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Reinstatement of Roads Scrutiny Topic Group 16 January 2014. Reinstatement of Roads Agenda. 10:00 Confirmation of Chairman – Tom Hawkyard 10:05 Welcome and Introduction – Tom/Cllr Robin Parker 10:10 Background and General – Jon Prince 10: 45 Co-ordinating Works – Dave Barnett (Stuart Worth)
Reinstatement of RoadsAgenda 10:00 Confirmation of Chairman – Tom Hawkyard 10:05 Welcome and Introduction – Tom/Cllr Robin Parker 10:10 Background and General – Jon Prince 10: 45 Co-ordinating Works – Dave Barnett (Stuart Worth) 11:15 Break 11:30 Inspections – Paul Castleman 11:50 Utility View – Gavin Jackson, Affinity Water 12:20 Utility View – Andrew Stone, National Grid Gas 12:50 Lunch 13:50 Business Drivers – Andrew Lee 14:20 National View – David Capon 14:50 Summary Conclusions and Recommendations - Tom 16:00 Finish
Reinstatement of RoadsIntroduction and Background Jon Prince Group Manager Network Strategy and Compliance
Reinstatement of Roads • General principles… • Who can dig, to what rules, • We manage and co-ordinate • But what other drivers are there..? • How we work together • Utopia… • http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=dg3StO-7zZY
Reinstatement of Roads Street works Works carried out by statutory undertakers, or licensees under section 50 of New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 (NRSWA), or their contractors, to install, inspect, maintain, repair or replace apparatus are known as street works.
Reinstatement of Roads Road works (or “works for road purposes”) These are works usually carried out by highway authorities to repair, maintain or replace highways, which under highways law includes the footway or pavement. This will include works to replace or maintain street lighting, even if carried out on behalf of the council by an electricity distribution company.
Reinstatement of Roads • Statutory undertakers • Most utility companies are statutory undertakers. Statutory undertakers have a statutory right or duty to install, inspect, maintain, repair, or replace apparatus in or under the street in primary legislation. • This legislation is: • Gas Act 1986 as amended by the Gas Act 1995 (schedule 3) • Electricity Act 1989 (schedule 4) • Water Resources Act 1991 (section 159) • Telecommunications Act 1984 as amended by schedule 3 of the Communications Act 2003
Reinstatement of Roads • Local highway authority • In two-tier areas (i.e. where there are district councils and a county council), it is the county council that is the local highway authority (gov.uk) And all working together, JUG, JAG HAUC
Who can dig the highway;28 (currently) Statutory Undertakers in Hertfordshire100+ ‘statutory undertakers’, licence holders nationally any of which could work in Herts4 types of Highway Authority works
Types of works;Almost 50/50 split street works v road worksWater biggest, Affinity biggestBased on real data from year 1 of permit scheme
Reinstatement of Roads • What governs everything that we and the utilities do • PUSWA 1950 • NRSWA 1991 • TMA 2004 – including our Network Management Duty • EEPS 2012 • …
Traffic Management Act (2004) Expeditious movement…
The East of England Permit Scheme (2012) Functionally identical scheme HCC, SoSBC, BBC, LBC HCC Lead, Permits on All Roads Notices v Permits, have to ask to work…
The East of England Permit Scheme (2012) Stakeholder engagement Best Practice
Reinstatement of RoadsCo-ordination of Works on the Highway Stuart Worth Permit Scheme Performance Manager
What control does HCC have over who digs in the highway and when?63,000 works to co-ordinate1200 per week242 per day
>Prior to November 2012, statutory undertakers served notice of intention to work;> Minimal challenge to the content of these notices e.g. timing, traffic management;> Very few Highways works were notified;> Resulted in either inaccurate or no information in the public domain about roadworks;>High level of road space booked but not used.
>With the introduction of the Permit Scheme in November 2012, ALL those wishing to work on the highway must “ask” to do so via a permit application;> The Authority must respond to this request and can also apply conditions;> Minimum lead times and maximum response times apply to ensure works can be effectively co-ordinated.
Conditions are the key tool that enable effective co-ordination of activities on the network and to deliver the benefits and objectives of the scheme. Types of conditions include;Days/Times works can be carried out Type of Traffic Management Residents are informed in advance Bus operators are consulted… There are 13 types in total.Failure by any promoter to adhere to conditions can result in a fine.
In summary...........Co-ordination is a delicate balance of everybody's needs.- People don’t want to be held up in road works- People don’t want to be without electric, phone, internet…- People don’t want a patch in that nicely resurfaced road surface…Effective co-ordination and management by the Authority is essential to ensure that traffic disruption is minimised whilst allowing Promoters the required time and space to complete their works.
