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PROVINCE OF VITERBO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY ENG. ANTONELLO RICCARDI SECTOR 08 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 ENVIRONMENTAL INTEGRATED AUTHORIZATIONIt is the provision that authorizes the operation of a plant, or part of it under certain conditions to ensure its conformity with the requirements set out in Title III-bis Part Two Legislative Decree 152 of April 3rd , 2006issued pursuant to Directive 2008/01/CE IPPC(Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control).
PROVINCE OF VITERBO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY SECTOR 08 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK The IPPC was introduced with the Directive 96/61/EC of 24 November 1996, repealed and replaced by Directive 2008/1/EC of 15 January 2008 (hereafter referred to as "the IPPC Directive"), and in turn repealed by Directive 2010/75/EU. In Italy the Directive 96/61/EC was adopted by LD n. 372/1999, which introduced into the national Environmental Integrated Authorisation (AutorizzazioneIntegrataAmbientale- AIA) concerning the existing industrial plants. As a result, the decree is repealed by Legislative Decree n. 59/2005 extending the implementation of the AIA to new installations and substantial changes made to existing plants. On August 26 2010, the Legislative Decree 128/2010 entered into force which involves some changes to the Environment Code (Testo Unico Ambientale). This Decree repeals the Decree 59/2005 that is absorbed entirely by the Legislative Decree 152/06 and subsequent amendments Title III-bis of Part II.
PROVINCE OF VITERBO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY SECTOR 08 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 THE ENVIRONMENTAL INTEGRATED AUTHORIZATION REPLACES: 1. Authorization for the emission to the atmosphere, according to the health aspects 2. Authorization to dumping 3. Unique authorization for new disposal plants and waste collection 4. Authorization for the disposal of products containg PCB-PCT (LD May 22, 1999 n. 209, art.7) 5. Authorization to using mud derived from the purification process in agriculture (LD January 27, 1992, n. 99, art. 9).
PROVINCE OF VITERBO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY SECTOR 08 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 ADAPTATION TO THE BEST AVAILABLE TECHNIQUES The IPPC discipline started a process of adaptation of European plants to the best available techniques, according, at Community level, to the documents BRef (BAT Reference), and defined, in Italy, in the Guidelines for the identification and use of Best Available Techniques (art. 29-bis, clause 1 of Legislative Decree n. 152/06 with amendments) processed (most being processed) by the Commission to the ex art. 3, clause 2, of Legislative Decree n. 327/99.
PROVINCE OF VITERBO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY SECTOR 08 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 BEST AVAILABLE TECHNOLOGIES (BAT) The IPPC Directive introduces the concept of emission limit values, technology and management standards-based of best available technologies. Best available technologies refer not only to the process technology, but also the design, management, maintenance, commissioning and decommissioning. The use of BAT tends to minimize the environmental impact of a given plant through an integrated set of actions that affect the overall process. The implementation of BAT is a reference to determine the conditions and emission limits that can be achieved with any technique.
PROVINCE OF VITERBO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY SECTOR 08 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 COMPETENT AUTHORITY FOR THE ISSUE OF A.I.A. (ENVIRONMENTAL INTEGRATED AUTHORIZATION) The Italian Ministry of Environment and Protection of Land and Sea, for new and existing plants listed in Annex XII in the Part II of the L.D.152/2006 (large combustion plants, integrated steel mills for the initial smelting, refineries, large chemical plants) The Region for plants, as in the Annex VIII point 5 Waste Management Plants The Province for plants as in the Annex VIII Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 Part II of L.D. 152/2006
PROVINCE OF VITERBO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY SECTOR 08 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 • PLANTS SUBJECTS TO IPPC OF PROVINCE COMPETENCE • All the plants listed in Annex VIII Part II of L.D. 152/06 and subsequent amendments relating to: • Energy actions • Production and steel transformation • Mineral products Industry • Chemical industry • Industrial plants for the production of pulp for paper and paper • Pre-treatments textiles for treatments exceeding 50 tons per day • Leather tans with more than 12t/d • Slaughterhouses with more than 50 t/d; manufacture of food products (depending on the initial quantities of raw materials used) • Intensive rearing of poultry and pigs • Treatment of surfaces or materials with organic solvents (in excess of 150 kg per day or 200 tons per year) • Production of carbon
