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Italian Participation in FP7 Programme “ Capacities Research Infrastructures ” Prof. Caterina Petrillo Italian Delegate to FP7 Capacities - Infrastructures Director of the Physics Department - University of Perugia. Results of the Calls 8 and 9 O verall performances.
Italian Participation in FP7 Programme “CapacitiesResearchInfrastructures” Prof. Caterina Petrillo Italian Delegate to FP7 Capacities - Infrastructures Directorof the PhysicsDepartment - Universityof Perugia Results of the Calls 8 and 9 Overall performances Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia
Research Infrastructures in FP7 – Capacities “Within the scope of this Community action, the term "research infrastructures" refers to facilities, resources and related services that are used by the scientific community to conduct top-level research in their respective fields. This definition covers: major scientific equipment or set of instruments; knowledge based-resources such as collections, archives or structured scientific information; enabling ICT-based infrastructures such as Grid, computing, software and communications; any other entity of a unique nature essential to achieve excellence in research. Such research infrastructures may be "single-sited" or "distributed" (a network of resources). This Community action will only consider the optimization, or emergence, of research infrastructures with a clear European* dimension and added value in terms of performance and access. These infrastructures must contribute significantly to the development of European research capacities”. *or national with possible connections with European initiatives
Existing infrastructures New infrastructures Design studies Integrating activities ESFRIRoadmap Construction (Preparatory phase; construction phase) e-Infrastructures Policy development / Programme implementation FP7 Research Infrastructures action Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia
FP7 Research Infrastructures budget Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia
INDICATIVE PRIORITIES FOR FUTURE CALLS International Conference on Research Infrastructures - Rome, 30 September 2010 – CNR
Number of projects (total 284) and EU funding (total 1287 M€) Calls 1 to 9
Call 8 - FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2011-1 Indicative total budget163,45M€ Date of publication: 20 July 2010 Deadline: 25 November 2010 Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia
Integrating Activities ranked list (13) Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia
Design Studies (4) Implementation Phases (9) Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia
Life Sciences Implementation: BioMedBridges • All ESFRI Life Sciences infrastructures, coordinated by EMBL • Interoperability across data sources and services EMBRC ECRIN BSL4 INSTRUCT Euro-Bio-imaging BIOBANKS-BBMRI EU-Openscreen INFRAFRONTIER EATRIS EBI-ELIXIR
Environment Implementation: ENVRI • Large participation of ICT and e-infrastructures actors (key partners from D4SCIENCE, GENESI, EGI, EUDAT, PRACE…) • Contribution to GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems) and compliance with INSPIRE EC Directive • Development of common reference model , standards and common components for data pre-processing and post-processing SIOS LIFE- WATCH EURO- ARGO EPOS EISCAT EMSO ICOS
Physics and Astronomy Implementation: CRISP • All ESFRI Physics, Astronomy and Analytical infrastructures, coordinated by ESRF • Seeking synergies between 11 ESFRI Projects totalling more than 9 b€ investment volume • 16 project partners from 12 MS with total op. budg.: 1.5 b€/y SLHC ELI FAIR ESRF SPIRAL2 ESS EUROFEL ILL upgrade SKA XFEL ILC-HiGrade
Support measures and ERA-NET (9) Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia
Italian Performance - Infrastructures 2007 - 2011 Average success rate about 40% measured by either the ratio of financed to submitted or the ratio of funding received to funding asked for. Average funding percentage 10% given by the ratio of budget received to the budget available, with some peaks in specific actions like Design Studies and ICT-based infrastructures.
IntegratingInitiative – UserSupportProgramme CourtesyofEC, DG Research, Unit B.3 • 24000 users • 19000 userssupported in their T&S • 22500 supported trip • 225000 supporteddays of stay • 3,7 billions of units of access Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia
Supported Infrastructures/ Installations per countryCourtesy of EC, DG Research, Unit B.3
User distribution Courtesy of EC, DG Research, Unit B.3
Number of supported users divided by total number of researchers in the country Courtesy of EC, DG Research, Unit B.3
Conclusions • IntegratingActivities & Design Studies • Good balance between scientific domains • Targeted approach has stimulated some communities towards the coordination of their efforts However • strong reduction of budget at EU level • need to improve the coordination in Italian SSH and LS communities for a better impact at European level • need to develop coordinated vision and actions shared by the various stakeholders Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia
Whatisneededtoimprovethe national performance in RI • Clear Strategy • Promotion of excellence • Optimization of existing resources • Larger aimed investment in Research Infrastructures Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia
Relevant information • FP7 and Capacities Specific Programme • http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ • http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/capacities/ • Research Infrastructures on Europa website • http://ec.europa.eu/research/infrastructures/ • ESFRI on CORDIS • http://cordis.europa.eu/esfri/
Thankyouforyourattention Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia