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Warm Thank You to: Martine Lori The Terasem Team

Awaken The Universe -- Introducing the Order of Cosmic Engineers July 20, 2008 GN4, Terasem Island, Second Life. Warm Thank You to: Martine Lori The Terasem Team.

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Warm Thank You to: Martine Lori The Terasem Team

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Awaken The Universe--Introducing theOrder of Cosmic EngineersJuly 20, 2008GN4, Terasem Island, Second Life

  2. Warm Thank You to:MartineLoriThe Terasem Team

  3. What constitutes appropriate geo-ethical management of specific nanotech needed for bringing consciousness of human persons back to life?

  4. Early Life-extension Technology.

  5. Cogito, ergo sum.

  6. A new TYPE of organization dedicated to answering the existential questions.


  8. Order of Cosmic Engineers

  9. http://COSMENG.org

  10. Evolve a vibrant global community of responsible, dynamically optimistic, cosmic engineers.

  11. Engineer & homestead synthetic realities suitable for ultimate permanent living.

  12. Responsibly develop and apply technologies to enhance our minds and bodies to be suited to the long cosmic road ahead.

  13. Engineer & apply consciousness preservation means enabling mind uploading and personality reconstruction.

  14. Devise a roadmap for the exponential ingression of intelligence into inanimate matter.

  15. Make inner space come alive with intelligence by engineering intelligence computation at the molecular level.

  16. Engineer, spur and guide the responsible geometric intelligence expansion from inner space to human scale to outer space scale.

  17. Intimately join, cross-pollinate and cross-leverage our mental resources into a meta-mind society.

  18. Deeply optimize our material universe for cosmos-wide intelligence computation.

  19. Answer the ultimate questions of the origin, nature, purpose and destiny of reality.

  20. Tune universe-creation parameters so as to further improve the maximization of the computational ability of a universe.

  21. Engineer a suitable black hole to engender a baby universe by means of a tuned black hole transition.

  22. Begeta new universe...anew.

  23. Beholdour creations.

  24. Contemplate

  25. THINK

  26. BE

  27. Order of Cosmic Engineers

  28. http://COSMENG.org

  29. Thank you!

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