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Alpha-driven localized cyclotron modes in nonuniform magnetic field. Physics Department and Plasma and Space Science Center National Cheng Kung University. K. R. Chen. Collaborators: T. H. Tsai and L. Chen. 20081107 FISFES at NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan.
Alpha-driven localized cyclotron modes in nonuniform magnetic field Physics Department and Plasma and Space Science Center National Cheng Kung University K. R. Chen Collaborators: T. H. Tsai and L. Chen 20081107 FISFES at NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan
Outline • Introduction • Particle-in-cell simulation • Analytical theory • Summary
Introduction • Fusion energy is essential for human’s future, if ITER is successful. The dynamics of alpha particle is important to burning fusion plasma. • Resonance is a fundamental issue in science. It requires precise synchronization. For magnetized plasmas, the resonance condition is w -n wc~ 0 ,wc = qB/gmc • For fusion-produced alpha, g= 1.00094. Can relativity be important? • Also, for relativistic cyclotron instabilities, the resonance condition is w - n wc = dwr + i widwr > 0|dwr| ,, wi << n (g-1) << 1 As decided by the fundamental wave particle interaction mechanism, the wave frequency is required to be larger than the harmonic cyclotron frequency. [Ref. K. R. Chu, Rev. Mod. Phys. 76, p.489 (2004)] • Can these instabilities survive when the non-uniformity of the magnetic field is large (i.e., the resonance condition is not satisfied over one gyro-radius)? • If they can, what are the wave structure, the wave frequency, and the mismatch?
V V1 l w Vph x s cs X V2 l w f cf z eB W c w = = c g g m c vy • lf wcf • w lswcs vx x x wwave f B Two-gyro-streams in the gyro-phase of momentum space Two streams in real space can cause a strong two-stream instability In wave frame of real space V V1 Vph= w / k V2 x V decreases when g decreases kv2 < w < kv1 Two-gyro-streams In wave frame of gyro-space wcincreases wheng decreases lfwcf < w < lswcs K. R. Chen, PLA, 1993. • Two-gyro-streams can drive two-gyro-stream instabilities. • When slow ion is cold, single-stream can still drive beam-type instability.
dielectric function 3 t=0 ; * 0.5 t=800 t=1000 w t=3200 lf wcf lswcs Maxwellian 2 1 distribution function 0 0 400 600 200 P ^ Characteristics and consequences depend on relative ion rest masses A positive frequency mismatchD = lswcs- lf wcf is required to drive two-gyro-stream instability. K. R. Chen, PLA, 1993; PoP, 2000. • Fast protons in thermal deuterons can satisfy. • Their perpendicular momentums are thermalized. • [This is the first and only non-resistive mechanism.] K. R. Chen, PRL, 1994. K. R. Chen, PLA,1998; PoP, 2003. • Fast alphas in thermal deuterons can not satisfy. Beam-type instability can be driven at high harmonics where thermal deuterons are cold. • Their perpendicular momentums are selectively gyro-broadened.
6 -5 (arbitrary amplitude) 10 power spectrum 4 2 0 3 0 1 2 -6 10 peak field energy 11 10 10 10 fast ion density Cyclotron emission spectrum being consistent with JET Theoretical prediction: 1st harmonic h=0.16 at l=4.2rp 2nd harmonic h=0.08 at l=1.4rp is consistent with the PIC simulation and JET’s observations. e- Landau damping is not important if poloidal m < qaRw/rve ~1000 finite k// due to shear B is not important if poloidal m < qaRw/rc ~100 (linear thinking) frequency (w/wcf) The straight line is the 0.84 power of the proton density while Joint European Tokamak shows 0.9±0.1. The scaling is consistent with the experimental measurements. K. R. Chen, et. al., PoP, 1994. • Both the relative spectral amplitudes and the scaling with fast ion density are • consistent with the JET’s experimental measurements. • However, there are other mechanisms (Coppi, Dendy) proposed.
