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THEME 2 NATURE & ENVIRONMENT “Doğa ve çevre” A – NATURAL DISASTERS Doğal felaketler

THEME 2 NATURE & ENVIRONMENT “Doğa ve çevre” A – NATURAL DISASTERS Doğal felaketler. Are landslides, floods, earthquakes natural disasters? - Yes, landslides, floods, earthquakes are natural disasters. - Yes, they are . What are other natural disasters ?

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THEME 2 NATURE & ENVIRONMENT “Doğa ve çevre” A – NATURAL DISASTERS Doğal felaketler

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  1. THEME 2NATURE & ENVIRONMENT“Doğa ve çevre”A – NATURAL DISASTERSDoğal felaketler

  2. Arelandslides, floods, earthquakes natural disasters? - Yes, landslides, floods, earthquakesare natural disasters. - Yes, theyare. • What areother natural disasters? - Other natural disastersare tsunami, hurricane and volcanic eruption. - Theyare tsunami, hurricane and volcanic eruption. • Arefires natural disasters? - No, firesare not natural disasters. - No, theyaren’t. • Dounder water explosionscause tsunamis? - Yes, underwater explosionscause tsunamis. - Yes, theydo. • WhatcauseS tsunamis? - Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions, landslidesCAUSE tsunamis.

  3. Doestrafficcause landslides? - Yes, trafficcauseS landslides. - Yes, itdoes. • Dopeoplecause landslides? - Yes, peoplecause landslides. - Yes, theydo. • How dopeoplecause landslides? (Deforestation, cultivation & construction) - Peoplecut trees. - Theyconstruct huge buildings. • Dolandslides happen in Kastamonu? - No, landslidesdon’thappen in Kastamonu. - No, theydon’t. • Where dolandslides often happen in Turkey? - They often happen in Black Sea Region.

  4. Why dolandslideshappen in Black Sea Region most? - Because itrainS a lot there. • Dopeoplelive by the rivers? Yes, peoplelive by the rivers. Yes, theydo. • Isthe landby the river flat and fertile? - Yes, the land by the riveris flat and fertile. - Yes, itis flat and fertile. • Why dopeoplelive by the rivers? Because the landis flat and fertile. Because RIVERSprovide easy travel. • Whatis the FUEL for the hurricanes? - HEAT and WATER are the fuel for the hurricanes.

  5. Isa funeral a ceremony for a death person? - Yes, a funeralis a ceremony for a death person. - Yes, itis. • Why dopeoplecry at funerals? Because THEYare sad. Because one of their friends is dead. • DidMarmara earthquakehappen in 1999? - Yes, Marmara earthquake happenED in 1999. - Yes, itDID. • What dopeopledo during a disaster? - Peopletry to protect themselves. - Theytry to protect themselves. • Canweprotect ourselves from natural disasters? - No, but wecantake precautions.

  6. How canweprotect ourselves from natural disasters? - We don’t build our houses by the rivers. - We canuse strong materials to build our houses. - We canprotect nature. • Dopeoplewear colourful clothes at funerals? - No, peopledon’t wear colourful clothes at funerals. - No, theydon’t. • Why do people prefer wearing black clothes at funerals? - Because BLACK symboliseS UNhappiness or sadNESS. • Whatis the most important thing a person has? - The most important thing a person hasis his health. - Itis his health. • What does “survivor, sufferer, disastervictim” mean? - ItmeanS “someone who still lives after a disaster.”

  7. Isa volcano an opening in the surface of the earth? Yes, a volcanois an opening in the surface of the earth. Yes, itis. • Doesthis openingALLOW hot lava, volcanic ash and gases to escape? - Yes, this openingallowShot lava, volcanic ash and gases to escape. - Yes, itdoes. • Dohot lava, volcanic ash and gasesescape from magma chamber below the surface? - Yes, hot lava volcanic ash and gasesescape from magma chamber below the surface. - Yes, theyescape from magma chamber below the surface. - Yes, theydo. • Where dohot lava, volcanic ash and gasesescape from? - Hot lava, volcanic ash and gasesescape from MAGMA CHAMBER BELOW THE SURFACE. - Theyescape from magma chamber below the surface. • What isthe shaking of the earth called? - The shaking of the earthis called “EARTHQUAKE”. - Itis called “EARTHQUAKE”.

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