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Chinese Zodiac. Sarah Margaret Lindsay EDUC 536 : Learning Sciences & Instructional Design Saturday, June 6, 2009. Table of Contents. Learning Context/Environment Learner Experience Learning Model/Pedagogical Theories Learning Goals Learning Standards Learning Technology Technology
Chinese Zodiac Sarah Margaret Lindsay EDUC 536 : Learning Sciences & Instructional Design Saturday, June 6, 2009
Table of Contents Learning Context/Environment Learner Experience Learning Model/Pedagogical Theories Learning Goals Learning Standards Learning Technology Technology Learning/media matrix Student Evaluation Rubric User Feedback
Learning Context/ Environment • Third grade class • Lesson is part of a thematic unit on China. • Class has already been introduced to basic information on China including its geography, people, industry and history • Students will study the Chinese Zodiac Calendar to develop an appreciation for Chinese culture and customs • Philadelphia School District • Aligned with mandated curriculum. • Lessons will be experiential and diverse, building student competencies in math, language arts, and social studies
Learner Experience • Overview: Students will be engaged in project to develop a Voice Thread presentation to share with their classmates, other students in the school and other schools, and their family on the subject of the Chinese Zodiac. Some of the work will be individually completed and some will be completed collaboratively in teams. • Students will investigate the characteristics of each animal and draw conclusions about the folklore that people reflect the personality of their birth year animal. • Prerequisites: • Basic understanding of China. • Students will interview family member to find out birth year and to get a list of adjectives of how that individual describes himself/herself.
Learner Experience (cont) • Before: • Students are asked to write down adjectives that describe their own strengths and weaknesses • Using overhead projector and Kidspiration, Teacher conducts KWL with students on what they know about the Chinese Zodiac and what they want to know. • Teacher will read “The Great Race” The Story of the Chinese Zodiac by Dawn Casey. • Differentiation: Teacher will allow those students who had trouble with the story to watch the story in a PowerPoint presentation. • The Great Race • Teacher will show video titled “Happy Year of the (Hardworking) Ox!”
Learning Experience (cont) • During: Individual Activity: • Students will begin by drawing pictures of the Zodiac calendar, each animal, and other characters from book for use in character map, the templates, and Voice Thread (teacher to scan in) expressing their individual creativity. • Students will create a story map using Kidspiration, demonstrating that they are able to identify key elements of the story (plot, theme, etc) and understand the “zodiac legend.” • Students will create a character map using Kidspiration of all 12 Zodiac animals, providing information they have learned from the Great Race on the animals’ traits. Teacher will provide scanned animal pictures. Students will visit web for more traits. http://www.meaa.org.uk/factscny.htm
Learner Experience (cont) • During (cont) • Students will show at least four years for each animal (e.g., dog 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006), after teacher provides first cycle (e.g., dog 2006) • Students will identify the animal of their birth year from map and write three sentence paragraph on why they agree or disagree that they have the traits of that animal. • Students will identify animal of their person’s birth year from map and write three sentence paragraph on why they agree or disagree that they have the traits of that animal. (Template to be provided).
Learner Experience (cont) • During (cont): • Group Activity for Preparation of Voice Thread on Chinese Zodiac • Teacher will explain what VoiceThread is and show example of one created about Dinosaurs. Dinosaur VoiceThread She/he will explain that they are almost done the planning and ready to create their production! • Students will be broken up into four groups, aka “screenwriters,” to complete four sections of Voice Thread production, as follows: • Introduction to China unit, what we know, what we want to know about Zodiac (from KWL).
Learner Experience (cont) • During (cont): • Group Activity for Preparation of Voice Thread on Chinese Zodiac (cont) The next three sections are what they learned. • The Legend of the Zodiac and how calendar works (from Story Maps) • Animals of the Zodiac, and how their family member resembles or does not resemble the traits of their birth year animal (from Character maps) • Conclusions: this group will survey rest of class to find out which famous person most resembles animal of its birth year and report their findings. Group will research web for celebrities birth year animals.
