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项目成效 Effectiveness of the Project. 从表二可见,每个省份都达到提供最少 15% 免费白内障手术的目标 All provinces are able to achieve the target to provide at least 15% of free cataract surgeries and 15% of fee reduction to patients in need. 有 260,164 名患者接受手术、其中 17,866 人获 手术费用减免, 180,609 人手术费用全免。
项目成效Effectiveness of the Project • 从表二可见,每个省份都达到提供最少15%免费白内障手术的目标 All provinces are able to achieve the target to provide at least 15% of free cataract surgeries and 15% of fee reduction to patients in need. • 有260,164名患者接受手术、其中17,866人获 手术费用减免,180,609人手术费用全免。 Of the 260,164 patients served,17,866 patients received fee reduction for their surgeries, 180,609 of them received free surgery.
项目成效Effectiveness of the Project • 从表二可见,手术车可以提供較医院便宜的白内障手术服务 From the above table, it is observed that the Mobile Eye Treatment Centre Project is able to provide cataract surgery at costs significantly lower than ordinary hospitals would charge. • 此项目能達至为偏远地区的贫困白内障患者提供免費/減免手术,使他们有机会重见光明。 The project is able to reach the most needy patients living in remote areas of both the affluent and the less affluent provinces, who would not be able to have any opportunities of restoring their eye sight.
项目质素 Qualityof the Project 手术的质素可从手术成功率、手术种类及留院情况分析 The quality of surgery will be assessed by the rate of success, nature of surgery and number of average post-surgery hospital stay.
项目成效Effectiveness of the Project 手术主要是人工晶体植入, 成功率达99%。 The majority of surgeries performedwere IOL implant,successful rateover 99%. 成功原因﹕ Several factors contribute to the high successful rate: • 手术车设施提供安全的环境进行手术 Facilities of the METCs provide a safe environment for surgical operation. 2. 使用先进的眼科手术仪器 Most advanced ophthalmic surgical equipment are used onMETCs.
项目成效Effectiveness of the Project 3. 道路网络的改善,让手术车可到达更多偏远的地区 Many counties can be reached due to improvement of highway network 4. 具丰富经验的眼科医生才可被委任于手术车上做手术 Only top and well-experienced ophthalmologists were selected to perform on theMETCs 5. 手术车均采用医院的术前评估程序 Most provinces adopted a rigorous pre-surgical assessment procedure that isequivalent to the hospital routine; • 采用认真的消毒程序 Thorough sterilization processes were carried out prior to surgery
项目成效Effectiveness of the Project 政府及其他机構的参与 Involvement from Chinese Government and Other Parties • 中国政府部门及其他參與機構在资源上的投放,影响着整 个项目的表現 Dedicationfromrelatedpersonnel& resources allocationfrom ChineseGovernment/ partners &other partiesareothersignificantfactorsthatmay affectperformanceoftheMETC
项目成效Effectiveness of the Project • 香港眼科医生的参与 Involvement of Hong Kong Ophthalmologists • 眼科医生培训 County Hospital OphthalmologistsTraining • 周伯展医生及黎少明教授的参与 Dr Chow Pak Chin & Prof. Jimmy Lai • 协助评估培训课程及提供讲座,以提升 毕业生的专业知识及技巧 Conduct evaluation on training courses & give lectures so as to upgrade theirprofessional knowledge and skills
中國政府及其他部門的參與 *PDH = 衛生廳 *PDPF= 省殘疾人聯合會*WF= 婦女發展基金會
Involvement from Chinese Government and Other Parties *PDH = Provincial Department of Health *PDPF= Provincial Disabled Persons’ Federation *WF= Women Federation
项目成效Effectiveness of the Project • 不同省份的手术车由不同部门管理,包括: • METCs are supervised by: • 省卫生厅 • Provincial Department of Health • 省残疾人联合会 • Provincial Disabled Persons’ Federation • 省妇女联合会 • Provincial Women’s Federation. 近年中国残联实施的<百万贫困白内障患者复明工程>,进一步加强卫生厅、省残联合作,提供免费白内障手术惠及贫困患者。 • In recent years, CDPF & MOH are launching the Million Poor Cataract Operation Campaign. Each province is providing funding to carry out cataract operation thus enabling most provinces to provide free surgery to poor cataract patients in remote areas.
