • LP Tutorial 3 – Building your course content
LP Admin • What it is used for and how • (2 Slides)
To create a new course, enrol students or create generic usernames, logon to “My LP Admin”. To access your newly-created course, logon to “Blackboard”. Both links can be found via this web page…
Once you have logged onto LP Admin, select from the menu on the left… Click “Add” to create a new course (Follow instructions from there.) Click “Find” to modify the NAME OR PARTICIPANTS of a course you already have – all you need to do is enter is the title of the course and remember, YOU CANNOT ALTER CONTENT FROM HERE – you have to go back to “Blackboard” (http://elearn.eq.edu.au) for that. Click “Add to LP” for students who DO NOT HAVE LP USERNAMES! If you know their EQ number, (consult student services), you can give them an LP username. Once you know the student has an LP username, click “Enrol” to add them to your course.
Adding users to LP • If you, or one of your students/ colleagues are not yet a member • (3 Slides)
Once you have clicked “Add to LP”, this window will appear. Select “EQ student” from the dropdown box and you can then click “Next” to add one at a time, or “Bulk add users” to do multiple at a time (one at a time is far less complicated!) Regardless of the way you choose to do it, you must provide the student/teacher’s EQ number and in some cases, a password. The instructions from this point on are very straight-forward, but if you choose the “Bulk add” option, you will be given instructions to download, complete and then upload a spreadsheet.
This spreadsheet will have a number of titled columns – fill in as many columns as you can, (you may leave some blank), but DO NOT alter the column titles at all – if you do, it won’t be accepted. Once you have completed the spreadsheet, SAVE IT AS SOMETHING YOU’LL REMEMBER, SOMEWHERE IN YOUR DOCUMENTS! You will then arrive back at the previous page, where you will click “Upload completed spreadsheet”, where you will click “Browse” and find the spreadsheet that you saved. Double click it/click “open” and then when it appears in the small “Browse” window, click “Upload”. Once this has been completed, you will receive an email informing you of the addition of participant/s to your course. They will be under the status “Pending Authorisation”– this means that you must confirm that they are to join the course. To do this, you will need to click “Find” underneath “My courses” in the LP Admin main menu, type in your course title and click “Search”.
You will then be greeted with this screen… Tick the box and click “Participants”– you will then be greeted with this screen… Tick the box again and click “Accept/reject participants”, and you will then see this screen… Tick the box next to the student/s pending authorisation, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click “Accept”. IGNORE THE OTHER BUTTONS! Above accept you will find “Email options” where you can send a standard email to the student/s notifying them of their enrolment – this is recommended.
Finding existing LP users’ usernames • To find students/teachers usernames so that you may enrol them in your course • (1 Slide)
Once you have clicked “Find” under “Participants, this window will appear. Provide the student/teacher’s family and given name and click “Search”– usually this is enough for the system to find them. You should receive their username like this… To add them to an existing course, do the following… Tick the box next to their name, Click “Add to course” and a new window will open, Click “Select course occurrence”, Type in the title of the course to which you want them added, then click “OK”.
Enrolling existing LP members in your course • The enrolment process • (2 Slides)
Once you have clicked “Enrol”, click here, then this window will appear, enter course name, click “Find”, then when course is found, click “OK”. Next, click “Bulk Enrol Participants”, opening this screen.* There are instructions to download, complete and then upload a spreadsheet. This spreadsheet will have a single column titled “Usernames”. Add each student’s LP username in this column, and DO NOT alter the column title at all – if you do, it won’t be accepted.
Your completed spreadsheet should look like this… Once you have complete the spreadsheet, SAVE IT AS SOMETHING YOU’LL REMEMBER, SOMEWHERE IN YOUR DOCUMENTS! You can now use this one spreadsheet every time you want to enrol your class in a new course – otherwise you’ll have to type the usernames out again! You will then arrive back at the previous page, where you will click “Upload completed spreadsheet”, where you will click “Browse” and find the spreadsheet that you saved. Double click it/click “open” and then when it appears in the small “Browse” window, click “Upload”. You have now enrolled you class in your course. *If a new student arrives in the class, go back to step 2, and instead of clicking “Bulk Enrol Participants”, click “Enrol Participants” and you can enrol them one-at-a-time.
Requesting generic usernames • For when the enrolment process is just too complicated • (1 Slide)
Once you have clicked “Request”, this window will appear. Fill in the required information – you may choose your preferred username for the students (something related to the course – this username is one course only!) and fill in your own details (name, email, etc.) You also need to provide a starting and expiry date for these usernames. Choose the number of usernames you want, and you must also provide the course unit title and code – this can be found either in the “Find my courses” link or by opening the course in Blackboard (http://elearn.eq.edu.au) Ensure that you select “Student Access” otherwise students can alter your course content. Usually within one working day, you will receive an email with the usernames and passwords listed.
Learning Place Tutorial 2 of 3 • LP Control Panel • Creating a course banner • Customising button design • Adding content area buttons • Adding announcements • Accessing students’ work submitted online • Creating your own glossary • Accessing/modifying your own calendar • Creating your own electronic markbook • Monitoring student access/use of the course • LP Tutorial 1 – Creating and enrolling your course • LP Tutorial 3 – Building your course content
Designing you Virtual Classroom • Using the Blackboard Control Panel • (3 Slides)
When you logon to Blackboard, (http://elearn.eq.edu.au), you are greeted with this page – it lists links to your courses on the right, and the “My elearn” tab at the top-left allows you to come back to this page at any time. Click on any course link to access it for customising your course design, editing of your course content and adding of course announcements.
