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Lesson 1 (Sep. 15) Introduction to Scientific Statements (1). Basic sentence structure: Subject & Predicate Subject-Verb Agreement. Subject and Predicate. Every sentence contains two parts: a subject and a predicate I am a student . (subject) (predicate) My name is Peter.
Lesson 1 (Sep. 15)Introduction to Scientific Statements(1) Basic sentence structure: Subject & Predicate Subject-Verb Agreement
Subject and Predicate • Every sentence contains two parts: a subject and a predicate Iama student. (subject)(predicate) My nameisPeter. (subject)(predicate) • Every subject is built around one noun or pronounthat, when stripped of all the words that modify it, is known as the simple subject. • A simple predicateis always the verb or verbs that link up with the subject. Lesson 1: Introduction to Scientific Statements
Subject and Predicate • The difficulty for non-native speakers arises because, in English, every written sentence must contain at least one verb: This is a proper sentence: IamTarzan. This is not a proper sentence. It has a predicate without a verb: ITarzan. This is not a proper sentence. It has a predicate without a verb : Taiwan’s total population in 2011 about 24 million. This is a proper sentence: Taiwan’s total populationin 2011 isabout 24 million. Lesson 1: Introduction to Scientific Statements
Subject and Predicate • To determine the subject of a sentence, first isolate the verb and then make a question by placing "who?" or "what?" before it -- the answer is the subject. • Waterboilsat 100 Celsius. • Verb: boils • What boils? Water. • Everystudentrecognizes the importance of reading. • Verb: recognizes • Who recognizes? Every student. • Simple subject: noun(s) = student Lesson 1: Introduction to Scientific Statements
Subject and Predicate The in those bottles liquid is dangerous. is The liquid in those bottles. liquid • Verb: • What is dangerous? • Simple subject: noun(s) = • Modifiers: Which liquid?The liquid in those bottles. Lesson 1: Introduction to Scientific Statements
Subject and Predicate Action and reaction are opposite and equal. are Action and reaction. Action, reaction • Verb: • What are opposite and equal? • Simple subject: noun(s) = • Here, we have a compound subject, i.e. two or more nouns. Lesson 1: Introduction to Scientific Statements
Subject and Predicate The building is 10-storey tall and costs $10 million to build. is, costs The building building • Verb(s): • What is … and costs …? • Simple subject: noun(s) = • Here, we have a compound predicate, i.e. two or more verbs. Lesson 1: Introduction to Scientific Statements
Subject and Predicate On average, women live longer than men. live women women • Verb(s): • Who live … ? • Simple subject: noun(s) = • Here, we have a modifier of the predicate: “On average”.It answers the question: “How do women live longer than men?” Lesson 1: Introduction to Scientific Statements
Subject –Verb Agreement Most of wood kinds float on water. float Most kinds of wood kinds (of wood) Most kinds of wood floats on water. • Verb(s): • What float …? • Simple subject: noun(s) = • Here, we the verb “float” relates to the noun “kinds” plural. Lesson 1: Introduction to Scientific Statements
Subject –Verb Agreement The in those bottles liquid is dangerous. The liquid in those bottles are dangerous. • Verb: is • Simple subject: liquid (not bottles!) Lesson 1: Introduction to Scientific Statements
Subject –Verb Agreement The in those bottles liquid is dangerous. Most of wood kinds float on water. Action and reaction are opposite and equal. • Subject-verb agreement: • The verb must agree with the simple subject, i.e. • If the subject is singular, the verb must also be singular. • If the subject is plural (either one plural noun or several nouns), the verb must also be plural. Lesson 1: Introduction to Scientific Statements
Subject –Verb Agreement A thermometer measures / measure temperature. Oxygen and hydrogen is / are gases. Mathematics / is an important subject for engineers. are The light in this room bulbs produces / produce 100 watts each. good conductors of electricity. Some substances, most of which are metal, substances is / are At least one kind of birds kind is / are flightless. Lesson 1: Introduction to Scientific Statements
Subject –Verb Agreement The average monthly rainfallsfigures for this area figures shows / show a small decline in annual total over the last thirty years. subject modifiers subject modifiers The apparent loss of weight of a substance which is immersed in a liquid loss equals / equal the weight of the displaced liquid. Lesson 1: Introduction to Scientific Statements