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Project management Arras 22. 6 – 24. 6. 2005. Hana Čiháková, cihakova@nuov.cz. www.epanil.net. What was done during 9 months since the first meeting in Prague. National reports Standards of vocational competences in selected branch „cook Assessment standard for cook
Project management Arras 22. 6 – 24. 6. 2005 Hana Čiháková, cihakova@nuov.cz www.epanil.net
What was done during 9 months since the first meeting in Prague • National reports • Standards of vocational competences in selected branch „cook • Assessment standard for cook • General concept and framework IVNIL • Web site of the project • Advertising materials • Evaluation of the project (Barbara and Francis) • Dissemination activities www.epanil.net
National reports • All partners developed their preliminary reports which gave us information about their situation in the field of IVNIL. • These reports are placed in the web site of project (www.epanil.net) • According to Francis comments it would be useful to add short information about educational system of each country involved in the project www.epanil.net
Standards of vocational competences in selected branch „cook“ • We selected the branch „cook“ • Each of the partners offered their national standard (they are placed on our web pages, if we were permitted to do so) • We used them at developing the draft of the assessment standard for the branch „cook“ www.epanil.net
Assessment standard for cook • This material has been developed in NÚOV with collaboration of the Regional Economic Chamber Ostrava and was presented yesterday by Richard • It will be modified according to the comments and discussions at this meeting and particular partners (Aspect Foundation, Upper Silesian Educational Centre) will adapt it according to their national conditions • John and Teresa will answer questions concerning with the assessment standard (from yesterday presentation) • Deadline: 31. 8. 2005. www.epanil.net
General concept and framework IVNIL in Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland • The draft of this material was developed by NÚOV, John has revised it (it was sent to all partners on Tuesday by e-mail) • It will be completed by Poland, Czech and Slovak reports about possibilities of implementation of Common European Principles; • The Poland and Czech reports were presented yesterday (by Grazyna and Martin) • In Slovakia is prepared new law which will be concerned with IVNIL, so the report will be developed later • Deadline for Slovak report: 7. 7. 2005 www.epanil.net
Project WEB pages • Web pages: www.epanil. net • Languages: English and Czech • We have to add also the Slovak and Polish versions (according technical annex) • Tasks:– Aspekt Foundation, Upper Silesian Educational Centre will translate needed materials to Polish and Slovak • Deadline: 31. 8. 2005 • New proposal (by Avril Konrad) to improve web by developing space only for partners - coordinator will discuss this matter with colleagues in NÚOV. www.epanil.net
Dissemination activities • There were done a lot of dissemination activities,the list of them is available on our web site • Virtual community (organised by John Konrad) www.epanil.net
Advertising materials • Logo – designed in NÚOV • Posters they were designed in NÚOV, it was printed out 1000 pieces; • Ball-point Pens with logo of the project; • Writing pads (small and big). www.epanil.net
What should we do presently? www.epanil.net
Quarterly progress reports • the aim: ensuring of internal control, the purpose of them is monitoring of the work on this project and progression in the project. These documents are necessary for filling up project progress sheets for NA and they will be useful in compiling the interim and final reports. • Terms: 31.12.2004; 31.3.2005; 30.6.2005; 30.09.2005; …. • Status quo: I received only the first QPR from 3 partners; • The task: to develop the third QPR www.epanil.net
Establishing and supporting regional associate partners networks • Each of partners (except CARE) • In these networks can be involved various stakeholders – social partners, regional authorities, schools, etc. from your region • Tasks: to compile a short report where you will describe: names of the members of your regional networks (with contacts), work programme and meetings which will take place or took place (with short meeting minutes; for example see web pages) • Deadline: 31.8. 2005 www.epanil.net
Next steps by Interim report • Guidelines, examples of good practice and recognition procedures (45 – 50 pages; EN; 30 – 40 copies, paper); • Examples of good practice (20 pages; CZ, PL, SK; 50 – 60 all versions; CD) • Methodical materials (20 – 30 pages, CZ, PL, SK; 50 – 60 CD) www.epanil.net
Guidelines, examples of good practice and recognition procedures in DE, FR, GB • Specific country studies, depth analyses, with the focus on practice of the accreditation of n-f/if learning in LLL, tools and methods used in LLL in the light of Common principles for validation providing relevant specific case studies of innovations and their impact on LLL for the target group • This report will be part of the outcome of our project Guidelines, examples of good practice and recognition procedures • The basis of this material will be reports which each of the partners has developed in the framework of the project • Task: to check up whether this report has been developed according to the prescribed structure and to add 3 examples of good practice • Deadline: 31.8.2005 www.epanil.net
Examples of good practice • Analysis of current situation in CZ, PL, SK in comparison with other new Member States (a combination of local studies and ETF Reports - need of a link to the other countries, especially EE, HU, LT, LV, SI); Analysis of needs, possibilities and obstacles for the implementation of accreditation of n-f/if learning in LLL • This report will be part of the outcome of our project Guidelines, examples of good practice and recognition procedures • The basis of this material will be reports which each of the partners has developed in the framework of the project • Task: to check up whether this report has been developed according to the prescribed structure and to add 3 examples of good practice in target countries • Deadline: 31.8.2005 www.epanil.net
Analysis of developments of validation of n-f/if learning at European level based on outcomes of the Copenhagen processLessons from other relevant projects of the responsible and involved partners: • This report will be part of the outcome of our project Guidelines, examples of good practice and recognition procedures www.epanil.net
Dissemination activities • If you plan any activity send me e-mail with short information about this event, I will place it at our web-site • Participation at the conferences; articles in the press and other media • Task: each of the partners will write minimum 2 articles to any papers and will present our project one time at any conference or workshop • Each of the partners will send a copy (scan) of this article in the newspaper or from the conference proceedings to the co-ordinator • Deadline: 31. 12. 2005 • Very important valorisation activity will be presentation of our project at the ECER conference in Dublin (round table organized by John) www.epanil.net
Preparation for interim report • Activity/results report • Financial report • Deadline: 31. 10. 2005 • Report form:http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/programmes/leonardo/new/leonardo2_en.html www.epanil.net
Educational courses • Developing of educational courses for advisers and assessors (CZ, PL, SK) – three days course; deadline: 30.9.2005 • Training of advisers and assessors (CZ, PL, SK; deadline: 31.10.2005 www.epanil.net
Pilot testing CZ, SK, PL • Information campaign with view to select candidates for pilot testing; 1.7. - 31.8.2005 • Selecting candidates for pilot testing: deadline: 1. 9. - 31.10.2005 (min 5 candidates in each country) • Pilot testing; deadline: 1. 11. 2005 – 31. 1. 2006; • Evaluation of concept of the framework including methods and tools, preparation of final version; deadline: 1. 2. 2006 – 31. 3. 2006 www.epanil.net
Meetings • Each of the partners (except care) should organize national meetings (2 meeting per year); • We should organize the third international meeting – Poland, April 2006 • Conference – Ostrava, Czech Republic, June or September 2006 www.epanil.net
Preparing of the new proposal • Some of the partners suggested to prepare proposal for the new project, which could be exploit results of EPANIL project • Issues for the discussion: theme, new partners,… www.epanil.net