Once you have created your new course and accessed it via the course links, you will have a default blank course ready for customising – it will be similar to this… To begin your course customisation and to edit any aspect of your course design or content, click “Control Panel”.
Access the Control Panel to do the following… • Create a course banner (Course design) • Customise button design (Course design) • Add content area buttons (Manage Course Menu) • Add announcements (Announcements) • Access student’s work submitted online (Digital Dropbox) • Create your own glossary (Glossary Manager) • Access/modify your own calendar (Course Calendar) • Create your own electronic markbook (Gradebook) • Monitor student access/use of the course (Performance Dashboard/Course Statistics)
Creating a Course Banner • (2 Slides)
A course banner, coupled with customised menu buttons, adds visual impact to your course for students used to and expecting a visual digital genre. The following examples demonstrate this impact…
To create your own course banner, click “Course Design” in the Course Options section of the Control Panel. First, click “Course Banner”, which will open the window below. (Please note that you will have to have saved a picture - a .jpeg file around 50 kb - before you access this feature. www.picsearch.com is the best image finding website to use at school, as the rest are blocked by EQ. If at home, you may also use Google Images.) Once here, click “Browse”, find the pre-saved file and when it appears in the small “Browse” window, click “Submit”, and then click “OK”.
Course Menu Design • (2 Slides)
To customise your menu design, click “Course Design” in the Course Options section of the Control Panel. Click “Course Menu Design. You will have 2 options for menu design – text or buttons. (Text will be default selected). Simply click the circle next to “Buttons” and then you have a choice of rounded or rectangular shape. Finally, to choose the colour/design, click the “Gallery of Buttons” link, which will open a new window where you can finally choose solid, striped or patterned buttons. When you have made your choice, click “Submit”, and then click “OK”.
To Change your course menu and/or add content areas, click “Manage Course Menu” in the Course Options section of the Control Panel. • To change the order of your menu buttons, simply click the dropdown numbers to assign your desired sequence. • To add a content area, (button name), click the “+Content Area” button. “+Course/+External Links” allow you to add a link to another part of your course/a web page respectively. (*Please note that Content Area is the choice you want for your button, as it is the only type that will allow you to add your own work/attach files.) • To modify a content area, (button name), click “Modify” or “Remove”. • When you have finished, click “Submit”, and then click “OK”.
Adding Announcements • (2 Slides)
To add an announcement, click “Announcements” in the Course Tools section of the Control Panel. Then click “+Announcement”. You will also be able to view/edit your announcements at this stage – click “Modify/Remove” to access these functions. (*Please note that these functions don’t appear until you have announcements posted.)
Your announcement is written just like a mini Word document. Once you have finished it, you can make it permanent or choose the time frame and you can also include a link to your course (HIGHLY recommended for homework announcements!) Click “Browse” and a small window (here bottom right) will open showing your course map. Click the + symbol to open the content areas, showing the individual sections/activities of you course. You may then choose to send an email of this announcement to all those enrolled. Tick the box next to “Email this announcement…” to do so. When you have finished, click “Submit” and then “OK”.
Using the Digital Dropbox • (1 Slide)
To access the digital dropbox, (and students’ submitted work), click “Digital Dropbox”. A list of student work will appear, and they may also add comments for you. The time and date of submission is also provided. Please advise the students that they must click ADD FILE AND SEND FILE otherwise their work will not be submitted. Also advise the students that in its default state, their access to the digital dropbox is through the “Tools” button.
Using the Glossary, Calendar and Gradebook • (1 Slide)
To access and modify your own course glossary and calendar, these can also be found in the “Course Tools” section of the Control Panel. The electronic gradebook can be accessed in the “Assessment” section. The glossary and calendar are very user-friendly – it is simply a case of clicking and typing – whereas the gradebook is very complicated and requires you to create a numerical “code” for alphabetic grades. While this tool can be very helpful – you can set certain activities in your course for grading and they then appear in the gradebook automatically – unless you are desperate for this function, I’d avoid it in favour of an Excel spreadsheet.
How to monitor student access • (1 Slide)
One of the smartest functions of the LP is its “Performance Dashboard” and “Course Statistics”, found in the “Assessment” section of the Control Panel. Click these functions to access exact records of when and what each student accessed in your course. (*Please note that this only really works for students enrolled with LP usernames, as generic usernames are listed as the teacher.) The “Course Statistics” gives you options of what content to monitor and also whether to view the access by all, or selected, students. This lists total overall access. The “Performance Dashboard” lists each student and their last course access.
Learning Place Tutorial 3 of 3 • Adding/modifying course content • To create your online lessons and activities • Attaching files • To include any pre-produced document/file • Displaying images • To create title pictures/include visuals • Adding external links to web sites • To attach links to online resources • Adding blogs and wikis • To create online interactive/collaborative activities • LP Tutorial 1 – Creating and enrolling your course • LP Tutorial 2 – Course design and functions
How to add and modify course content • (1 Slide)
To add/modify course content, click on your content area button, then click “EDIT VIEW” (top-right of screen). This will then allow you add items (“+Item”), which may include information, questions, instructions or activities. You do this as a mini-Word document. When finished, click “Submit” and then “OK” and to switch back to normal, click “DISPLAY VIEW”.