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El Condicional. 220-227, 233. Uses p. 220-221. What would happen if certain conditions were met The conditional tense is used to express: -¿Qué harías tú en una situación parecida? . . . What would you do in a similar situation ? -No iría . . . I would not go .
El Condicional 220-227, 233
Uses p. 220-221 • What would happen if certain conditions were met The conditional tense is used to express: -¿Qué harías tú en una situación parecida? . . . Whatwouldyou do in a similar situation? -No iría . . . I wouldnotgo. • Wonder, supposition, or probability about the past -¿Cuántas personas habría en la fiesta? . . . I wonderhowmanypeopletherewereat theparty? -Seríanlas tres de la tarde. . . . Itwasprobably 3 in theafternoon. • Polite requests with verbs like deber, gustar, and poder. -Deberíasayudar a tu hermana. . . . Youshouldhelpyoursister. -¿PodríanUds. bajar lo voz, por favor? Couldyouloweryourvoices, please?
Uses (Continued) Uses p. 220-221 The conditional is often used in a past context to talk about an event that, at the time was anticipated for the future: -Les dije que yo volveríala semana siguiente. . . . I toldthemthat I wouldreturnthefollowingweek. -Ana María había prometido que llamaría más tarde. . . . Ana Mariahadpromisedthatshewouldcalllater Remember that the conditional is also used in the result clause of hypothetical (contrary-to-fact) sentences. Si yo tuviera el dinero, te lo daría. . . IfI hadmoney I wouldgiveit to you.
Uses (Continued) Uses p. 220-221 Note that: • When would is used in the sense of used to, the imperfect indicative tense is used in Spanish. Cuando yo la veía, la saludaba con cortesía. . . When I wouldseeher, I wouldgreetherwithcourtesy 2. Would not, in the sense of refusal, is expressed with the preterite of the verbquerer. El profesor no quiso cambiar la nota del estudiante. . . If I hadknownthembetter, I wouldnothaveinvitedthem.
Formation The conditional of regular verbs is formed by adding the following endings to the entire infinitive: cruzar aprender escribir
Irregulars Irregular Verbs The irregular stems used to form the conditional are the same as those used to form the future tense. To form the conditional, add the ending listed about to these irregular stems. Caber: cabr- Decir: dir- Hacer: har- Poder: podr- Poner: pondr- Querer: querr- Saber: sabr- Salir: saldr- Tener: tendr- Valer: valdr- Venir: vendr-
Ejercicios • Completarestasactividades: • Pg. 221, actividad A • Pg. 234, actividad B
Pg. 221, Actividad A • Poder - podría • Querer- querría • Impedir- impedirían • Ayudar- ayudaría • Recibir- recibiría • Enfermarse- se enfermaría • Morir- moriría • Cambiar- cambiaría • Hacer- haría (… otra inyección) • Crear- crearía
Pg. 234, Actividad B • Llamar -> llamaría • Estar -> estaría • Venir -> vendrían • Haber -> habrán • Ser -> Sería (hora-singular)