項目成效Effectiveness of the Project 整合资源、积极发动政府及社会捐助,合作凝聚资源 Appeal to local communities and provincial government for additional support 募捐方法包括﹕ Methods employed including : • 主动争取宣传机会,提高形象 publicity from mass media • 争取有关县/区的支持及与与国际/社会组织 单位合作、推动防治盲工作,如 CBM、 红十字会及视觉第一行动 commitment from the related counties/regions to provide the necessaryresources andcollaboration with other prevention of blindness project,such as the Christoffel-Blindenmission(CBM), Red Cross, Lions Sight FirstProjects, etc.
项目成效Effectiveness of the Project 总结表四Conclusion of table 4 • 高度重视流动眼科手术车项目,于整合资源方面、眼科医生的质素、寻求额外 资源等都积极部署 All provinces show a high level of dedication and commitment to the METC project, judging from the amount of resource allocation, level of ophthalmologists that perform the operations and theefforts to appeal for additional resources. • 列入省政府防盲治盲工作的一部分,使之可与其它防盲工作整合 METC project integrates well into the province’s overall efforts on prevention of blindness,indicated by the efforts to coordinate with other prevention of blindness programmes.
项目成效Effectiveness of the Project • 从所获得的社区支持及赞助,充分体现出手术车已成为一个有效的公众教育宣传工具 METC project is an effective tool for public education and community appeal, indicated by the amount of community support and subsidy received. • 培训更多县级眼科医生支援手术車的工作 METC project has helped train a considerable number of ophthalmologists at county level hospitals.
建议Recommendation for Improvement 流动眼科手术车项目與同类项目比較,如奥比斯及健康快车,相對知名度較低 METC project is little known among the Hong Kong communityand on an international level when compared with projects of similar nature, such as Orbis and the Health Express Train 有关原因及建议 Several reasons contribute to this situation 1.宣传不足,亚洲防盲基金会主力向企业、 慈善基金及个人捐款者募捐,较少举行大型公众宣传活动 First is the lack of publicity, AFPB mainly appeal corporations, charitable trusts and individuals for donation. 2.公众参与机会少,应提供机会给予国际及香港社会人士参与此项目作 为义工或赞助贫困患者手术费用 Second is the lack of public involvement. Opportunities should be provided for the Hong Kong and international community to experience and participate in the project, such as serving as volunteers, sponsoring patients’ medical subsidy, etc.
建议Recommendation for Improvement • 当社会各界对手术车项目有清淅了解后,可向其募捐,善款可用于更新手术仪器,及让患者得到合适医治 With increased public awareness of the project, funds could be raised to provide regular upgrading of equipment and to ensure all patients in need could receive the necessary treatment. • 建议可联络学校,邀请学生写信给术后病人,亦可邀请企业义工下乡探访病人 Efforts are being made to approach schools appealing for their students’ support in sending letters to cataract patients after surgery and approach corporations in sending volunteers to visit patients and to assist in the operation of the METCs at counties/villages where surgeries are conducted.
总结Conclusion • 中国流动眼科手术车项目已成为内地防盲运动的重要部分 The China Mobile Eye Treatment Centre Project has become a vital and integral part of the pre9vention of blindness programmes in China. • 于2012年将有24架手术车投入服务,每年可为48,000名贫困患者进行白内障手术 As at 2012, 24 METCs in operation. The project can perform over 48,000 cataract surgeries annually to needy patients at a fraction of the costs of local hospitals.
总结Conclusion • 此项目已培训了大量县级眼科医生,提升其做白内障手术的技巧 Substantial number of ophthalmologists at county level has been trained thus upgrading their skills to perform cataract surgery. • 手术车灵活性大,可以驶往偏远地区进行复明手术 METC project has the advantage of agility and flexibility, able to travel to remote and most deprived areas of the provinces to provide cataract surgeries to patients.
总结Conclusion • 流动眼科手术车于安全及高质素手术方面获得良好声誉 The project has achieved the reputation of providing safe and high quality cataract surgery at a fraction of the normal costs in hospitals. • 为贫困白内障患者提供免费/减免手术 Subsidies and free surgeries canbe provided to patients that cannot afford the minimal cost.
总结Conclusion • 项目合乎经济效益,并能获得各防盲团体合作与支持 The project is cost-effective in that it mobilizes and coordinates resources from different parties in the prevention of blindness efforts. • 透过亚洲防盲基金会的宣传,期望中国流动眼科手术车项目于香港及国际上能更备受关注及支持 The project will be able to draw more international and public attention with more efforts from the AFPB to promote the project in Hong Kong and to the international community.
亞 洲 防 盲 基 金 會Asian Foundation for the Prevention of Blindness Thank you! 谢谢大家! Email: grace@afpb.org.hk Website: www.afpb.org.hk