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Coming Up This Week. Today : take the following with you: State Fair Arena & Tunnel Lines page Patriotic, Danger, FS Salute to Armed Forces AND CHARTS SSB
Coming Up This Week Today: take the following with you: State Fair Arena & Tunnel Lines page Patriotic, Danger, FS Salute to Armed Forces AND CHARTS SSB Tonight: there is a Band Booster meeting and I will give lettering points or extra credit (your choice) to those of you who have parents attend (you may come with your unit as well)
Wednesday – State Fair Day • 6:00 a.m.: be here wearing mb shorts & t-shirt, short white socks and mb shoes; bring with you: tennis shoes, money for lunch, sun screen? • 6:30 a.m.: leave for Hutch • 7:30 a.m.: POTTY stop – DO NOT BUY ANYTHING! Get instruments and music out for parade (Pat., FS, Danger) • 7:50 a.m.: line up for parade • 8:00 a.m.: parade begins – we are second in line
Wednesday continued • 8:30 a.m.: load buses with instruments – bus #1 clarinets, bus #2 flutes & saxes, bus #3 trumpets, trombones & tubas, bus #4 percussion, drum majors & banner carriers • 8:45 a.m.: line up in arena lines and march into fairgrounds • 9:10 a.m.: play at arena (Patriotic & FS) • 9:20 a.m.: march back to buses, load all instruments, change shoes
More Wednesday • 9:50 a.m. or when everything has been put back on original buses/trailer: tickets will be handed out and you can go back into the Fair IN GROUPS OF 3 OR MORE. Loners will join the Hughes/Riffee/Maxwell group in search of shaved ice • 2:15 p.m.: meet at buses • 2:30 p.m.: leave for Campus • 3:30 p.m.: arrive, unload and put EVERYTHING WHERE IT BELONGS!!!! P&T
Thursday • 7:50 a.m.: announcements • 8:00 a.m.: load buses with instruments & music (Salute, Patriotic, FS & SSB) – bus #1 clarinets, bus #2 flutes & saxes, bus #3 trumpets, trombones & tubas, bus #4 percussion and drum majors • 8:15 a.m.: unload and line up on track in front of the flag poles in State Fair Arena lines, play through SSB • 8:30 a.m.: chart #1 • 9:00 a.m.: load buses
Friday • 5:30 p.m.: meet in HMS multi-purpose room in FULL uniform WITH mb shorts & t-shirt underneath (failure to wear correct uniform parts will result in discomfort for the ENTIRE Band!). NO PANTS UNDER UNIFORM PANTS! • Music for Friday: Salute, Patriotic, SSB, FS, Danger Zone, Jazzy 1-4, We Will Rock You, the Hey Song, • Third quarter info: pants WILL remain up & zipped, EVERYONE must be back by the given time or 3rd quarter time off will disappear.
More Friday • We have new containers for phones, wallets, and phones. Hint, hint. • Friends, family, acquaintances, exes, etc. are NOT to sit with us in our middle section. They may sit on either side of us. Please ask your friends NOT to come into HMS before or after the game. Instead ask them to wait for you outside. • Percussion – I’m working out details on getting equipment to HMS & back. We’ll chat Thursday morning.
Please make sure you have Buglers Dream and Olympic Spirit – we’ll start working on those Monday. We have 5 classes until the next game on the 26th!! • I know between this past Saturday, the Fair tomorrow and our first game Friday plus all of your class work, sports, jobs, and regular lives we’ve been busy – but I want you to know I greatly appreciate your hard work in Band World. • Be Here – Do Good Work (& TURN IT IN) – BE Respectful
And Before We Go Out: • Please let Mr. Maxwell know what items you may need due to breakage or misplacement (lyres, reeds, flip folders, etc.) • Section 3 (big chuck of clarinets & quads & bells) – you are writing thank you notes to the sponsors (Mrs. Lott, Mrs. Drinnen, Mr. & Mrs. Edwards, Mr. Wood, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Marr, Mrs. Winans, Mrs. Dorsey & Mrs. Parker • Section 2 (middle, snares & cymbals) – you are writing to the bus drivers (Brandy, April, Carol, **, and Gary (he drove the Excursion with the trailer) • Section 1 (side with saxes and bass drums) you are writing to anyone who helped you with anything on the trip (someone from here, or K-State, etc.) • Card MUST be done VERY neatly and thoughtfully – this counts as a grade!!