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Test Taking Vocabulary

Vocabulary can make or break an assessment!. Test Taking Vocabulary. Show what you know?. Directions: Take out a piece of paper. Number 1 – 15 going down the page (left side); skip two lines between each number .

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Test Taking Vocabulary

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  1. Vocabulary can make or break an assessment! Test Taking Vocabulary

  2. Show what you know? Directions: Take out a piece of paper. Number 1 – 15 going down the page (left side); skip two lines between each number. On the next slide you will be introduced to 15 key test-taking terms.For each term you will write a sentence which identifies your current understanding of each term. The sentences will begin with one of the following sentence starters: “I know the word ________ means…”or “I think the word ________ means…”or “I don’t know the word _________ but I can speculate that it means…” Example: I know the word define means to name, label or describe something.

  3. 1. Analyze 2. Compare 3. Contrast 4. Define 5. Discuss 6. Evaluate 7. Identify 8. Illustrate 9. Interpret 10. Infer 11. Justify 12. Sequence 13. Summarize 14. Synthesize 15. Trace Use the sentence starters: “I know the word ________ means..” or “I think the word ________ means…” or “I don’t know the word _________ but I can speculate that it means…” Test Taking Vocabulary

  4. Pair-Share Be prepared to share your responses with the class. Remember the four L’s plus thank you. Directions: Find a partner. Number yourselves #1 and #2. Share two terms that you knowor think you know and two terms that don’t know but can speculate about with your partner.(If you think you know them all, share four.) Use the sentence starters to share your definition or explanation of the word.Partner #1 begin.

  5. Remember the four L’s plus thank you. • Look: face partner, make eye contact • Lean: lean forward and nod as appropriate. • Listen: demonstrate listening by repeating, summarizing or commenting on partner’s ideas. • Low Voice: use a partner voice—loud enough for your partner but not others, to hear. • Thanks: Thank your partner for sharing his/her ideas.

  6. Time to Review and Clarify Teachers Directions: • For each test-taking term slide, read the word and definition. • Have students repeat both chorally. • Select a student to read the explanation and another to read the sample sentence. • Discuss the graphic. • Finally, have students adjust their definitions according to the directions provided (next slide).

  7. Student Directions • As you learn more about each word by reviewing each slide, edit your definitions. Use your own words so that it will be easy for you to remember. • Draw a graphic/symbol which will help you remember the word. In the end, you should be able to explain the words or teach them to another person.

  8. I had to analyze the situation before making my decision. Direction Reminder: Teacher read, students repeat, students read (explanation and sentence), all discuss graphic, and students edit work.

  9. We can compare a bus and a car because they both have wheels. Direction Reminder: Teacher read, students repeat, students read (explanation and sentence), all discuss graphic, and students edit work.

  10. When we contrast a bus and a car we find that a bus can hold a lot more people than a car. Direction Reminder: Teacher read, students repeat, students read (explanation and sentence), all discuss graphic, and students edit work.

  11. In class we had to define fifteen terms using our own words. Direction Reminder: Teacher read, students repeat, students read (explanation and sentence), all discuss graphic, and students edit work.

  12. Students discuss their college options with their parents. Direction Reminder: Teacher read, students repeat, students read (explanation and sentence), all discuss graphic, and students edit work.

  13. IT’S REVIEW TIME!!! Student Directions: • When given the signal… • Stand and move out of rows. • When the teacher clicks the speaker, you will hear a wild applause. • During the applause move around the room to find a partner. (Move until applause stops!) • Share your two most interesting graphics with the person closest to you at the end of the applause. • Explain why they will help you remember the terms. • Student standing closest to the door share first.

  14. The soccer coach evaluatesall of the players before selecting the team. Direction Reminder: Teacher read, students repeat, students read (explanation and sentence), all discuss graphic, and students edit work.

  15. Now that we have identified the problem, we must decide how to fix it. Direction Reminder: Teacher read, students repeat, students read (explanation and sentence), all discuss graphic, and students edit work.

  16. The example sentence illustrated the meaning of the word. Direction Reminder: Teacher read, students repeat, students read (explanation and sentence), all discuss graphic, and students edit work.

  17. You can interpret the data in different ways. Direction Reminder: Teacher read, students repeat, students read (explanation and sentence), all discuss graphic, and students edit work.

  18. She inferred that he was married because he wore a wedding ring. Direction Reminder: Teacher read, students repeat, students read (explanation and sentence), all discuss graphic, and students edit work.

  19. IT’S REVIEW TIME!!! It’s a game! Let’s prep… • Find a partner sitting near you. • Place yourselves so that one of you has his/her back to the screen. • When the teacher clicks forward, the partner facing the screen will see five of the 10 words previously covered. • Partner facing the screen needs to give clues to the one whose back is to the screen so that he/she can guess the word. (DO NOT SAY ANY FORM OF THE WORD IN THE CLUES… AND NO PEEKING!) • Upon finishing the list, raise your hand so that your teacher can identify you… after the first five partnerships have finished, stop the game… Come on, be in the fabulous five!!!

  20. First Fabulous Five Test-Taking Terms Evaluate Infer Compare Illustrate Contrast

  21. Partner Alert!!! Partners switch places for the second list of fabulous five test-taking terms.

  22. Second List of Fabulous Five Test-Taking Terms Interpret Identify Analyze Define Discuss

  23. WINNER ALERT!!! If you are a winner, winner, chicken dinner, stand and take a bow! Come on…don’t be shy… 

  24. Don’t try to justify his rudeness. Direction Reminder: Teacher read, students repeat, students read (explanation and sentence), all discuss graphic, and students edit work.

  25. The names of the students who made the soccer team were listed in alphabetical sequence. Direction Reminder: Teacher read, students repeat, students read (explanation and sentence), all discuss graphic, and students edit work.

  26. Now summarize the article in three sentences. Direction Reminder: Teacher read, students repeat, students read (explanation and sentence), all discuss graphic, and students edit work.

  27. The chef synthesized all of the ingredients to make soup. Direction Reminder: Teacher read, students repeat, students read (explanation and sentence), all discuss graphic, and students edit work.

  28. Trace the life cycle of a butterfly. Direction Reminder: Teacher read, students repeat, students read (explanation and sentence), all discuss graphic, and students edit work.

  29. IT’S REVIEW TIME!!! • Now it’s time to show what you know. We will now take a quiz to see how well you understand the test-taking terms. • Take out sheet of paper. Number it 1-15. • The following slides will provide you with a clue in the form of a definition, an explanation, a sentence, or a graphic. Write down the test-taking term that you think best matches the clue. Check your answers.

  30. Teacher Directions: • The first “click” of the mouse will display the clue. (Allow wait time while students write down their responses.) • The second “click” will reveal the answer.

  31. The Clue # 1 This man is probably a musician… Word Bank: Sequence Infer Compare Illustrate Discuss Infer

  32. The Clue # 2 Mark arranged his phone numbers into alphabetical order; in other words, he put them into ________. Word Bank: Sequence Infer Compare Illustrate Discuss Sequence

  33. The Clue # 3 If you sing a song originally made famous by a rock superstar on American Idol, the judges will _______ you to the original. Word Bank: Sequence Infer Compare Illustrate Discuss Compare

  34. The Clue # 4 Students should______________texting options with the salesperson before changing their phone plan. Word Bank: Sequence Infer Compare Illustrate Discuss Discuss

  35. The Clue # 5 In order to convince your parents to let you attend a social event, you must clearly ________ how the event will help you grow as a person. Word Bank: Sequence Infer Compare Illustrate Discuss Illustrate

  36. Check your responses…So far…so good? • Infer • Sequence • Compare • Discuss • Illustrate 100 %

  37. The Clue # 6 Which is the best reality TV show—The Apprentice, The Amazing Race, Little People, Big World? Let’s _________ these three to determine the best! Word Bank: Define Evaluate Analyze Justify Contrast Evaluate

  38. The Clue # 7 What?! You think The Amazing Race is the best reality show? We need to break this down, look at the pieces… we need to _________ more closely. Word Bank: Define Evaluate Analyze Justify Contrast Analyze

  39. The Clue # 8 Word Bank: Define Evaluate Analyze Justify Contrast These “cameras” are really different! Contrast

  40. The Clue # 9 He’s a pizza delivery boy making minimum wage! How can he __________ going to Jared’s and buying a huge diamond for his girlfriend’s finger? Word Bank: Define Evaluate Analyze Justify Contrast Justify

  41. The Clue # 10 The choices you make _______ your character and affect how the world looks at you. Word Bank: Define Evaluate Analyze Justify Contrast Define

  42. Check Point - How ya doin’? 6. Evaluate 7. Analyze 8. Contrast 9. Justify 10. Define 100 %

  43. The Clue # 11 Sherlock Holmes uses careless clues left by the criminal “masterminds” to _________ their every move. Word Bank Summarize Trace Synthesize Identify Interpret Trace

  44. The Clue # 12 Kid Rock ____________(d) music from Lynyrd Skynyrd’s song Sweet Home Alabama with his own lyrics to create his hit song All Summer Long. Word Bank Summarize Trace Synthesize Identify Interpret Synthesized

  45. The Clue # 13 Sometimes when my good friend is retelling me a story, including every detail, every name, every event, minute to minute, I wish she would just hit the high points… you know, ___________. Word Bank Summarize Trace Synthesize Identify Interpret Summarize

  46. The Clue # 14 What does this mean? Why the orange? I need someone to ________ this for me. Word Bank Summarize Trace Synthesize Identify Interpret Interpret

  47. The Clue # 15 Word Bank Summarize Trace Synthesize Identify Interpret With eyes like this, Homer should be able to ______ even the smallest bug in the grass! Identify

  48. You did it!!! 11. Trace 12. Synthesize 13. Summarize 14. Interpret 15. Identify 100 %

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