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A short introduction to the Convention

A short introduction to the Convention. Module 2. Objective. Module flow. Answer key questions on the Convention. What is the Convention ? What is the purpose of the Convention? Whom does it protect? What does it protect? Who is responsible ? What has to be done? How is it enforced?

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A short introduction to the Convention

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  1. A short introduction tothe Convention Module 2

  2. Objective Module flow • Answer key questions on the Convention • What is the Convention? • What is the purpose of the Convention? • Whom does it protect? • What does it protect? • Who is responsible? • What has to be done? • How is it enforced? • Why is the Convention important? • What can you do to support the Convention?

  3. What is a convention? • An internationallyagreed document that: • Recognizesuniversalhumanrights standards • Identifies obligations on States to promote and protecthumanrights • Sets out national and international monitoring and implementationmechanisms

  4. What is the purpose of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities? To promote, protect and ensure the full and equalenjoyment of all humanrights and fundamentalfreedoms by all personswithdisabilities and to promote respect for theirinherentdignity

  5. Whom does it protect? Personswithdisabilitiesincludethosewho have long-termphysical, mental, intellectual or sensoryimpairmentswhich in interaction withvariousbarriersmayhindertheir full and effective participation in society on an equal basis withothers • Consider: • Diversity of disabilities – physical, intellectual, psycho-social, sensory … • Womenwithdisabilities • Childrenwithdisabilities • Olderpersonswithdisabilities • Others?

  6. What are the principles set outin the Convention? • Respect for dignity and individual autonomy • Non-discrimination • Participation and inclusion • Respect for difference and diversity • Accessibility • Equality of opportunity • Equality between men and women • Respect for the evolving capacities of children with disabilities

  7. What does it protect? EXERCISE Unlocking the secrets of the Convention: choose a right and discuss

  8. Who is responsible?

  9. What has to be done? • Change laws and policies • Provide funding • Make goods and services accessible • Raise awareness on rights • Train professionals and others • Undertake research • Collect data • Monitor • Strengthen ministries, courts, national human rights institutions (creating them if needed) • Build State capacity to implement • Build capacity of persons with disabilities to claim their rights

  10. How is it enforced?At national level:

  11. How is it enforced?At international level:Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

  12. How is it enforced? • Consider the roles of: • Courts • National monitoring frameworks • Civil society monitoring • The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

  13. Why is the Convention important? • Clarifies the rights of persons with disabilities • Sets out responsibilities to respect those rights • Requires a rights-based approach to disability • Promotes inclusive and accessible development • Ensures national and international monitoring of rights

  14. Participation of personswithdisabilities Nothing about us without us!

  15. What can you do to support the Convention?

  16. Sources • Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities • A/HRC/4/75 • A/HRC/10/48 • Department of Economic and Social Affairs; United Nations Population Fund; Wellesley Centers for Women, Disability Rights, Gender and Development: A Resource Tool for Action. Available from www.un.org/disabilities/documents/Publication/UNWCW%20MANUAL.pdf (accessed 2 August 2012)

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