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A New State of Matter: Quark-Gluon Plasma. Pengfei Zhuang (Tsinghua University). * Quark-Gluon Plasma * Experiment Results * Theory * Outlook. 物质科å¦åŒ…å«ç‰©è´¨çš„ç»“æž„å’ŒçŠ¶æ€ ç»“æž„ï¼š 问题 : 看ä¸è§çš„夸克 , è´¨é‡èµ·æº , 真空结构 状æ€ï¼š ç†Ÿæ‚‰ç‰©æ€ : å›ºæ€ , æ¶²æ€ , æ°”æ€ , 电ç£ç‰ç¦»å体 问题 : 是å¦å˜åœ¨ç”±å¤¸å…‹å’Œèƒ¶å组æˆçš„物æ€ï¼Ÿ. 2004 诺è´å°”物ç†å¥–.
A New State of Matter: Quark-Gluon Plasma Pengfei Zhuang (Tsinghua University) * Quark-Gluon Plasma * Experiment Results * Theory * Outlook
物质科学包含物质的结构和状态 结构: 问题: 看不见的夸克,质量起源,真空结构 状态: 熟悉物态: 固态,液态,气态,电磁等离子体问题: 是否存在由夸克和胶子组成的物态? 2004 诺贝尔物理奖 H. David Politzer Frank Wilczek David J. Gross
T.D.Lee: In order to study the question of ‘vacuum’, we must turn to a different direction: we should investigate some ‘bulk’ phenomena by distributing high energy over a relatively large volume.”--------------- Rev. Mod. Phys. 47, 267(1975) from 1897 to present: to comprehend the largest, we need only understand the smallest. from present to 21st century: to know the smallest, we need also the largest!
Early universe (LHC, RHIC) quark-gluon plasma • critical point ? Tc Temperature colour superconductor hadron gas nucleon gas nuclei QCD Phase Diagram r0 Neutronstars 温度密度效应 —>波函数重叠 —> 最深层次物质形态 夸克胶子等离子体,QGP
superconductivity superfluidity 夸克物质:高度交叉的领域, 粒子物理,核物理,凝聚态物理,宇宙学,天体物理,…… related to early universe related to compact stars related to relativistic heavy ion collisions
相对论重离子碰撞实验 CSR/兰州(即将运行): Elab = 1 A GeV FAIR/GSI(巳批准): 40 A GeV NICA/JINR (巳批准): SPS/CERN(巳关闭): 160 A GeV RHIC/LBL(正在运行): LHC/CERN(即将运行): 制造高重子数密度条件 制造高温条件
Heavy ion Exp. @ BNL/RHIC Au-Au@200A GeV STAR Experiments
Heavy ion Exp.@ CERN/LHC (27km) • Pb-Pb@5.5A TeV Heavy ion Exp.@CERN/SPS (6.7km) Pb-Pb@17.3GeV
QGP产生的标志——信号 喷注淬火(Jet quenching): 高能喷注在热密物质中运动会损失能量 集体流(Collective flow): 不是静态系统,体系的膨胀会产生集体流 J/ψ粒子产额压低: 重夸克系统在热密物质中由于Debye屏蔽 而解体 电磁信号 电磁信号是最干净的信号 奇异粒子增加 Quark Gluon Plasma中奇异夸克成对产生 ……
STAR: NPA757, 102 (05) What RHIC has told us … Jet quenching, Large v2, NCQ-scalings, Large radial flow • STAR • models
夸克物质理论 热平衡理论:有限温度量子场论(场论+统计) 定域平衡体系的时空演化: 相对论流体力学 状态方程 非平衡体系的时空演化:
pair dissociation line (1.5-2) Tc Tc sQGP BCS BEC QCD 相图: LHC RHIC FAIR CSR 新现象: 强耦合夸克胶子等离子体 (sQGP) 高密度时的色超导,π超流,等 主要问题:1)sQGP的性质 RHIC, LHC/ALICE 2)sQGP在 RHIC 和 LHC产生的信号 RHIC,LHC/ALICE 3)临界相变点 (tricritical) 的位置 FAIR,NICA 4)手征对称性部分恢复 CSR 主攻方向: 强耦合夸克物质理论及其信号
QCD is non-perturbative even at extremely high temperature ! the validity of a weak coupling expansion depends not only on the strength of the coupling, but also on the number of active degrees of freedom ! coupling α solid dynamics liquid gas ideal gas non-perturbative perturbative only here ! density n collectivity
Strongly Coupled Quark Matter ● lattice 2009: more non-perturbative when charm quark is thermalized, 50% contribution ! conclusion: non-perturbative QCD even at extremely high T ! ● two possible states of sQGP: a) independent quasi-partons b) partons + bound states
QCD at High Density ● lattice 2009:searching for the QCD critical point in canonical ensemble T ● nB ● does the quarkyonic matter exist in real world with Nc=3 and what is the measurable consequence of the quarkyonic matter ? atom gas ● D.Son: no deconfinement in isospin matter due to pionsuperfluidity, even at extremely high isospin density QCD ● BCS-BEC crossover in QCD phase transitions at high density ● Fridel oscillation at high density
AdS/CFT Correspondence weak coupling in gravity theory corresponds to strong coupling in gauge theory Kovtun, Son, Starinets, PRL94, (2005)111601: for any physical system Kapusta, QM06, Shanghai: theory calculation Prakash et al., Phys. Rep. 227, (1993)321. constructed with data Hatsuda, QM06, Shanghai minimal at the critical point, a possible way to pinpoint the location of a QCD phase transition Problems: CFT is not QCD, the coupling constant does not run,…… pQCD lattice AdS/CFT Blaizot, Mclerran, QM06, Shanghai
QGP Study in China 实验:参加STAR/RHIC国际合作组 科大,清华 (MRPC,重要贡献) 华中师大,上海应用物理所,山大,哈尔滨工大,…… 理论: QCD相变理论 高能所,科大,北大,南大,清华,等 相对论重离子碰撞理论 华中师大,山大,清华,等 王恩科,等给出有限温度和密度下具有细致平衡效应的喷注能量损失 王群,等:BCS-BEC
Gapless Color Superconductivity 通过考虑色电中性条件对色超导态的影响,发现激发的准粒子能量可以为零,引导了无能隙色超导态的提出。在我们2003年提出这一新概念后,迅速成为QCD相变研究的一个热点。
Pion Superfluidity 解析证明了π超流的临界化学势等于真空中的π质量,纠正了以往文献中认为两者只是近似相等的结论,引导了高密π超流的研究。
Outlook 实验 SPS: 达到了产生QGP的条件 RHIC: 发现了产生QGP的一些信号 LHC: Properties of QGPFAIR,NICA,RHIC energy scan: QCD critical point CSR: Chiral symmetry restoration 理论 非微扰强相互作用多体问题难度很大 QCD at high density Strongly coupled quark matter Sensitive QGP signatures RHIC AdS/CFT Early Universe Compact Stars QGP 谢谢 ! BCS-BEC Lattice