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Urban Development Institute - Calgary. 2011 Annual Report Vol. XIII November 29, 2011. Message from the Executive Director. Dear UDI – Calgary Membership:
Urban Development Institute - Calgary 2011 Annual Report Vol. XIII November 29, 2011
Message from the Executive Director Dear UDI – Calgary Membership: On behalf of the Urban Development Institute – Calgary, I would like to respectfully submit the 2011 year in review. As in previous years, there was no shortage of challenges facing our Industry. Similarly, there was no shortage of incredible volunteers coming together for the collective good in order to meet these challenges head on. The dedication of the UDI membership never ceases to amaze me. UDI – Calgary has over 140 volunteers, working with our closest partners at the City of Calgary to continue to make our City the envy of our country. As you will see in the pages of this review, there is a staggering amount of work and coordination occurring with The City. 2011 started with a bang as there was a new Mayor and several new Aldermen who needed to be educated about the importance of the development Industry. At the same time, there was an incredible effort put forward to conclude the most recent 5 year Standard Development Agreement. Going forward, there is an important piece of policy known as the Framework for Growth Management which will require the full attention of the Industry. In closing, I would like to thank the UDI – Calgary staff for all of their hard work this past year. They make coming to work each day a pleasure. We are all looking forward to an exciting 2012! Michael Flynn Executive Director
Board of Directors At the 2010 UDI – Calgary Annual General Meeting, there were some changes to the structure of the Board of Directors. Don Merlo began his 2 year tenure as the incoming Chairman. Michael Dutczak and Paul Taylor stepped down from the Board at the completion of their terms this year. In addition, the Board welcomed two new members; David Allen and Chris Plosz. The following pages provide information on just some of the issues the Board has been working on in the past year.
Board of Directors Initiatives2011 Standard Development Agreement Negotiations Over the course of 9 months, the UDI – Calgary negotiating team, led by Don Merlo and other members of the Board of Directors concluded the most recent 5 year Standard Development Agreement. The negotiations were difficult in that The City of Calgary is facing a severe financial crisis, with limited sources of revenue outside of the property tax. While the outcome did result in a substantial increase to the levies, this was primarily due to the introduction of a water and waste water levy which had been previously transferred over to the Transportation levy. There were some positive outcomes such as another 5 year term, much enhanced and transparent reporting by the City of how and where the levies will be spent and an agreement to find at least 10% in cost reductions through process and design review.
Board of Directors InitiativesDeveloped Community Levy Negotiation City Administration was directed to develop an approach for calculating and collecting charges for redeveloping communities to recover the cost of infrastructure associated with growth. UDI – Calgary has successfully argued that the methodology used should be broadly consistent with the methodology used to calculate the acreage assessment to fund infrastructure in Calgary’s New Communities. Deviations in methodology should only occur in instances where the specifics of redevelopment require a fundamental change in approach.
Board of Directors InitiativesVotecalgary.ca In the summer of 2010, our industry launched votecalgary.ca, an interactive initiative aimed at educating and engaging the almost 30,000 Calgarians who work in Calgary’s housing and development sector to vote in the City’s October 18 municipal election. Through the votecalgary process we engaged over 75 candidates on our website, conducted 50 candidate videos, held face to face candidate meetings, held two very successful candidate forums, released professional polling on all 14 wards and produced an education package dispelling misconceptions about our industry. Through these tactics we have broken down barriers with City Council and the general public for our industry. By modeling the open and transparent approach we expect of government we have positioned ourselves as thought leaders, information resources and most importantly we have opened up doors to have the important conversations we need to have to be successful in our businesses.
Board of Directors Initiatives2011 Strategic Retreat In the Spring of this year, the UDI – Calgary undertook a strategic retreat to develop a new direction for UDI – Calgary as an organization. This involved a review of the overall mandate and direction of UDI. It will result in a new Board structure for 2012 as well as a refocusing on where we wish to direct our resources. One of the outcomes was the hiring of a research professional to begin to compile essential research on the benefits of growth.
