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Hard X-Ray Wiggler Sources at NSLS-II. Oleg Chubar X-ray source scientist, XFD, NSLS-II Workshop on Preparation of High-Pressure Beamline Proposal April 29, 2010. Wiggler Impact on NSLS-II Electron Beam Parameters.
Hard X-Ray Wiggler Sources at NSLS-II Oleg Chubar X-ray source scientist, XFD, NSLS-II Workshop on Preparation of High-Pressure Beamline Proposal April 29, 2010
Wiggler Impact on NSLS-II Electron Beam Parameters • Two main phenomena associated with the process of Emission of Photons by relativistic Electronsin High-Energy Electron Storage Rings: • Radiation Damping (associated with classical emission) tends to reduce Electron Beam Emittance • Quantum Fluctuations (due to discreteness of the emission “events”) result in the increaseof Electron Beam Emittance and Energy Spread • The “equilibrium” Electron Beam Emittance and Energy Spread is determined by the balance of these two phenomena. Basic Parameters of Electron Beam at NSLS-II If used in dispersion-free straight sections at NSLS-II, high-field wigglers would further reduce e-beam emittance, however would increase energy spread * - Low-Beta section / High-Beta section values
Wiggler Comparisons: Brightness NSLS-II e-beamassumed: I = 0.5 A εx = 0.55 nm εy = 8 pm
DW Reference Magnetic and Mechanical Design Side Magnets Magnetic Design with Side Magnets: 90 mm Period, 1.85 T Peak Field at 12.5 mm Gap (T. Tanabe) 3D Magnetic Model (with reduced number of periods) Calculated Magnetic Field (RADIA) Fixed-Gap Conceptual Mechanical Design (proposal of E.Gluskin and E.Trakhtengerg, APS)
3.5 T SC Wiggler of MAX-Lab The Structure (E. Wallen, Max-Lab) RADIA model with reduced number of periods Peak Magnetic Field vs Horizontal Position Period: 61 mm Magnetic Gap: 10 mm Vertical Magnetic Field on the Axis Peak Magnetic Field vs Vertical Position
Example of Commercially-Available Multi-Pole SCW Figure courtesy of Nikolay Mezentsev (BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia)
Power Output of NSLS-II IDs Power per Unit Solid Angle In Horizontal Median Plane In Vertical Median Plane Total Power: PDW90≈ 67 kW PSCW60≈ 34 kW
Spectral-Angular Distributions of Emission from 2 x 3.5 m Long DW90 in “Inline” Configuration Angular Profiles of DW Emission at Different Photon Energies Spectral Flux per Unit Solid Angle Horizontal Profiles FWHM Angular Divergence of DW Emission Vertical Profiles 1/g ≈ 170 μrad
Wiggler Magnetic Fields and Electron Trajectories DW90 SCW60 Magnetic Field (RADIA) DW90 Modeling Magnetic Field Zoom Typical perturbations due to imperfect magnets: ΔB/Bmax~3 x 10-3 (magnet specs: ΔBr/Br <10-2) Horizontal Trajectory: Angle Suggested Tolerance for Horizontal Trajectory in DW: |x| < 120 μm (max. allowed deviation from “straightness”: 20 μm) Horizontal Trajectory: Coordinate
Example of SCW Parametric Optimization(for SOLEIL High Pressure Beamline) Photons/s/0.1%bw/mr2 at = 50 keV W/mr2 at 20 keV < < 100 keV MAX-Lab / BINP SC Technology Limit (gap >10 mm) MAX-Lab / BINP SC Technology Limit (gap >10 mm) ACCEL SC Techn. Limit (gap 10 mm) ACCEL SC Techn. Limit (gap 10 mm) Hybrid/PM Technology Limit (gap 10 mm) Hybrid/PM Technology Limit (gap 10 mm) x max = 8 mr x max = 8 mr x min = 2 mr x min = 2 mr Spectral Flux Per Unit Horizontal and Vertical Angles from Wigglers with Different Periods and Peak Fields at the Constraints on the Total Emitted Power Pmax = 30 kW, and the Total Length L 2 m E = 2.75 GeV, I = 0.5 A, Sinusoidal Field • “Technology Limits” Data taken from: • presentations by N.Mezentsev (BINP) and S.Kubsky (ACCEL) • hybrid wiggler simulations by O.Marcouille u 44 mm, Np 42 Bmax 2.6 T F 1.2 x 1015 Ph/s/0.1%bw/mr2 u 35 mm, Np 44 Bmax 2.85 T F 1.6 x 1015 Ph/s/0.1%bw/mr2 SOLEIL, 2005
In-Vacuum Wiggler W50 3D Magnetic Model (reduced number of periods) On-Axis Flux per Unit Solid Angle [Ph/s/0.1%bw/mrad2] Photon Energy: 50 keV Pmax = 25 kW; L = 2 m O. Marcouille EPAC2008 Approx. “Technology Curves” CAD Drawing On-Axis Magnetic Field Magnetic Force vs Gap
Example of Spectral Performance of Optimized SCW(for SOLEIL High Pressure Beamline) Ptot 30 kW, L 2 m for all structures Ptot 20 kW for all structures Spectral Flux per Unit Horizontal and Vertical Angles Wiggler for NSLS-II High Pressure Beamline could be similarly optimized to provide maximal flux (per unit solid angle) in users’ spectral domain of interest, while satisfying all accelerator physics constraints.