PROVINCE OF VITERBO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY SECTOR 08 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 • THE ENVIRONMENTAL INTEGRATED AUTHORIZATIONS ISSUED BY THE PROVINCE OF VITERBO ARE 9 WHILE 4 ARE IN PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION: • 1 gas compression plant with a rated thermal force exceeding 50 MW combustion (IPPC Code 1.1) • 1 plant for the manufacture of ceramic products by firing, with a production capacity of over 75 tons per day and/or with a kiln capacity exceeding 4 m3 and with a density per kiln exceeding 300 kg/m3 (Cod . IPPC 3.5) • 1 plant for the intensive rearing of pigs with more than 2,000 places for pigs over 30 kg (IPPC Code 6.6 b) • 4 plants for the intensive rearing of poultry with more than 40,000 places for poultry (IPPC Code 6.6. A) • 1 plants for the production of papers and cardboards with a production capacity exceeding 20 tons per day (IPPC Code 6.1 b) • 1 system that uses a chemical or biological process for the manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products (Cod IPPC 4.5)
PROVINCE OF VITERBO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY SECTOR 08 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 • SOME EXAPLES OF EMISSIONS CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS (WATER-AIR) ADOPTED BY THE PROVINCE OF VITERBO FOR INDUSTRIAL PLANTS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF PAPERS AND CARDBOARDS WITH A PRODUCTION CAPACITY EXCEEDING 20 TONS PER DAY • Measuresfor the reductionofemissionsto the water • Separation of process water with different content of pollutants and its recirculation • Installation of an equalization basin and of a system of primary treatment of sewage • the water produced during the dehydration process of the pulp are retrieved, then directed to the treatment plant and recycled • all areas where the machineries are located, are made with collection system pavings that also intercept water that may escape in case of accidental breakage and failures, and that are recovered, than directed to the treatment plant and recycled • the plant is equipped with a system of rainwater harvesting from covers and yards, they also directed to the treatment plant and recycled • Measuresfor the reductionofemissionsto the air • Use of fuel with low sulphur content
PROVINCE OF VITERBO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY SECTOR 08 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 • SOME EXAPLES OF EMISSIONS CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS (WATER-AIR) ADOPTED BY THE PROVINCE OF VITERBO FOR PLANTS FOR THE INTENSIVE REARING OF POULTRY WITH MORE THAN 40,000 PLACES • Consuming reduction of water • Use of water-holes that avoid water waste on the litter (drop-waste systems) • Cleaning of the locations and equipments with high pressure water or by steam jet when it is at the end of the cycle and the animals are taken off • Installation and maintenance of the efficiency of water measurements in order to have a reliable calculation of the consumption to be recorded at least monthly to monitor the usage and losses • Reduction of NH3 in bird refuges • Refuges with pavings completely covered with litter and saving-water holes to reduce over-consumption of water, due to wet of the same litter and to putrid fermentation that can, in turn, increase emissions • Refuges with an optimization of the termic and ventilation (also artificial) isolation with a litter that covers entirely pavings and water-holes as described above
PROVINCE OF VITERBO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY SECTOR 08 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 • Reduction of the emissions from the shovellable materials storage • The manure is extracted from the barn by a power shovel and part of it is immediatly sold for an agronomic usage outside the Region. In case of non-immediate availability of the carrier, there is a platform for the storage, usually limited to a few days of waiting. • Reduction of emissions from the agronomic wastewater spreading • Incorporation of manure by ploughing within 24 hours • Good practices in the agronomic use of effluents • Examination of the characteristics of the soil in the spill plan. In particular, the soil conditions, soil type and its slope, rainfall and quantities made with water irrigation, land use and agricultural practices, including the type of rotation • Manure spreading as much as possible close to the phase of maximum crop growth and nutrient removal • Over a distance of at least 5 m from the side of natural water course and those non-dammed of the main lattice of drainage • Avoid spreading manure on land saturated with water, flooded, frozen or snow-covered
PROVINCE OF VITERBO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY SECTOR 08 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 Air: 1. Sulphur dioxide and other sulfur compounds. 2. Oxides of nitrogen and other nitrogen compounds. 3. Carbon monoxide. 4. Volatile organic compounds. 5. Metals and their compounds. 6. Dust. 7. Asbestos (suspended particulates and fibers). 8. Chlorine and its compounds. 9. Fluorine and its compounds. 10. Arsenic and its compounds. 11. Cyanides. 12. Substances and preparations which have been proved to possess carcinogenic or mutagenic properties which may affect reproduction when they are emitted in the atmosphere. 13. Policlorodibenzodiossina (PCDD) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF). The competent authority issuing the E.I.A. establishes emission limit values taking into account the indicative list of the main pollutants, in the Appendix X, Part II of Legislative Decree 152/06 e