Board of Directors InitiativesFramework for Growth and Change This piece of policy is meant to be a framework that will be used to make decisions on how Calgary will grow and develop over the next 60 years. The vision of the city was established with the approval of the Municipal Development Plan in September of 2009. The Framework for Growth and Change will create a method for putting the Municipal Development Plan vision into operation. UDI – Calgary has a taskforce working with the City on this plan as it obviously will have a direct impact on our Industry.
Board of Directors InitiativesMayor’s Initiative to Cut Red Tape The Mayor has launched an initiative to cut red tape; the processes or policies that add time and complication where there doesn't need to be any. This has been a long-standing issue for the Development Industry and we are pleased to be a major stakeholder in this exercise, particularly as it related to the approvals process and customer service at The City.
Project Manager Update 2011 has been an engaging year with discussion of critical issues such as the City of Calgary growth management, the 10% cost reduction proposal, redevelopment levy principles and criteria, design guidelines, Rocky View County security requirements, and so on. Our Committees, Task Forces and all UDI-Calgary volunteers have been very busy throughout the year and I am proud to recount some of their activities and achievements in greater detail later in this report. The dedication of UDI-Calgary volunteers is truly praise-worthy. The contribution of their time, effort and expertise is extraordinary and we are very grateful. Through our volunteers, UDI-Calgary makes a significant impact in the Development Industry and beyond. On behalf of the UDI Administration, I would like to express our appreciation to our dedicated and committed Volunteers for the generous gift of their time and resources! Bev Jarvis (and personally… my thanks to everyone for your assistance throughout my first full year with UDI!)
Development Agreement/Levy Negotiations The Development Agreement was finalized with the guidance of Mark Wynker, Chris Ollenberger, Chris Plosz and Brett Friesen. As well, Members of the Board of Directors completed the intense negotiations of the development levies with the City. Lastly, Standard Specifications were finalized with the aid of our dedicated Committee and Task Force volunteers. The new Levies have been divided into “pre-400 Hectare” and “post-400 Hectare” amounts: Pre-400Post-400 Sanitary Sewer Levy $22,178 $44,356 Water Levy $12,235 $24,469 Community & Recreation Levy $ 62,713 $74,438 Transportation Assessment Levy $ 93,258 119,605 Traffic Signage and Road Markings $ 648 $ 650 Inspection Fee $ 2,326 $ 2,326 Storm Sewer Levies Bow River $ 3,039 $ 3,654 Elbow River $ 263 $ 314 Fish Creek $ 397 $ 582 Nose Creek $12,795 $ 9,469 Pine Creek $ 3,441 $ 3,616 Shepard $47,481 $51,553 …continued
Development Agreement/Levy Negotiations -continued The Developer Funded Infrastructure Stabilization Fund (Oversize Fund) per hectare rates remained unchanged for 2011: Utilities $ 5,000 Major Roads $11,800 Community & District Parks $ 5,500 Negotiations are current and on-going with respect to the 2012 Development Agreement. We anticipate wrapping up the negotiations for the various 2012 Specifications shortly. Indeed, the 2011/2012 Road Specification is complete and we are awaiting publication of the advance release of the 2012 Road Specification shortly.
Technical Negotiations On the heels of the rather significant changes to the 2010 Water, Sewer, and Landscape Standard Specifications, 2011 was a relatively quiet year with regard to changes in those same Specifications. The 2011/2012 Road Specifications, however, involved rather detailed and technical negotiations as the City requested a number of changes to the Specification, many of which were subsequently modified through discussion and negotiation. The final version of the Road Specifications should be published shortly. For reference, a listing of specification changes can be found at the front of each Standard Specification book.