Learner Experience (cont) • During (cont): • Group Activity for Preparation of Voice Thread on Chinese Zodiac (cont) • Screenwriter teams will create storyboards, using Kidspiration, for their section of the Voice Thread to help them develop a script of what they will record. • Teacher will demonstrate how to access VoiceThread. • Students will create a account on VoiceThread.com. • Students will upload their storyboards and record their speeches.
Learner Experience (cont) • After • Students will present their Voice Thread to the school and their parents at school night.
Learning Model/Pedagogy • Teacher will use spatial representation, visualization and graphic organizer model in project-based investigation of the Chinese Zodiac. • Constructivist Learning: • Students will investigate Zodiac folklore from book and web sources, discern traits of animals and people and use that information to draw conclusions. • Model meets specific reading, writing, and social studies standards. • Authentic, Contextual Learning. • Students have a problem to solve that is meaningful to them personally—what are their traits, and those of a family member. Promotes dialogue with family member. • Do they resemble those of their birth animal?
Learning Model/Pedagogy (cont) • Visual Thinking • KWL and graphic organizers help students understand what they know and what they still have to figure out. • Working through all years of Zodiac and ordering animals correctly (Rat first, Pig last) can be mentally complex for third grader. Graphic organizer allows for “effortless structure.” • Graphic organizer allows student to see bigger picture, whole cycle in the case of character map. • Collaborative Learning • Students can learn from each other, and about each other through Voice Thread collaborative activity. • Reflective Thinking • Student develops self awareness and insight from character trait analysis and ownership of work through publication.
Learning Goals • Learn about the Chinese Zodiac (*Lunar Calendar*) • Understand: • Chinese calendar, unlike our calendar, follows twelve year cycle, and is repeated continuously • Each year represented by a different animal • Personality of people is believed to be related to their animal sign. • Gregorian (our) calendar used today in China but Zodiac calendar still used for festivals and still important part of daily culture and people’s beliefs (superstitions).
Learning Goals (cont) • Develop: • Appreciation for cultural diversity through study of the Chinese calendar • Understanding of number patterns so they can identify animal that represents the year in which they were born. • Ability to use adjectives to describe personality traits and ascribe them to themselves and others • Ability to summarize and make conclusions • Know: • What a symbol is • Specific traits of the animals
Learning Standards Learner experience for this lesson are based on PA State Standards Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening History 8.1.3.A Understand chronological thinking and distinguish between past, present and future time. Calendar time. 8.1.3.C Understand fundamental historical interpretation. Illustrations of historical stories. • 1.1.3.G Demonstrate after reading understanding and interpretation of both fiction and nonfiction text. • 1.3.3.B Identify literary elements in stories describing characters, setting, and plot. • 1.8.3.C Organize and present the main ideas from research.
Learning Standards (cont) Mathematics • 2.2.3.A Apply addition and subtraction in everyday situations using concrete objects. • 2.6.3.A Gather, organize and display data using pictures, tallies, charts, bar graphs, and pictographs. • 2.8.3.A Recognize, describe, extend, create and replicate a variety of patterns…[…}. • 2.8.3.F Explain the meaning of solutions and symbols.
Learning Technologies PowerPoint “The Great Race” The Story of the Chinese Zodiac in PowerPoint format tells the Zodiac legend, making the story come alive with animations. Kidspiration KWL Chart: Visual representation to students of what they know and want to know
Character Map Learning Technologies (cont) Kidspiration Character Map Year of animal Characteristics they symbolize Story Map Plot, summary, characters, problem, setting, moral, and resolution Story Map
Learning Technologies (Cont) Kidspiration (cont) Storyboard: Template to be used to develop speech for VoiceThread. Completed Storyboard Storyboard Template
Animal Storyboard Learning Technologies (cont) VoiceThread Template • Voice Thread • Collaboratively create oral and visual presentation that can be shared with school and other communities about what they learned.
