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Cold War. 50's. 80's. 60's. 70's. 40's. 1950. 1980. 1960. 1970. 1990. Reagan End of Cold War INF Treaty Reaganomics Rise of terrorism Gorbachev Iran –Contra Affair Berlin wall fell. JFK LBJ Civil Rights Black panthers Malcolm X Space Race Great Society JFK Shot
Cold War 50's 80's 60's 70's 40's 1950 1980 1960 1970 1990 • Reagan • End of Cold War • INF Treaty • Reaganomics • Rise of terrorism • Gorbachev • Iran –Contra Affair • Berlin wall fell • JFK • LBJ • Civil Rights • Black panthers • Malcolm X • Space Race • Great Society • JFK Shot • Woodstock • Nixon • Ford Carter • Feminist • Roe vs Wade • Watergate • End of Vietnam • SALT talks • Camp David • OPEC – no oil • Iranian Hostage Crisis -FDR Truman End of WWII Start of Cold War Iron Curtain • Truman • Eisenhower • Beatles/Elvis • McCarthyism • Interstates • GI Bill • Consumerism • Civil Rights • Rosa Parks • Brown vs Board
TV Shows: • Andy Griffith Show • Price Is Right • Bewitch • Addams Family • Flipper • Get Smart • I Love Lucy • Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wk1z96tEmI8
The 60's Presidents
John F. Kennedy: 61 - 63 “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country” • New Frontier: Peace Corps , space program, civil rights • Bay of Pigs & Cuban Missile Crisis • Shot in TX in 1963 by “Lee Harvey Oswald”
Lyndon B. Johnson: 63 - 69 • Great society • Education, Medicare, war on poverty, urban renewal, beautification, conservation, reduce crime • Immigration legislation • Increased troops in Vietnam • Space Race – Neil Armstrong walked on moon
The 60’s 1. Civil Rights – violent approach • Malcolm X -leader of the Nation of Islam • Use any means necessary to secure rights
The 60’s 1. Civil Rights– violent approach • Black Power - pride in African heritage, separate black economic and political • Black Panthers – group of African Americans that demanded the end of segregation
The 60’s 1. Civil Rights • March on Washington – 1963 • 200,000 civil rights supporters “marched” to Washington to demand civil rights laws • MLK spoke • Civil Rights Act of 1964 • Passed under LBJ after JFK died in his honor • Law prohibited segregation • 24 Amendment – no poll tax - protect African Americans right to vote
The 60’s 1. Civil Rights • Heart of Atlanta Motel vs US – 1964 • Supreme Court ruled that Congress could outlaw segregation in PRIVATE places • Bloody Sunday 1965 • 500 Protestors marched 50 miles to Montgomery where they were beaten by cops • Voting rights act of 1965 • Months after Bloody Sunday LBJ signed to suspend literacy tests to vote
The 60’s 1. Civil Rights • Affirmative Action • “reverse discrimination” • Minorities given preferential consideration to help “catch up”
The 60’s 2. Social Unrest • Tragedy • JFK shot - 1963 • MLK shot – April 1968 • Bobby Kennedy Shot – June 1968 • Democratic National Convention – 1968 • Country was ANGRY – showed anger • Chicago • Democrats picking a candidate for president & riots broke out
The 60’s 3. Culture • Woodstock • Music Festival in NY for youth • Hippies!!
The 60’s 4. U2 Incident • USA spy plane shot down over USSR in 1960 • Ruined peace talks between Khrushchev & Eisenhower
The 60’s • 5. Bay of Pigs -Fidel Castro: New communist leader in Cuba – broke relationship with USA -Eisenhower authorized CIA to train Cubans to invade Cuba -JFK new president – approved plan but it Failed -Embarrassment to USA -Cuba began to look to USSR for help
The 60’s 6. Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 -US spy planes photographed missiles in Cuba -USA blockade of island -13 day show down of USSR & USA ships
The 60’s 6. Cuban Missile Crisis -Result: • Khrushchev removed missiles from Cuba • JFK removed missiles from Turkey & promised not to invade Cuba *created a “hot line” of communication between the White House and Kremlin
The 60’s • 7. Space Race • USA “won” the space race when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon in 1969
The 60’s • 8. Berlin Wall • USSR built a wall to separate E and W Berlin • 1961 – 1989 : Stood as a symbol to the Cold War
Ch 30 sec 1 • How & why did the US support Frances’s Vietnam War efforts? • What happened at Dien Bien Phu? • Who were the Vietminh and what were they fighting for? • Explain what the Geneva Accords did to Vietnam. (more then one answer) • Why did Diem cancel elections? Why did the US support this decision? • Who were the Vietcong? Explain America’s relationship with them. • Why was Diem’s regime unpopular? • How did the Gulf of Tokin Resolution lead to greater US involvement in the War?
