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2012 IDA Conference More Butts on the Street

2012 IDA Conference More Butts on the Street. 10:30 - Noon Sat. Sept. 22 Smoking Restrictions, Negative Effects, and Strategies for LESS BUTTS on the Street. Cigarette Litter Facts. Cigarette Butts = 38% of all roadside litter

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2012 IDA Conference More Butts on the Street

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2012 IDA Conference More Butts on the Street 10:30 - Noon Sat. Sept. 22 Smoking Restrictions, Negative Effects, and Strategies for LESS BUTTS on the Street

  2. Cigarette Litter Facts Cigarette Butts = 38% of all roadside litter Indoor Smoking Bans = more litter on the street = more clean up costs, and More smokers gathering outside buildings = potential nuisance

  3. THE NUMBER ONE LITTERED ITEM ….But it doesn’t have to be! • KAB research indicated the overall littering rate for cigarette butts is 65% • that each additional ash receptacle reduced this rate by 9%

  4. Smokefree Air Laws

  5. From Indoor to Outdoor Bans Ithaca

  6. Outdoor Smoking Bans • Is there enforcement? • Does smoking still occur in these areas? • Without ash receptacles for disposal, is there more cigarette litter? • Who cleans it up?

  7. Cigarette Litter Prevention Program Strategies: • Review and support litter laws • Educate the public to build awareness • Install ash receptacles at transition points • Distribute portable ashtrays to adult smokers

  8. Program Impact • On average, cuts cigarette litter in half • Sustains impact over time • 103 programs reported a sustainability scan: • 48% reductionfrom the original preliminary scan in 2011 to the first follow up scan in 2011 • An additional reduction of 17% from the first follow up scan in 2011 to the sustainability scan in 2012

  9. Downtown Green Bay

  10. Downtown Green Bay

  11. Not these butts on the beach!

  12. Carlsbad CA

  13. Program Challenges • Ash receptacle selection and installation • Codes, regulations, bans and restrictions • Workplace – potential conflict? • Concerns re “water cooler” effect – gathering place for smokers

  14. Receptacle Signage

  15. Pocket Ashtray

  16. Portable Ashtray


  18. Cigarette Litter Prevention Program Questions? You may also send these via email to: CLPP@KAB.ORG Bronwen Evans, Director, Litter Programs Shannon O’Donnell, Manager, Litter Programs

  19. 2013 GRANTS from Keep America Beautiful Look out for information from the IDA, or email CLPP@KAB.ORG in December 2012 with subject header 2013 CLPP Grants

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