Learning/Media Matrix Overall the specific technologies used--web based graphic organizers and web links--facilitate the learning experience by: Increasing student engagement with impactful features (such as clip art, bold colors, varied fonts, voice recording), and the ability to merge these artifacts with their own drawn images Allowing highly collaborative activities with Voice Thread’s web-based social networking capability Meeting the needs of diverse learners, with more efficient, versatile and flexible approaches than paper graphic organizers. Kidspiration provides more or less scaffolding depending on user needs Providing just in time information to students through web links Enabling communication with a larger community on what they learned with Voice Thread.
Learning/Media Matrix (cont) Constructivist Pedagogy: Just in time support Web links are used to further develop understanding. Authentic Practice: Learning is framed with essential questions. You Tube video on Year of the Ox (2009) adds relevance Visual Thinking: Use of images, graphic organizers, and models to see “larger picture” and use multi-sensory channels Microsoft PowerPoint help students visualize “Great Race” Kidspiration provides variety of artifacts to help visualization Voice Thread permits multi-sensory experience with pictures/voice. Collaborative Learning: Synchronous/asynchronous communication Working on Kidspiration together to develop scripts Class posting together and independently on Voice Thread. Reflective Thinking: Develop awareness, insight and ownership Voice Thread provides opportunity to show what student has learned to wide audience Also, community/students can post to Voice Thread promoting dialogue and reflection
Positive Parent Feedback Student Enjoyment User Feedback • Impact on Teaching • Further understanding of student learning styles. • Incorporate authentic practice • Determine if technology is a motivating factor. • Student Improvement • Followed rubrics • Engaged in activity • More collaboration in the classroom Rabbit • Student Appeal • Technology • Use of visuals • Demonstrations • Expression of creativity Snake Dog
Works Cited "Chinese Horoscopes -- National Geographic Kids." Kids' Games, Animals, Photos, Stories and More -- National Geographic Kids. 07 June 2009 <http: /kids.nationalgeographic.com/Stories/PeoplePlaces/Chinese-horoscopes>. “Chinese New Year” Story of the Great Race. PowerPoint presentation. 6 June 2009. "Chinese Zodiac for Kids." MEAA. 07 June 2009 <http://www.meaa.org.u /factscny.htm>. "Happy Year of the (Hardworking) Ox!" YouTube. 7 June 2009. <http:/ /www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtbHHleT-cQ>. Haslam, Elizabeth L., Ph.D. “Instructional Media Design Matrix Online Learning.” Document. Drexel University School of Education. 6 June 2009. Kuk, Po Leung. “The Use of Writing Portfolios to Help Students Write Fables.” PowerPoint presentation. 1983 Board of Directors’ College. 7 June 2009. "Rubric for Graphic Organizers - Inspiration Diagrams/Concept Maps." A+ Rubric. 7 June 2009. <http://www.uwstout.edu/soe/profdev/inspirationrubric.html>.
Works Cited (cont) "Technology Integration Matrix." University of Southern Florida. College of Education. 7 June 2009. <http://fcit.usf.edu/matrix/>. 3rd Grade Multicultural Curriculum Lesson Plan." The School District of Palm BeachCounty. 7 June 2009. <http://www.palmbeach.k12.fl.us/multicultural/curriculum /Multicultural/3rd%20Lesson%20Plan.pdf>. "The Chinese Calendar." Calendars Through the Ages. 7 June 2009. <http://www.webexhibits.org/calendars/calendar-chinese.html#anchor-chinese-year>. Walker, Natalie. "Lesson Plan - Chinese New Year." TeacherLINK @ Utah StateUniversity. 07 June 2009 <http://teacherlink.ed.usu.edu/tlresources/units/Byrnes-celebrations/chinese.html>. Wlazlinski, Mae L. "Teaching About Cultural Diversity." Electronic Magazine ofMulticultural Education Spring 2001. Eastern University. 7 June 2009 <http:/ /www.eastern.edu/publications/emme/2001spring/wlazlinski.html#Procedures>.