Relativistic effect has led to good agreement. • The reduced chi-square can be one. • Thus, it provides the sole explanation for the experimental anomaly. K. R. Chen, PLA, 2004; KR Chen & TH Tsai, PoP, 2005. Explanation for TFTR experimental anomaly of alpha energy spectrum birth distributions calculated vs. measured spectrums reduced chi-square
Particle-in-cell simulation on localized cyclotron modes in non-uniform magnetic field
PIC and hybrid simulations with non-uniform B • Physical parameters: • na = 2x109cm-3Ea= 3.5 MeV (g = 1.00094) • nD= 1x1013cm-3TD = 10 KeV B = 5T • harmonic > 12 unstable; for n = 13, wi,max/w = 0.00035 >> (w-13wca)r / w • PIC parameters (uniform B): • periodic system length = 1024 dx,r0 =245dx • wave modes kept from 1 to 15 • unit time to = wcD-1dt = 0.025 • total deuterons no. = 59,048 • total alphas no.= 23,328 • Hybrid PIC parameters (non-uniform B): • periodic system length = 4096dx,r0 =125dx • wave modes kept from 1 to 2048 • unit time to=wcao-1 , dt=0.025 • fluid deuterons • particle alphas dB/B = ±1%
dB/B = ± 1% Can wave grow while the resonance can not be maintained? 1% in 1000 cells Particle:uniform dw/w << g-1=0.00094 < 0.2% ~ 2ro=250 cells Wave: non-uniform dw< damping < growth; but, << dwofwidth~4ro(shown later) Thus, it is generally believed that the resonance excitation can not survive. However, • Relativistic ion cyclotron instability is robust against non-uniform magnetic field. • This result challenges our understanding of resonance.
Electric field vs. Xfor localized modes in non-uniform B t=1200 t=1400 t=1800 t=2000 t=2400 t=3000 • Localized cyclotron waves like wavelets are observed to grow from noise. • A special wave form is created for the need of instabilityand energy dissipation. • A gyrokinetic theory has been developed. A wavelet kinetic theory may be possible.
Structure of the localized wave modes Field energy vs. k Ex vs. X t=1400 Mode 1 Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 2 4 ro
Structure of wave modes vs. magnetic field non-uniformity dB/B = ± 0.4% dB/B = 0 dB/B = ± 0.2% dB/B = ± 0.8% dB/B = ± 0.6% dB/B = ± 1%
dB/B = ± 0.6% dB/B = 0 dB/B = ± 0.8% dB/B = ± 1% Frequency of wave modes vs. magnetic field non-uniformity • The localized wave modes are coherent with • its frequency being able to be lower than the local harmonic cyclotron frequency.
Frequencies vs. magnetic field non-uniformity At the vicinity of minimum of dB/B = ± 1% dw/wcf = 3.5 x 10-2 damping 1.4×10-3 growth 4.7×10-3 • The wave frequency can be lower then the local harmonic ion cyclotron frequency, • in contrast to what required for relativistic cyclotron instability.
Alpha’s momentum Py vs. X t=1200 t=1400 t=1800 t=2000 t=2400 t=3000 • The perturbation of alpha’s momentum Py grows anti-symmetrically and • then breaks from each respective center. Alphas have been transported.
t=3000 Pz vs P丄 Py vs X Ex vs X P丄vs X fluid Px vs X f(g) • The localized perturbation on alphas’ perpendicular momentum has clear edges • and some alphas have been selectively slowed down (accelerated up) to 1 (6) MeV.
Perturbation theory for localized cyclotron modes in non-uniform magnetic field
Perturbation theory for dispersion relation The dispersion relation and eigenfunction for nonuniform plasma Assumption: local homogeneity Taking two-scale-length expansion Perturbation Nonuniform magnetic field The dispersion relation for uniform plasma and magnetic field is is chosen for absolute instability Perturbed terms where For further simplification
Dispersion relation as a parabolic cylinder equation By eliminating term of , the dispersion relation becomes Choose to eliminate the term of Then, The dispersion relation can be rewritten as a parabolic cylinder eq.
Absolute instability condition in uniform theory with complex w, k For the localized wave, we consider the k satisfies the absolute instability condition which implies there is no wave group velocity. The k with peak growth rate is about 17. Imag(k) Growth rate Re(k) The frequency mismatch is minus at the k of peak growth rate. Frequency mismatch Imag(k) Re(k)
Eigenfunctions from the non-uniform theory N=0 k space x space N=1
Compare with the wave distribution in simulation x space Combined Theoretical solution for N=1 mode Simulation for k=all modes (N=1 dominates) k space
Compare with the wave distribution in simulation x space Simulation for only keeping k=15.77~18.64 (only N=0 can survive) Theoretical solution for N=0 mode k space N=1
Summary • For fusion produced a with g=1.00094, relativity is still important. • The relativistic ion cyclotron instability, the resonance, and the resultant consequence on fast ions can survive the non-uniformity of magnetic field. • Localized cyclotron waves like a wavelet consisting twin coupled sub-waves are observed and alphas are transported in the hybrid simulation. • The results of perturbation theory for nonuniform magnetic field is found to be consistent with the simulation. • Resonance is the consequence of the need of instability,even the resonance condition can not be maintained within one gyro-motion and wave frequency is lower than local harmonic cyclotron frequency. • This provides new theoretical opportunity (e.g., for kinetic theory) and a difficult problem for ITER simulation (because of the requirement of low noise and relativity.)