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Your “Do Now” 4/11

Your “Do Now” 4/11. Grab a paper from up front Read through the first part Answer the first 2 questions Be ready to share. Agenda 4/11. Turn in Circle Map & Exploring Energy & Matter paper (1 st Day) Notes #2 Revisit intro Practice problems. Ch 8 Notes #2 Macromolecules.

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Your “Do Now” 4/11

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Your “Do Now” 4/11 • Grab a paper from up front • Read through the first part • Answer the first 2 questions • Be ready to share

  2. Agenda 4/11 • Turn in Circle Map & Exploring Energy & Matter paper (1st Day) • Notes #2 • Revisit intro • Practice problems

  3. Ch 8 Notes #2 Macromolecules

  4. Learning Target 2) I can explain the importance of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids and what foods we eat to get them

  5. The parts of living things • Life on earth is carbon based because all living things have carbon in them.

  6. Some key vocab terms Monomer Polymer Macromolecule Carbohydrates Proteins Lipids

  7. Monomer: one small molecule • Analogy: one LEGO brick

  8. Polymer: several monomers joined together Analogy: chain of LEGOs

  9. Some analogies

  10. Macromolecule A large molecule made of many smaller parts

  11. What do these words mean? Micro MACRO

  12. The four types of macromolecules: Proteins Lipids (fats) Carbohydrates Nucleic acids (DNA/RNA)

  13. Three out of the 4 types of biochemical macromolecules can be found on food nutrition labels…

  14. Look at the label to the left. 3 of the 4 macromolecules can be found in foods. Lipids (fats) • 1____________________ • 2____________________ • 3____________________ (0 grams in this product) Carbohydrates (13 grams in this product) Protein (9 grams in this product)

  15. NUCLEIC ACIDS The 4th type is not found on food labels Two types: DNA and RNA Nucleic acids made up of nucleotides (sugar, phosphate, base) Cells make nucleic acids using foods we eat

  16. Getting energy from food Our digestive system breaks foods down to • Make energy and molecules that store energy • Making molecules that can be used by our body

  17. Look at the foods in your cup! • Our first macromolecules are proteins • Which foods do you think are high in proteins?

  18. PROTEINS • Importance of proteins: • Provide structurefor body parts • A source of energy • Part of the cell membrane • Oxygen transport (hemoglobin) • Enzymes: special type of protein that helps speed-up reactions.

  19. PROTEINS Muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones

  20. PROTEINS Hair, Skin, and Nails

  21. PROTEINS Proteins are made of chains of amino acids(polypeptides)

  22. PROTEINS If you didn’t have enzymes in your stomach to speed up digestion, the food would rot in your stomach because it would take so long!

  23. Foods that are high in proteins Chicken / turkey Fish Red meat Beans Dairy Eggs Nuts

  24. LIPIDS (fats) • Supply long-term energy (stored in body for later use) • Make up part of the cell membrane (let things in & out of cell) • Provide insulation (keep organisms warm)

  25. LIPIDS • Lipids are made of two parts: fatty acids and glycerol

  26. LIPIDS from foods Donuts & cookies Cheese Grease OILS BUTTER

  27. Take another look in your cup • Carbohydrates are up next • Which foods do you think have a lot of “carbs”

  28. CARBOHYDRATES Main source of short-term energy for our bodies Carbohydrates are made of units of sugar Found in almost everything you eat More readily useable than lipids and proteins Get into blood stream quickly

  29. Simple CARBOHYDRATES Glucose, sucrose (table sugar)

  30. COOKIES and CANDY Simple Carbs. CAKES FRUITS

  31. Complex Carbohydrates Example: Starch (not broken down as easily)

  32. Complex CARBS-- Food examples PASTAS BREADS VEGETABLES

  33. Body stores extra carbs in the body as fats (glycogen)

  34. Energy from foods is measured in Calories. Example: If you drink a glass of skim milk, you will get a gain of 90 Calories of energy for your body.

  35. Which type will be highest in calories? • Proteins • Carbs • Lipids

  36. PROTEINS: 1 gram protein = 4 Calories.

  37. Energy Gained From Carbohydrates CARBS: 1g carbohydrates = 4 Calories.

  38. LIPIDS 1 g = 9 Calories. Notice if you eat 1 gram of fat, you are gaining more than twice the amount of Calories than from a gram of carbohydrate or protein!

  39. Food is a mix of all three

  40. ENERGY So…

  41. Practice

  42. LIPIDS…Some interesting info Waterproofing... • Fruits produce a waxy coating to keep from drying out. • The cells in a tulip make a wax which helps coat the leaves. • Ear wax traps dust, sand, and other foreign particles from going deeper into the ear and causing damage. • Beeswax- a structural material to hold honey in the hive

  43. LIPIPS…Some interesting info Steriods... There are many different types of steroids. They are all lipids. Their functions vary. Some common steroids are: SEX STEROIDS ANABOLIC STERIODS They increase muscle Like testosterone and estrogen

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