Real time information… http://www.hertsdirect.org/services/transtreets/highways/hhonlineservices/roadworksinfo/?utm_source=HomePage&utm_medium=TopTasks&utm_campaign=RoadworksinfoHP
Reinstatement of RoadsInspection and Compliance Paul Castleman Assistant Network Manager, Strategy and Compliance
County-wide Policy Process Development NRSWA Expert NRSWA / TMA Budgetary Control NRSWA / TMA Consultations Network Strategy & Compliance Functions NRSWA / TMA Invoicing approval County & Regional HAUC Representation Paul Castleman National HAUC Representation Joint Chair on HAUC(UK) Coordination Working Group NRSWA / TMA Enforcement and Prosecutions Permit Strategy & Compliance Stakeholder Lead Officer NRSWA / TMA Work Promoters Performance Management NRSWA / TMA Performance and non-compliance Escalations NRSWA Inspection Service NRSWA Recovery of Cost
Central NRSWA Administration Plant Enquiry Service NRSWA Sample and Highways Road Work Inspections NRSWA Enforcement/ Prosecutions 3rd Party Inspections NRSWA Inspection Service FPN Management Service Investigatory (Routine) Inspections Project Manager Richard Hennessy Section 50 Inspections NRSWA invoice Verifications Section 74 Inspections Non Compliance Escalations Defect Follow up Inspections Section 81 Inspections Permit Compliance Inspections Regime
New Roads and Street Works Act, 1991. Section 70 – Duty of Undertaker to reinstate. Section 71 – Materials, workmanship and standard of reinstatement. Section 72 – Powers of street authority in relation to reinstatement. Section 75 – Inspection Fees. Section 81 – Duty to maintain apparatus, Section 96 – Recovery of costs or expenses(Defect Follow –up inspections and Temporarily Make Safe charges.
NRSWA Inspection types Sample – A, B and C Herts Highways Road Works 3rd Party Adhoc / Routine ‘Latent’ Defects Coring Protocol Defect non-compliance follow up. Section 81 Non-compliance escalations
NRSWA Inspection Service – Targets and achievements(9 months from April to December 2013
Reinstatement of RoadsView for a Utility Gavin Jackson Group Manager, Affinity Water
Replacing your asset • Affinity Water identified a need forFirst Hit Reinstatementin 2006 • Improve Customer Experience • Reduce Section 74 Overstay fines • Minimise Interim Reinstatement issues • Minimise Traffic Disruption • Now: • First Hit reinstatement is our requirement on all contracts • R&M contract not paid until Permanent reinstatement achieved
Replacing your asset In 2013 Affinity Water awarded SQS with a new Reinstatement Contract based on their commitment to Quality and their partnership approach. SQS were looking for someone to work with them on a shared goal of completing 98% of all jobs within 24 hours. • Some of the innovations to help achieve this are - • OnTrack • QRS – Quality Recycling Services • Defect Overview Pamphlet • Customer calling cards WORKING TOGETHER
Replacing your asset 24hr reinstatement analysis 35 WORKING TOGETHER
Replacing your asset WORKING TOGETHER
Replacing your asset Section 74 charge reduction analysis 37 WORKING TOGETHER
Replacing your asset Defective reinstatements 38 WORKING TOGETHER
Replacing your asset • Some of the reasons we have for not achieving 1st time reinstatements • Emergency works – esp OOH • Incorrect surface data – can be human error or a physically different construction • Further leaks hampering quality reinstatement • Duration constraints – getting the road open swiftly • Adverse Weather • Third Party intervention WORKING TOGETHER
Working with JUG and JAG Work continues to improve our performance through a variety of means, not least of which are the Local and National JUG forums. This provides opportunity to share best practice across Undertakers These feed into their respective HAUC meetings where JAG and JUG come together… We are signed up to the HAUC(UK) Code of Conduct We have sponsored the NJUG awards for the past 3 years as well as being active participants.
Our Customer Outcomes Making sure our customers have enough water Supplying high quality water you can trust Minimising disruption to you and your community Providing a value for money service
Affinity Water Business Plan 2015-20 • Some of the areas of interest for a Highways Authority • Universal Metering Programme • Aiming for 90% coverage by 2020 across communities 1, 2, 3 & 5 • Increased Leakage Detection Activity • Reduce leakage by 14% - 27 million litres a day! • In effect this will mean that our excavations within your area will double across the next 5 year period.
Reinstatement of RoadsView from a Utility Andrew Stone Group Manager, National Grid Gas
SlideGas Act 1986 as amended by the Gas Act 1995 (schedule 3)
Reinstatement of RoadsBusiness Drivers Andrew Lee Superfast Broadband Programme Manager, HCC
Bucks & Herts Connected Counties Broadband Programme 16 January 2014
Introduction – Why is broadband important? Component of the economic vision for Bucks/Herts Key to competitiveness of Bucks/Herts ‘offer’ Business growth, job creation, entrepreneurship Public sector transformation, service delivery Social equity, sustainability, tele-health, education Growing need for better connectivity, increased speeds Market will deliver circa 84% superfast broadband by 2015 Desire to provide ubiquitous coverage Local and Central Government intervention required
Connected Counties • Bucks-Herts partnership – Councils, LEPs and Government • Established in 2011, Local Broadband Plan approved early 2012 • Used Government Framework, coordinated by Broadband Delivery UK • Funding from Bucks/Herts CC, Bucks Thames Valley/Herts LEPs, BDUK and supplier to tackle areas of ‘market failure’ • Underwent substantial procurement process (State Aid, data capture, engagement, evaluation etc) • Award contract to supplier with best solution