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My teacher is sad!

My teacher is sad!. I will make him happy!. “big sigh…..”. Students….technology 21 st Century Learning. Skype. Prometheun. Digital Storytelling. Blogs. Glogster. Photostory. Curriculum Content Standardized Tests.

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My teacher is sad!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. My teacher is sad!

  2. I will make him happy! “big sigh…..”

  3. Students….technology 21st Century Learning

  4. Skype Prometheun Digital Storytelling Blogs Glogster Photostory

  5. Curriculum Content Standardized Tests

  6. Gerald is a wonderful teacher who loves to see his students learning new things and being successful in school, but he is still sad!

  7. I.E.P. E.L.L. A.Y.P. H.S.A.

  8. Enrichment Differentiated Instruction Engaged learners Lower teacher/student ratio

  9. How can I engage all of my learners and still get through the curriculum?

  10. Information Literacy skills?

  11. Research Skills Linking Library to Content Inquiry Information Literacy

  12. I want to upgrade some of my lessons to teach my students the research and information literacy skills they need to succeed, but I have to get through all of my content.

  13. I need to get some more books from the library.

  14. My Librarian!

  15. You’re here!

  16. Librarian….I thought of all these great ideas to help my students. But, then I was sad because I felt so alone. I don’t have time to teach content and information literacy!

  17. Teacher….I am here!

  18. Librarian….wait until I tell you what I saw…..

  19. Teacher….I was there the whole time…you just didn’t see me!

  20. Collaboration I think you need new glasses

  21. Credits • Willems, Mo. My Friend is Sad, Hyperion: New York, 2007. • Photo Images Courtesy of Flikr.com (creative commons) • http://3.bp.blogspot.com/textbooks.jpg • http://www.flickr.com/photos/lowercolumbiacollege/3294206080/ • http://www.flickr.com/photos/wsl-libdev/5057989121/sizes/l/ • http://www.flickr.com/photos/bosler/763620064/sizes/m/ • http://my.hsj.org/Portals/2/Schools/2116/Article294357_overcrowded%20class%20007.jpg • • http://www.flickr.com/photos/ingridian/891462358/ • http://www.flickr.com/photos/mimiw/2674317692/sizes/z/in/photostream • http://www.spacegrant.nau.edu/stargazer/Classroom%20group.JPG • http://www.flickr.com/photos/montanastatelibrary/4991326434/sizes/m/

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