1. Main slide Bitter Apple fruits.
Description and origin.
Therapeutic uses.
Side effects.
Anise fruits
Names, description and plant origin.
Chemical constituents and uses.
Star Anise fruits
Names, description and origin.
5. Bitter Apple fruits Bitter Gourd fruits Citrullus colocynthis
Family: Cucurbitaceae
6. Perennial climbing herb ,the fruit size like the size of orange fruit .
yellow colored with brown or white seeds .
Odorless .
Taste : very bitter .
Origin: Palestine & Turkey
7. Biochemical constituents Bitter principles like glycoside
Colocynthin hydrolysis glucose + cucurbitacin
8. Therapeutic uses Laxative
Cucurbitacin has anti cancer activity
9. Side effects Inflammation in GIT .
Nausea .
Cramps .
Purgative .
In large doses toxic .
14. Anise fruits Pimpinella anisum
Family :Umbelliferae
Perennial herb with white umbelliferous flowers .
Fruits odor : aromatic .
Taste : sweet & aromatic .
Origin : M.S.R
15. Chemical constituents Volatile oil (1-3%) :
1. Anethole 80%-90%
2. Chavicol .
1.Carminative .
2.Condiment .
3. Flavoring agent .
4. Antispasmodic .
5.Popular drink .
19. Star Anise fruits ILLicium verum
Family : Magnoliaceae
Perennial evergreen trees (4-5)m in height .the fruits consist of 8 (one seed) follicles ( parts).
Fruits color : reddish brown .
Taste :aromatic & spicy .
Odor: aromatic .
Origin : China & Japan .
20. Chemical constituents Volatile oil (5%-9%) :anethole (80%-90%)
Uses : like Anise fruits uses