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Yarres Logistics Full loads in direct traffic;Special transports of warehouse logistics with track...Bulk goods transport Logistics provider| Spedition, Transport, Sondertransport, Gefahrgut, Industriegüter.
Yarres-Logistics International Logistics GmbH http://yarres-logistics.com/
Services: • Truck Freight • Rail Freight • Sea Freight • Air Freight • Storage • Customs Services http://yarres-logistics.com/
About The Company The founder of Yarres Logistics, Emre Yetistirici and Serkan Karaca have an experience of over 20 years at the logistics sector and have implemented a lot of challenging worldwide projects for well-known customers of the petrol-, gas-, pharmaceutical- and construction industries. After a profound education, the first successes were reached at renowned logistics- and freight companies, whereby the focus was on the truck transport into the Middle-East. http://yarres-logistics.com/
Truck Freight As mentioned at the beginning, the transportation with truck is the show piece of Yarres Logistics. So the truck transportation service to Saudi-Arabia in 2007 inaugurated a new era. Whereas the rest of the world was watching adverted the region and the possible factors of uncertainty, we had already organized the first direct-transports and partial shipments into the region. http://yarres-logistics.com/leistungen/lkw-fracht/
Truck Freight Ob gecharterte Waggons oder ein vollständiger Güterzug. Yarres International Logistics kennt die Schienennetze dieser Welt und weiß, sie zu nutzen. Dass es für Ihre Produkte ein Rundum-Sorglos-Paket gibt, versteht sich von selbst. http://yarres-logistics.com/leistungen/bahnfracht/
Truck Freight Wasserwege, Reedereien, Schiffsart. Mit der Klaviatur des Seefrachtgeschäfts ist Yarres Logistics bestens vertraut. Unabhängig, ob Sie einen Transport per Vollcontainer (FCL), per Sammelcontainer (LCL) oder per Ro/Ro-Schiff benötigen, unsere Leistungen sind stets von gleicher Qualität. http://yarres-logistics.com/leistungen/seefracht/
Yarres Logistics Contact • Yarres International Logistics GmbHSchäftlarnstr. 10Kontorhaus 181371 MünchenDeutschland • info@yarres-logistics.com • emre@yarres-logistics.com • serkan@yarres-logistics.com • +49 89 746 571-70 • +49 89 746 571-71 • +49 151 102 66 333 http://yarres-logistics.com/anfrage/