Planning Committee In 2011, Co-Chairs Sue Paton and Sean Nolan, navigated the Planning Committee members through a variety of issues and policy, including: • Residential Street Standards – Sidewalk & Trees • Sustainable Development Task Force Communications & Proposals • Growth Management Framework Policy Overviews • Draft Landfill Variance Policy • LUB – Sustainment Advisory Committee Representation & Updates • Proposal for Large Places of Worship • Tentative Plan Approval Process Review & Engagement • Clarion Report Review • CPAG Pre-Application Process • Design Guidelines for Development Adjacent to Entranceways – Policy • Suburban Residential Growth Report • Rocky View County Intermunicipal Development Plan • Downtown Parking Review • LUB Changes – Signs on Private Property …continued
Planning Committee - continued • MDP-CTP Sustainment Advisory Committee – Updates • Form-based Controls Review • Calgary Metropolitan Plan - Monitor • Regional Context Studies The 2011Planning Committee was comprised of: Sue Paton, Co-chair Sean Nolan, Co-chair Gillian Lawrence Garett Wohlberg, Ben Lee Jay German Ted Stack Kathy Oberg Jason Palacsko Ryan Boyd Wilf Richter
ER Setbacks (Stream Classification and ER Setback Policy) The ER Setbacks Task Force has been formed to investigate the key elements of Stream Classification and Setback Policy, and to develop a strategy for change. This past year the Task Force has secured a Policy Paper written by the esteemed Bob Quasi to advance discussion of the inequities and errors in the current policy. It is anticipated the Policy Paper and supporting documentation, researched and compiled by the Task Force, may be the foundation that will lead to realignment of the current Policy. The Task Force consists of David Allen (Chair), Richard Geleta, Nick DeCarlo, Chris Davis and Kelly Blenkin.
Urban Densification Committee The Urban Densification Committee is charged with the role of guiding and advising the City of Calgary in matters pertaining to the densification of the Urban Core. Frequently, the Committee provides valuable insight to matters of interest shared with the Planning and Commercial Committees. The dedicated members of the Urban Densification Committee are: Jaydan Tait, Chair James Scott Wendy Jabusch John Purdy Glen Pardoe Matthew Boukall Ben Lee Linda Hackman Richard (Rick) Lewis Richard White And their attention has been directed toward: * LUB Sustainment Advisory Committee Updates * LUB and CPAG as referenced by the Clarion Report * Beltline Community Investment Fund, Terms of Reference & Board Representation * Downtown Parking Policy Review * Alberta Building Code Barrier-Free Revisions * Downtown Density Bonus Restructuring Review * Calgary Heritage Authority Status Review * Mission Community Charettes Participation * Federation of Calgary Communities /Developer Relations * Sunalta Area Redevelopment Plan Review
Technical Committee Mark Wynker is the Chair of The Technical Committee, an intensely involved Committee in terms of broad scope and responsibility. The work load is shared among committee members: Dale Johnson Richard Geleta Ian Hunsche Reg Jans Trevor Huber Greg Bodnarchuk Brett Friesen Jim Montgomery A great deal of Committee work is generated by the various Committees and Task Forces reporting up to it. The Technical Committee is responsible to monitor the actions/activities of the Urban Landscape, Water Management, Transportation, Technical Negotiations, Electronic Submissions, Environmental and Shallow Utilities Committees. In 2011, the Technical Committee directed their attention to: • A Review of Roads, Water, Sewer and Landscape Standard Specifications – in particular, the proposed new standards for Roads • Working with Water Resources on Process Improvement Strategies to address Approval Timelines • Administration/Investment of the DFISF (oversize fund) …continued
Technical Committee - continued • Mandrel Testing Requirements, Flushing Velocities & Drop Test Requirements • Environmental Reserve / Wetland Setback issues • FAC Concrete Replacement/Maintenance issues • Methods to Improve Circulation Timelines at the City of Calgary • Monitor completion of the Erosion & Sediment Control Guidelines • Construction & Finance Agreements – Pipe sizes • Enmax Project Specific Pricing Review • DSSP Section # 3 - Waste & Recycling Review • TUC Rehabilitation & Security Reduction Clarification • Storm Sewer Oversize Boundary Recoveries – Calculation Methodology • Water Single Feed Servicing – Review Specification • Snow Removal Additives Review • Terms of Reference for Pedestrian Bridges and Bridge Structures 2011 has been a busy year for the Technical Committee.
Urban Landscape Committee The Urban Landscape Committee worked extremely hard in 2010 and the early part of 2011 reviewing a tremendous number of revisions to the Standard Specifications for Landscape Construction. Thanks to their early dedication, there is something of a ‘shorter’ list for negotiations in the current calendar year. The Committee continues to manage issues such as Invasive Plant Strategic Management Plan, Tree Evaluation, Pesticide Bylaw, etc. Presently, Marissa Koop and the Committee are working on the Draft BIA Framework, the Restoration Framework and, perhaps more challenging, the Wetlands Compensation Matrix/Tool. In early 2012, the Committee will reviewing significant material for the LID Technical Manual/Guideline in conjunction with the Water Management and Environment Committees. The Urban Landscape Committee: Paul Douglas, Chair Scott Wright Henry Heuver Victor Kallos Barry Paxton Marvin Smith Stan Siemens Marissa Koop Ryan Mortson
Water Management Committee The Water Management Committee makes a vital contribution to the Development Industry overall. This year, one of the extraordinary accomplishments was the completion of the Storm Water Management Design Manual. The new Manual is the culmination of years of consultation and countless hours involving line-by-line review, much of which has been done face to face with our Water Resources counterparts. All Committee members have contributed and in particular, this past year, Rick Carnduff, Paul Jacobs, Luis Narvaez and Asif Aslam. The Committee has met quarterly with Water Resources. Discussions have included process reviews, project improvement measures, run-off volume analysis, oil & grit separators. ponds process, storm water retrofits, etc. The Shepard Regional Drainage Study has been scrutinized by the Committee as well. In 2012, the Committee will again be involved with Water Resources in another major project to create an LID Technical Guidance Manual, mostly likely commencing in Q1. Thank you to our Committee members: Rick Carnduff (Co-Chair) Kelly Blenkin (Co-Chair) Paul Douglas Liliana Bozic Paul Jacobs Don Pasquini Kelly Blenkin Luis Narvaez Victor Kallos Asif Aslam Andrew Chan
Erosion & Sediment Control Task Force A special acknowledgement to the Members of the Erosion & Sediment Control Task Force who have dedicated considerable time and energy working with our partners at the City of Calgary to finalize the Erosion & Sediment Control Guidelines and Field Manual. As the final edits have been completed on the Guidelines and Manual, we anticipate they will be posted in the next few weeks Our thanks to: Don Pasquini Colin Campbell Eric Richoz Michael Collinson Rob Kirsch Ted Stack
City of Airdrie Task Force Airdrie Task Force represented UDI well in negotiating with the City of Airdrie Administration a proposed series of new development standards. The initiatives, supported by Administration, were a challenge to the City of Airdrie Council to appreciate and visualize. At the end of the day, the majority of the Proposed Standards were not supported by Council. However, perhaps the discussion may be revisited in the future. Not to be discouraged, and subsequent to the Annual Developer Meeting, the Task Force is back in front of Administration addressing zero grading concerns, levies and a variety of other development issues . Airdrie Task Force Co-Chairs: Phil Nottveit and Brett Friesen Members: Alan Sylvestre Collin Campbell Reg Jans Averil Trapp Dale Johnson Trevor Sholdice Peter Lewandowski Arnie Stefaniuk David Baker
Shallow Utilities – Streetlighting Task Force The Shallow Utilities Committee is Chaired by Chad Blash working with Richard Revesz, Richard Geleta, Alan Sylvestre, Peter Lewandowski, Ian Hunsche, Moh’d Al-Heneiti, Reg Jans and Steve White. In 2011, the Committee has focused on: • ENMAX Developers Choice Delivery Model and Agreement • ENMAX Project Specific Pricing Analysis • Subdivision Plan Approval Coordinated with Utility Line Assignment • Standard TELUS Agreement - Underground Telcom Service Agreement • Regularly Scheduled Meetings and on-going Communication with the Calgary Shallow Utilities Consortium • Digital Drawings – Standardized / Acceptable Format • Joint Pedestal – Technology and Design • Streetlight Installations – Flowchart of Timing & Coordination • Right of Way for TELUS 5x5 Sites The Committee also participates in the City of Calgary “Complete Streets” Project.
