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Sediment Transport

Sediment Transport. EUTRO-7 Module Phytoplankton (mg C/L) Detritus (mg C/L) Inorganic S (mg dw/L). TOXI-7 Module Inorganic Fines (mg dw/L) Sands (mg dw/L) Biotic Solids (mg dw/L). Solids State Variables. Settling. Settling. Respiration. Settling. EUTRO-7 Solids Kinetics.

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Sediment Transport

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sediment Transport WASP7 Course

  2. EUTRO-7 Module Phytoplankton (mg C/L) Detritus (mg C/L) Inorganic S (mg dw/L) TOXI-7 Module Inorganic Fines (mg dw/L) Sands (mg dw/L) Biotic Solids (mg dw/L) Solids State Variables

  3. Settling Settling Respiration Settling EUTRO-7 Solids Kinetics Respiration Death Growth Phytoplankton Dissolution Detritus Periphyton Death Growth Inorganic Solids

  4. Settling Settling Settling S2 - Sands TOXI-7 Solids Kinetics Dissolution (1-fash) Net Biotic S3 - Biotic Solids S1 - Inorganic Fines (fash) Production

  5. TOXI-7 Biotic Solids Kinetic Data • Constants • Net biotic production rate, g dw/m3-day • Production temperature correction factor • Net detrital dissolution rate constant, day-1 • Dissolution temperature correction factor • Fraction ash free dry weight • Parameters • Production rate spatial scale multiplier • Dissolution rate spatial scale multiplier • Time Functions • Production rate time scale multiplier

  6. TOXI-7 Biotic Solids Kinetic Data

  7. Solids Transport Processes

  8. TOXI-7 Solids Transport Data • Systems • Simulation option (simulate, constant, bypass) • Particulate transport field (Solids 1, Solids 2, Solids 3) • Particle density, g dw/mL (defaults to 2.65) • Maximum concentration, mg/L (reset to 3.0e6) • Flows • Flow field use (check Solids 1, Solids 2, or Solids 3) • Scale and conversion factors (internal units, m/sec) • Flow function (e.g., insert settling, resuspension) • Segment pairs • Surface area, m2 (under “fraction of flow”) • Settling or resuspension velocity versus time, m/sec

  9. Implementation – Systems Data If unchanged, particle density defaults to 2.65 g/mL If unchanged, maximum concentration for solids defaults to 3.0e+6 mg/L

  10. Implementation – Segment Data Input benthic volume, m3 Input benthic depth, m Specify segment type Map bottom segments

  11. Implementation – Initial Conditions Silts, mg/L Sands, mg/L Biotic Solids, mg/L

  12. Implementation – Flow Fields Point and press “Insert” twice

  13. Implementation – Settling Data days/second surface area, m2 Settling velocity, m/day

  14. Solids Flow

  15. Solids Flow Data

  16. Bed Volume Option 2

  17. Settling & Deposition Velocities g = acceleration of gravity = 981cm/sec2 m = absolute viscosity of water = 0.01 poise (g/cm2-sec) at 20oC dp = particle diameter, mm fine sand = 0.05 – 0.2 silt = 0.002 – 0.05 clay = 0.001 – 0.002 aD = probability of deposition upon contact with bed

  18. Stokes Settling Velocities, m/day

  19. Stream Sedimentation Regimes

  20. Benthic Parameter Equations

  21. Benthic Parameter Values

  22. Inflow Surface Water Depth, 1 m Surface Area, 104 m2 Water, 104 m3/day Silt, 60kg/day Sand, 40kg/day Surface Sediment, 2 cm Subsurface Sediment, 5 cm Pond Solids Example -External Parameters

  23. TSS (Silt and POM) Internal Biotic Production, 2g/m3-day Deposition, 0.5 m/day Resuspension, 0.05 mm/day POM Dissolution, 0.004day-1 Sand, 1.0 g/mL, Silt and POM, 0 g/mL Sand, 1.5 g/mL, Silt and POM, 0 g/mL Pond Solids Example –Internal Parameters

  24. Solids Kinetic Data

  25. Simulated Water Column Solids

  26. Simulated Surficial Benthic Solids

  27. Simulated Subsurface Benthic Solids

  28. Simulated Benthic Properties

  29. Simulated Burial Rates

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