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This book delves into the scientific challenges to evolution, exploring DNA, mutations, irreducible complexity, and more. Discover how Christianity aligns with scientific evidence.
Chapters 8-10 Presented by David M. Hasz Written by Charles Colson
Life in a Test Tube? • A little science estranges a man from God. A lot of science brings him back. - Francis Bacon
Life in Test Tube Cont. • All the tests produce the wrong kind of amino acids that sustain life.
Other Problems • Sidney Fox started with amino acids thus left handed acids. • Amino acids not hooking up to form peptide bonds, needed to sustain living things.
Other Problems • Scientists have to “cheat” to get results.
Several Cheating scenarios • Filter out the longer ultraviolet rays • Trap amino acids as soon as they form to keep them from disintegrating
Cheating Scenarios • All the experiments that have produced so much excitement are artificial.
Not a Chance • The computer revolution put evolutionary theory to death. • In 1960’s scientists started writing computer programs to test theory.
Not a chance • By 1966 chance theories were being secretly burned.
No way • Life by chance - Same probability as • Line up 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 blind people.
No Way • Give them all a rubik’s cube and have them all solve it at exactly the same moment.
Many are seeing the light - sort of • Many scientists are accepting the idea of an intelligent “Designer” • Science is not challenging the Christian faith it is proving it to be true. • Let’s look at DNA
DNA • This is the language in the heart of a cell. • DNA is made up of chemicals but it has to be in exactly the right order.
DNA • All creation points toward an intelligent designer. • Watch argument
Information Theory • A field of research that studies the ways information is transmitted. • Is a message high or low content. • DNA is high, who wrote it?
The declaration • NABT - life is the outcome of “an unsupervised, impersonal, unpredictable, and natural process” • This takes God out of the picture.
The Declaration • All the pictures and no one has ever witnessed evolution in process
Breeding • At first there is a lot of change but eventually the changes level off and there is a line breeders cannot cross.
Breeding • As breeding is intensified the organism grows weaker, not stronger.
Breeding cont. • When the organism is left to itself it returns to the original. • Evolution through mutations?
Breeding • Most mutations are harmful or lethal to the organism. • The collection of mutations is devolution
Irreducible complexity • This is the concept used to argue that organisms could not have evolved piecemeal. They would have died. • Darwin admitted it would be the end of his theory if we could find complex organs that could not evolve in slight modifications.
The Bat • How could it get from rat to bat? • It would be extinct along the way. • The Eye - How would is slightly alter over time to become an eye?
The danger • Much more at stake than scientific theory. • Our origin determines our destiny. • Ethics -what if there is a God?
The Law • Traditionally, a nation’s laws were understood to be based on a transcendent moral order.
The Law • The belief was that “men do not make laws. They do but discover them. Laws… must rest on the eternal foundation of righteousness”
WHAT? • Where did that come from? Calvin Coolidge our thirteenth president.
WHAT? • Education - Dewey argued that our brains are just evolving organs as well. Ideas are just hypothesis - thus the gutting of the academic and moral education today.
Why did they support it? • Many of Darwin’s earliest and most ardent supporters were quick to spot the scientific weakness of his theory, yet they chose to champion it because they saw it as a useful means of promoting naturalistic philosophy.
It was rigged • The data proves evolution was not so much about scientific evidence is was more about rationale for naturalism. • We should all be asking “who is this guy”
Rigged • Everyone now realizes that everything stands or falls on the doctrine of creation.
Let’s line up the evidence • First - cosmology has discovered not all matter is eternal as naturalist scientists once assumed.
Evidence • Second - there are staggering “coincidences” that make the universe fit for life.
The evidence • Third - laboratory experiments touted as proof that life can arise spontaneously, turned out to prove nothing of the sort.
Evidence • Fourth - Darwin did not succeed in demonstrating that life developed by natural forces.
Christianity • Is an objective perspective on all reality, a complete worldview. • Only Christianity consistently stands up to the test of practical living.