Transportation Committee The Transportation Committee is actively involved in City of Calgary and Regional transportation issues affecting the development industry. Committee Chair, David Thatcher, leads the enthusiastic group of volunteers: Patrick Briscoe Bruce Nelligan Glen Pardoe Calvin McClary Grace Lui Neil MacKimmie In 2011 the Committee has been actively involved in the following issues: • Calgary’s Complete Streets Program • Draft Roundabout Policy • Transportation Impact Assessment Guidelines • Residential Streets – Sidewalk & Trees Policy • Downtown Parking Review • Multi-family Lane Access Policy • Calculation of Fire Response Times The Transportation Committee continues to meet and review concerns with the City of Calgary Transportation on a quarterly basis.
Commercial/Industrial Committee The committed members of the Commercial/Industrial Committee are: Sandy Menzies, Chair Rick Charlton Chris Davis Carmel Gatt Don Larke Jane Power Michael Hobson David Dalen Warren Paulsen Greg Donaldson Our Commercial Committee has been active throughout the year commenting on Policy and pursuing a variety of initiatives: * LUB Sustainment Advisory Committee Participation * Downtown Land Use Redesignation Workshops * LUB Height Calculation in Industrial/Commercial Districts * CPAG – On Target Reporting * LUB - Signs on Private Property * Project: Large Commercial/Retail Urban Design Guidelines As well, the Committee co-hosted with CPAG another Joint Educational UDI/CPAG luncheon in the spirit of cooperation and understanding (special thanks to Sue Paton, Planning Committee, for her contribution in this undertaking).
Rocky View County Liaison Committee The RVC Committee meets regularly to address a variety of issues pertaining to development in Rocky View County. The key issues for the Committee in 2011 were proposed revisions to Standard Specifications and Servicing Standards, Riparian Land & Wetland Conservation, the Inter-Municipal Development Plan, Hamlet Land Use Districts and the Reeve’s Task Force Report on Growth Planning, As well, two separate task forces, both led by Richard Geleta, have been charged with negotiating new Residential and Commercial Security Requirements. The discussions are near completion and the proposals will soon be returned to Administration and Council for review and approval. The County of Rocky View has undergone a significant number of personnel changes this past year however, Chris O’Hara has maintained the commitment to meet regularly. We welcome newer members of the RVC Liaison Committee, Bo Jiang and David Wyatt. The 2011 UDI Committee representatives include: Richard Geleta (Chair), Cam Hart,Dawn Hovdebo, Ron Sawchuk, Asad Niazi, Ian Hunsche, Arnie Stefaniuk, Birol Fisekci and Dan Dankewich.
Environmental Task Force In 2011, Travis Oberg assumed the role of Chair of the Environmental Committee. Members include: Bob Faktor Torrey Swan Phil Wareham Ken Hugo Michael Lupart Vern Hart Bill MacDonald Marilee Hill Key issues, activities and proposed policy that have engaged the Committee this past year are: • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Draft Plan • Proposals from the Sustainable Development Task Force (Justin Pockar) • Environmental Advisory Committee (attended & monitored by Bob Faktor & Travis Oberg) • Alberta LID Partnership, Monitoring • Wind Energy– City of Calgary Project • Rainwater Harvesting – City of Calgary Project The Committee is also pleased and proud to be participating in the Alberta Environment Brownfield Incentive Research Project through Torrey Swan and Phil Wareham. It is expected in the first Quarter of 2012, the Committee will become an active participant in the Water Resources LID Technical Manual review.