The 60’s 9. Vietnam War *Divided at the Geneva Accords at the 17thparallel *North attacked South *Vietcong – communist rebels in the south
9. Vietnam USSR vs USA • Supported the South • Leader: Ngo Diem • USA involved in helping south • Supported the North • Leader: Ho Chi Minh
9. Vietnam *Guerilla Warfare was used - hard to find enemy *USA used Agent Orange & Napalm – dangerous side effects
9. Vietnam Gulf of Tonkin -1964 -gave power to president to make decisions without approval from Congress
9. Vietnam Operation Rolling Thunder - 1965 -bombing North Vietnam to destroy supply lines that were helping the North aid the VietCong in the South -killed many citizens
9. Vietnam Tet Offensive - 1968 -North attacked South and gained control of some cities like Hue -Communists slaughtered citizens -BiG FAIL for USA - Americans began to question how the government was handling the war
9. Vietnam • My Lai -city taken by US soldiers -executed civilians that were believed to be Viet Cong – women, children, old -Made the US look bad
Ch 30 sec 1 • How & why did the US support Frances’s Vietnam War efforts? • What happened at Dien Bien Phu? • Who were the Vietminh and what were they fighting for? • Explain what the Geneva Accords did to Vietnam. (more then one answer) • Why did Diem cancel elections? Why did the US support this decision? • Who were the Vietcong? Explain America’s relationship with them. • Why was Diem’s regime unpopular? • How did the Gulf of Tokin Resolution lead to greater US involvement in the War?
Read Summary Chapter 30 and answer the following Questions • Why did Eisenhower not want Ho Chi Minh to win the national election? • Who was the leader of the North Vietnamese? • Who did the nationalists beat in 1954? • Who are the Vietcong? • What happened to Diem? Why? • What event made America go to war in Vietnam? • What advantage did the Vietnamese have over America’s advanced technology? • Explain what cut backs financially had to be done to support the Vietnam War. • What are 4 ways that men “dodged” the draft? • Describe the difference between a hawk & a dove during the Vietnam war. • What event caused America to question the war and loose confidence? • What happened at the Democratic convention? How is that a reflection on society? • Who won the election of 1968? • Why did protests break out at Kent state and other college campuses? • What was the result of the Vietnam War? (What happened? who won? who lost?) • What is one example of how the Vietnam War changed US foreign policy? • How were soldiers treated when they returned home from war?
TV Shows: • The Waltons • MASH • Mary Tyler Moore • Happy Days • Little House on the Prairie
The 70's Presidents
Richard Nixon: 1969 - 1974 • Ended war in Vietnam – Paris Peace Accords (North took over south when US left) • US Economy suffering – • stagflation (inflation and unemployment rise) • New Federalism –give power back to the states • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) • Opened relations with China and USSR • Détente policy – ease tensions with diplomacy -not threats (brinkmanship) • SALT I (strategic arms limitation treaty)
Gerald Ford: 1974 - 1977 Nixon’s VP – *He was vp and president without EVER being elected “WIN” – whip inflation now
Jimmy Carter: 1977 - 1981 • Democrat • SALT II(example of détente) • Ended when USSR invaded Afghanistan • Olympic boycott (Moscow) • Camp David Accords • Iranian Hostage Crisis
The 70's 1. Vietnam Ending the war • “Vietnamization” • Teach South Vietnamese to fight so US soldiers could leave • Cambodia and Laos • Bomb neighboring countries that supported VietCong • Paris Peace Accords – official ending - NIXON • Release POW -Withdraw troops • 17th parallel would continue to divide Vietnam
The 70's 1. Vietnam • Kent State University -violent student protest about Vietnam War in Ohio -National Guard open fired on protestors and killed 4 • Pentagon Papers – NY times published government secrets about the Vietnam War -public opinion – hated war • 26 Amendment – 18 and up to vote • War Powers Act 1973 president has to notify Congress within 48 hours of sending troops -end such a conflict after 60 days, unless approved by Congress.
The 70's 2. Minorities -Inspired by the Civil rights movement of the 50s and 60’s A. Migrant Workers – UFW United Farm Workers -Cesar Chavez used non-violent protests like MLK B. American Indian Movement -protested to gain laws to help Native Americans
The 70's 2. Minorities C. Women • -Betty Freidan – The Feminine Mystique -book that started the Women’s Movement to throw off ideas of the roles of women -Started NOW (national Organization for Women) • -Phyllis Schlafly -against Betty Freidan because it would destroy family values • -Roe vs Wade -Court Case that allows abortions
Chapter 32 Section 1 • What was the goal of Nixon’s New Federalism? • In what ways did Nixon help America domestically? Be Specific. • In what ways did Nixon both strengthen and weaken federal programs? • How did Nixon appeal to Southern Democrats? Give specific examples. • Why had many Democratic voters in the South become potential Republican supporters by 1968? • Why did President Nixon oppose the extension of the Voting Rights Act? • What factors brought on the country’s economic problems in the late 1960s and early 1970s? • What was the philosophy of realpolitik? How does it defer from containment? • How did Nixon’s trip to china change the US relationship with China? • Political Cartoon pg. 1001