PROVINCE OF VITERBO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY SECTOR 08 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 Water: 1. Organohalogen compounds and substances which may form such compounds in the aquatic environment. 2. Organophosphorus compounds. 3. Organic tin compounds. 4. Substances and preparations which have been proved to possess carcinogenic or mutagenic properties which may affect reproduction in or via the aquatic environment. 5. Persistent hydrocarbons and persistent and bioaccumulative toxic organic substances. 6. Cyanides. 7. Metals and their compounds. 8. Arsenic and its compounds. 9. Biocides and plant health products. 10.Materials in suspension. 11. Substances which contribute to eutrophication (nitrogen and phosphorus, in particular). 12. Substances which have an unfavorable influence on the oxygen balance (and can be measured using parameters such as BOD, COD). The competent authority issuing the E.I.A. establishes emission limit values taking into account the indicative list of the main pollutants, in the Appendix X, Part II of Legislative Decree 152/06 e
PROVINCE OF VITERBO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY SECTOR 08 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 Limits set by the Province of Viterbo for the plant for the manufacture of ceramic products by firing, with a production capacity of over 75 tonnes per day and / or with a kiln capacity exceeding 4 m3 and with a density of casting per kiln over than 300 kg/m3 (IPPC Code 3.5)
PROVINCE OF VITERBO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY SECTOR 08 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 Environmental Integrated Authorizations issued by the Region of Lazio in the Province of Viterbo are 5 among these there are the waste treatment plant in “Casale Bussi” and the landfill in “Le Fornaci”, both in the municipality of Viterbo and managed by the Ecology Society Viterbo srl. These plants will be visited in the afternoon
PROVINCE OF VITERBO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY SECTOR 08 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 The unique Environmental Integrated Authorization issued by the Ministry of Environment in the Province of Viterbo is in the thermoelectric multi-fuel power plant Enel SpA Production "Alessandro Volta" in Montalto di Castro This plant is methane and/or fuel oil STZ supplied and is composed of four groups steam of 660 MW each and eight gas turbines by about 120 MW each
PROVINCE OF VITERBO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY SECTOR 08 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 On March 14th 2012 In the Official Bulletin of Lazio Region was published REGIONAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN
PROVINCE OF VITERBO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY SECTOR 08 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 The part VIII of REGIONAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN Is about the reclamation of contaminated sites A site is defined as contaminated if in its soils and/or in its groundwaters risk concentrations exceed the thresholds, defined after the preparation of specific site Risk Analysis
PROVINCE OF VITERBO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY SECTOR 08 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 In the Province of Viterbo there are more than 200 open procedures for reclamation of potentially contaminated sites, although it mainly relates to minor contaminations due to accidental spill of substances containing hydrocarbons
PROVINCE OF VITERBO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY SECTOR 08 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 The reclamation process can be briefly summarized in the following points: 1. accidental spill and/or illegal disposal of waste; 2. preliminary investigation to determine whether in the soil and / or groundwater an exceeding of threshold concentration of contamination is detected; 3. preparation and implementation of a plan to ensure the effective three-dimensional extent of the contamination; 4. drawing of the environmental / health risk assessment; 5. preparation and implementation of a reclamation project and / or operational safety and / or permanent safety
PROVINCE OF VITERBO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY SECTOR 08 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 Gestione Ambientale Verificata N. Registro I - 000106 The reference standard for the reclamation of a contaminated site is the following: 1. D.Lgs.152/06 with following amendments Part IV Title V, 2. D.M. 471/99 3. L.R. 27/98 with the following amendments 4. D.G.R. 451/08 The Province is the local authority responsible for overseeing the whole reclamation process issuing the final certificate for the reclamation of the site