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My Favourite Teacher is …. Made by Chuchalina Kristina, 10th form, school №36, Tomsk. If the teacher unites both love to profession and to pupils, he is a perfect teacher. L. N.Tolstoj. What is school?.
My Favourite Teacher is… Made by Chuchalina Kristina, 10th form, school №36, Tomsk
If the teacher unites both love to profession and to pupils, he is a perfect teacher.L.N.Tolstoj
What is school? In my opinion, the school is the most light and bright memories from the childhood and youth. School is friendship, love, understanding to each other and respect. School is the most loyal and reliable friends for all life. School is the kindest, the most open, the most understanding, and the most favourite teachers. I think that teacher is not a job, but a way of life!
My favourite teacher is Lapteva Svetlana Lubomirovna – the teacher of English, the remarkable person, «a pearl» and a proud of our school.
I remember the time when I saw her. It was in the fifth form. I can’t believe that in one person so many tremendous qualities can be combined so much.
Svetlana Lubomirovna is my «second mum». She is very caring and always helps me in a difficult minute. Besides she doesn't have favourites, she treats with all children as if they were her own children. Svetlana Lubomirovna with her grandson.
When we come to English lessons, we always charge with positive emotions. She helps us to find and open the best qualities. She gives the warmth of her soul, kindness, a sun shining and light smile.
Svetlana Lubomirovna is always able to make boring lessons more interesting to us, difficult grammar themes more easy to understand. It gives good results. Besides, she makes herself unusual visual aids, all becomes clear and the lesson is well remembered.
When we were in the 6th form we had an open English lesson, and after that my teacher wrote an article about it (with our photos) in the popular English Teachers’ journal «English at School» (1(29) / 2010) where she describes her methods and her rich experience. . We were so glad to see our photos in it.
Almost every year my classmates and I take part in different contests and scientific conferences. Thanks the knowledge that she gives, her support and huge help I take part in various conferences and won numerous competitions. Many thanks for her work.
Svetlana Lubomirovna is the highest category teacher. She has many rewards for her excellent work.
The pupils of our school respect her for qualities which the ideal teacher should possess: patience, kindness, severity, and at the same time the gentle relation to pupils. Her patience and kindness spread to everyone, it concerns not only people, but also her pets, 2 cats! Barmaley and Silvochka!
Svetlana Lubomirovna in Jerusalem. Svetlana Lubomirovna is very beautiful: long red hair, besides it curls. She is charming. She has expressive, kind eyes and LOVING face. Svetlana Lubomirovna has A good taste of wearing clothes and looks always very pretty and nice!
Svetlana Lubomirovna had remarkable graduates. They don’t forget their «second mother» even several years later. They come to see her and their friendship continues. They never forget their favourite teacher. I’m sure, that all pupils she has ever taught love, remember and respect their remarkable and sincere teacher.
I’m very glad that there is such a person in my life!MY DEAR AND FAVOURITE TEACHER, SVETLANA LUBOMIROVNA!!!
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