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Key Ministry…”A Church For Every Child” 2014 Bay Bridge Report

Key Ministry…”A Church For Every Child” 2014 Bay Bridge Report. Hu Auburn Staff Director, Key Ministry Stephen Grcevich, MD Director of Strategic Initiatives, Key Ministry Presented at Bay Presbyterian Church Bay Village, Ohio April 29, 2014. Key Ministry’s Mission….

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Key Ministry…”A Church For Every Child” 2014 Bay Bridge Report

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  1. Key Ministry…”A Church For Every Child”2014 Bay Bridge Report Hu Auburn Staff Director, Key Ministry Stephen Grcevich, MD Director of Strategic Initiatives, Key Ministry Presented at Bay Presbyterian Church Bay Village, Ohio April 29, 2014

  2. Key Ministry’s Mission… Key Ministry provides knowledge, innovation and experience to the worldwide church as it ministers to and with families of children impacted by mental illness, trauma and developmental disabilities.

  3. Ministry by BPC People… Steve Grcevich…Board chair/ Director of Strategic Initiatives Libby Peterson…Vice President

  4. Ministry by BPC People… Dave McKee…Treasurer Jim Hagen…Board member

  5. Ministry by BPC People… Hu Auburn…Staff Director

  6. Four strategic initiatives… Establishment/expansion of online ministry resources (training, Inclusion Fusion, online church) Strategic partnerships with like-minded ministry organizations Promote advocacy of disability ministry among senior pastors, church leaders Development of “help center” for churches seeking to “do ministry”

  7. Online ministry resources… • 694 registered users for keyministry.org resources • 3318 Facebook “fans” as of this week • TWO of the top-15 ranked children’s ministry blogs in 2013 (by ministry-to-children) • Ministry blog (Church4EveryChild) averaging over 11K page views/month in 2014 (780 subscribers) • Assist in moderating Special Needs/Disability Ministry Facebook Leaders Group (476 members) • 11K+ views of training/ministry videos on You Tube • Nearly 27,000 views of training handouts on SlideShare

  8. Online ministry initiative… • How to train more churches/small churches? Training platform beta-tested in February,2014 • Inclusion Fusion Web Symposium/Summit • The Front Door…Online Church pilot

  9. Inclusion Fusion… Monthly Web Symposium Annual Web Summit November 12-13 • Monthly web symposia re-launched in March, 2014 • Topical focus… • Inclusion in Christian schools • Disability ministry in third-world cultures • Inclusion of medically fragile kids at church (HIV+)

  10. The Front Door… Online church campuses for families of kids with disabilities Launched on Easter Sunday, 2014 • Outwardly-focused initiative to serve families of kids with mental illness, trauma, developmental disabilities • Goal…for families served to worship in the physical presence of other believers at churches in their home regions • First campus launched in partnership with Community Bible Church, San Antonio • 3-5 campuses by Fall, 2014

  11. Strategic partnerships… • We’re providing a service AND leading a movement. • High value on collaboration • CLC Network, Nathaniel’s Hope, 99 Balloons • Inclusion Fusion partner organizations include… McLean Bible Church, Ability Tree, Young Life Capernaum, SNAPPIN’ Ministries, Saddleback Church, 99 Balloons, SNAPPIN’ Ministries, CLC Network • Right Now Media

  12. Local partnerships…

  13. Influencing Senior Pastors, Church Leaders… • Hu Auburn exploring possibilities for building influence in seminaries • Nils Smith (online ministry consultant) helping to identify opportunities • Most challenging initiative

  14. Help Center and other “hands-on” ministry • We’ve always provided resources AND relationship • Will be re-branding our “help line” in June, 2014 • Staffed by Mike Woods of First Baptist Church, Orlando, Shannon Dingle of Providence Baptist Church, Raleigh NC • Partnerships around church-based respite care

  15. 2014 Key Ministry Budget…

  16. 2014 Key Ministry Budget…

  17. 2014 Budget Notes… • 2014 surplus related to anticipated receipt of major gift pledge • Staff resignation has resulted in spending below budget projections through April ‘14 • Board task force preparing for substantial hiring in second half of 2014 • 2014 is first year of a three year working budget • Projections based upon no new revenue from online ministry initiatives

  18. From a Front Door Worship host… Oh, my gosh! XXXX is amazing. She is an ordained pastor and an RN. She does foster/adoption of extremely medically fragile children. XXXX, her son, was having a rough week with brain stem seizures. She was so grateful to attend that Easter service online! At the end of the service, she told me XXXX’s seizures had stopped and he had fallen peacefully asleep. Glory to God! FYI… XXXX is part of that FB group. Ironic how I didn’t want to host a 10 PM service. But I figured, if she could be suffering through XXXXXX’s seizures with him, I could suffer through another hour by attending church with her. April 21, 2014

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