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The ARCANE Project

A project sponsored and financed by the European Science Foundation 2006-2011. The ARCANE Project. A ssociated R egional C hronologies for the A ncient N ear E ast and the Eastern Mediterranean.

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The ARCANE Project

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  1. A project sponsored and financedby the European Science Foundation 2006-2011 The ARCANE Project Associated Regional Chronologies for the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean

  2. Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, Belgium; Research Promotion Foundation, Cyprus; StatensHumanistikeForsksningsråd, Denmark; SuomenAkatemia/FinlandsAkademi, Finland; Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Germany; NederlandseOrganisatievoorWetenschappelijkOnderzoek, The Netherlands; Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal; Vetenskapsrådet, Sweden; SchweizerischerNationalfondszurFörderung der WissenschaftlichenForschung, Switzerland; Scientific and TechnicalResearchCounsil of Turkey; The British Academy, United Kingdom. Sponsored by

  3. People and Institutions • 125 ‘Arcanians’ • 81 institutions • 28 countries

  4. TIGRIDIAN REGIONAL GROUP Elena Rova (Team Leader) Topic coordinators: Monica Arrivabeni (Pottery) Monica Tonussi (Figurines and other small finds) Massimo Maiocchi (Epigraphy and History) JEZIRAH REGIONAL GROUP Elena Rova (pottery topic coordinator)

  5. Aims and Goals The ultimate goal of the ARCANE project is to produce a reliable relativeand absolute chronology of the entire Near East and East Mediterraneanarea based on the synchronization of regional chronologies for the 3rdmillennium BC. Topical scope The project intends to review: • all aspects of the material culture; • the artistic manifestations, the historical and epigraphic records, and the various methods of dating.

  6. Geographical scope

  7. 1. Regional level2. Supra-regional level 3. General synchronization

  8. Regional group Team leaders Topic coordinators

  9. Topics Stratigraphy Ceramic Architecture City planning Small finds & figurines Metal Lithics Burials & funerary practices

  10. Most reliable sequences • Largest excavated areas • Single-phase sites • Best inventories Quality instead of Quantity

  11. Downloadable DB files

  12. General Structure of the Relational Database ANALYTICAL TABLES Site REGIONAL TYPOLOGIES - Pottery - Objects C14 / TL Regional Periodizations Complex Stone V. INVENTORY Metal Regional Assemblages Unit Glyptic Pottery Object Ware MAPS PLANS & SECTIONS DRAWINGS Textual data Additional TABLES (Analytical) GENERAL DOCUMENTARY TABLES SYNTHETIC TABLES PHOTOS Bibliography INDEX Synopsis

  13. Downloadable Standalone Files for Data Input Integrated Utilities Easy Shape Class determination from drawing for open and closed shapes Volume calculation from drawing Reference Shape Class Chart

  14. Development of the Database System according to the main Phases of the Project ARCANE Project Phases Database System 1 - Data collecting phase 6 basic files (standalones) - Input of basic data (benchmarks) Additional files (standalones) - Input of specialized and additional data - Semi-processed documents Synopsis Analytical Tables Regional Syntheses Relational Database 2 - Data processing at regional level Regional Periodizations Synthetic Tables Regional Typologies Extended Relational Database 3 - Data processing at inter-regional level 4 - Final syntheses General Synthesis General Periodizations General Typologies

  15. Workshops • 30 regional and transversal workshops (2006-2008) • 5 steering committee meetings (2006-2010) • 5 inter-regional meetings (2008-2009) • 1 final conference (2010)

  16. Temporary new periodization

  17. Plan of Publications Inter-regional Phase 2 volumes Regional Phase 12 volumes General Synthesis 1 volume

  18. ARCANE I TableofContents Introduction (M. Lebeau),    Stratigraphy (Ph. Quenet), Pottery (E. Rova), Urbanisation & City Planning (J.-W.Meyer), Architecture (P. Pfälzner), Metal (A. Bianchi & K. Franke), Figurines (A. Pruss), Lithics & Stone Industry (J. Thomalsky), Burials & Funerarypractices (S. Calentini), Glyptic (A. Mccarthy), Radiocarbon (l. Ristvet), History & Philology (W. Sallaberger), Conclusion (M. Lebeau).

  19. http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/arcane/ Information

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