UDI – Calgary Events In the past year UDI – Calgary hosted six luncheons, four breakfast seminars, the Spirit of UDI Awards, the annual Golf Tournament and the 2010 Christmas Reception. • The total year event attendance was approximately 2700 members. • The 2010 Christmas Reception was attended by over 600 people from the City of Calgary, surrounding municipalities and our membership. • The 2010 Spirit of UDI Award was presented to Mark Wynker for his exceptional leadership and dedication to UDI – Calgary and UDI Alberta. • 226 members participated in the 2011 golf tournament at Heritage Pointe, over $6600 was raised for the Calgary Habitat for Humanity and we successfully filled our truck for the annual Tool Drive. Congratulations to Adam Rozak and Carol Oxtoby who won the men's and women’s low gross. Thank you to all of our event speakers and presenters who graciously donated their time. • Dr. Frank Atkins • Dr. Duane Bratt • Kerry Harwood • Adam Legge • Paul Schnitzler • Sano Stante • Casey Vander Ploeg • Richard White
Our accomplishments would not be possible without our continued member support. Thank you to the 61 UDI – Calgary member companies who generously allowed their employees to work in a volunteer capacity on the many challenges faced by the development industry in 2011. Ace Construction Company Inc. AECOM Almor Testing Services Ltd. Alpha Better Landscaping Altus Group Limited Apex Limited Partnership Brookfield Residential Properties Inc. Brown & Associates BSEI Bunt & Associates Engineering Ltd. Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLP Calgary Municipal Land Corporation Canada Lands Company Limited Carmel Gatt Architect Centron Group of Companies Clifton Associates Ltd. D.A. Watt Consulting Group Ltd. Dundee Development Corp. EBA Engineering & Consultants Ltd. Emco Waterworks Enmax Power Services Corp. Exp Services Inc. Focus Corporation Foothills Landscaping Limited Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP Genstar Development Company Gibbs Gage Architects Grosvenor GWL Realty Advisors Inc. Heritage Pointe Hopewell Residential Communities IBI Group ISL Engineering & Land Services Ltd. Kidco Construction Limited L.A. West (Calgary) Inc. LGN Consulting Engineering Ltd. Marmot Concrete Services Ltd. Matrix Landscaping Architecture Mattamy Homes Limited McElhanney Consulting Services McIntosh-Lalani Engineering Melcor Developments Ltd. MMM Group Morrison Hershfield Municipal Counsellors North Star Excavating Inc. Nucor Systems Inc. Pacific Continental Developments Pasquini & Associates Consulting Qualico Communities Remington Development Corp. Riddell Kurczaba Architecture Rockmount Financial Corporation Ronmor Holdings Inc. Southwell Trapp & Associates Ltd. Stantec Consulting Limited Stormwater Solutions Inc Tamani Communities United Communities Urban Systems Limited WestCreek Developments
New Members In 2011, the following companies joined UDI – Calgary: Advent Commercial Real Estate Group Attainable Homes Blueprint Software Corporation Bonnie J. Anderson Calgary Real Estate Board Cast in Stone Fences by DDS Consulting Darlene Jensen ITC Construction Joe Connelly Longview Planning MacDonald Development Corp Madeline King & Assoc. Norwood Waterworks Ltd. O2 Planning & Design Placemakers Canada Inc. Read Jones Christoffersen SweetCroft Engineering Trojan Industries Inc. WAM Development Group WC2B Engineering
UDI – Calgary 2011 Board of Directors • Don Merlo, - Brookfield Residential Properties Inc. - Chairman • Don McLeod, WestCreek Developments - Past Chairman • Richard Priest, Apex Limited Partnership - Director • Mark Wynker, Stantec Consulting Ltd. - Associate Vice Chairman • Chris Kolozetti, United Communities - Treasurer • Glynn Hendry, Qualico Communities - Director • Chris Plosz, Hopewell Residential Communities - Director • Jaydan Tait, Brookfield Residential Properties Inc. – Director • Doug Porozni, Ronmor Holdings Inc. – Director • Marcello Chiacchia, Genstar Development Company - Director • David Allen, Brookfield Residential Properties Inc. – Director • Karin Finley, Qualico Communities - Director • UDI - Calgary Administration • Michael Flynn - Executive Director michael.flynn@udicalgary.com • Beverly Jarvis - Project Manager beverly.jarvis@udicalgary.com • Kimber Higa - Administrative Assistant kimber.higa@udicalgary.com • Pat McHale - Office Administrator info@udicalgary.com