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TCIPG Overview. May 14, 2010 Power Affiliates Champaign, IL. University of Illinois • Dartmouth College • University of California Davis • Washington State University. TCIPG Technical Clusters and Threads.
TCIPG Overview May 14, 2010 Power Affiliates Champaign, IL University of Illinois • Dartmouth College • University of California Davis • Washington State University
Cluster: Trustworthy cyber infrastructure and technologies for wide-area monitoring and control
Real-time Streaming Data Processing Engine for Embedded Systems Objectives • Design and implement a streaming data processing engine that can handle a large volume of data and ensure error/attack resiliency of the application/algorithm. Achievements • Understanding streaming data produced by the devices in the power grid. • Format and accuracy of measured data • Components of phasor networks: PMUs, phasor data concentrators (PDC), and SCADA • Explore use of hardware support to enable fast processing of data collected by the measuring devices
Secure Wide-Area Data and Communication Networks for PMU-based Power System Applications Objectives • Design and develop security architectures and technologies for PMU data sharing; e.g., NASPInet. • Develop techniques for providing security (CIA properties) for communication networks. • Develop risk-based approaches for integrating security solutions. • Integrate with communication systems and evaluate performance and security. Achievements • Papers on “Exploring a Tiered Architecture for NASPInet” and “Security Requirements, Challenges, and Opportunities Provided by PMU Networks.” • Industry Interactions: • Participating in NASPI DNMTT for several years. • Interacting with TVA on OpenPDC and PMU Registry. • Subcontract with Entergy on their FOA 58 award to help with their NASPInet pilot. 5
Lossless Compression of PMU Data Archives Objectives • Determine how to compress PMU signals without losing important data. • Implement compression algorithms with real data-archiving systems. Achievements • Developed Slack-Referenced Encoding (SRE) pre-processing technique that transforms the data based on their spatial and temporal correlation before compressing them. Improved compression ratios, particularly for phase angles. • Paper accepted for presentation at the upcoming IEEE PES Summer Meeting.
Cluster: Trustworthy cyber infrastructure and technologies for active demand management
Distributed Voltage Support Framework Objectives Transmission System Distribution System • Improve control of resources. • Utilize distributed resources to solve system-wide problems. • Near real-time distributed control. • Secure control communications. * * Mi M2 Reactive Resource Devices at Residential Level * Mi Manager of Devices ( ) * Mi = Message to bus i Achievements • Paper on “An Authenticated Control Framework for Distributed Voltage Support on the Smart Grid” 8
Development of the Information Layer for the V2G Framework Implementation Objective • To develop an implementable design for the information layer for a conceptual framework for the integration of battery vehicles, or BVs, into the grid Achievements • Developed a good understanding of the key needs of the information layer. • The collection of requirements will serve as a key driver in the development of the design of the communication and cyber security aspects of the information layer. 9
Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring for Verification and Diagnostics Objectives • Verify smart grid initiatives and other energy-saving measures (weatherproofing, higher-efficiency devices, etc.). • More accurately inform consumers and utility providers of the real-time load (both in size and types of devices). Achievements • Installation of 2 measurement sites. • Collection of several weeks of 1-second usage data. • Preliminary development of pattern-matching algorithm. 10
RRE: A Game-theoretic Intrusion Response and Recovery Engine Objectives • Intrusion detection report correlation. • Cyber-security state estimation. • Automated decision-making on response and recovery actions. Achievements • Work on an Attack-Response Tree (ART) to estimate the security state of the system based on received IDS alerts. • Work on Stackelberg-based game-theoretic decision-making on response actions. • Work on FloGuard: an automated intrusion forensics analysis and monitor selection engine. Game-theoretic decision-making using competitive Markov decision processes (CMDP) 12
Automatic Verification of Network Access Control Policy Implementations Objectives • Develop a highly usable, scalable, and effective tool for analyzing security policy implementation for conformance with global security policy specification for process control networks. • Provide comprehensive offline and dynamic online analysis of compliance to make sure all access control mechanisms work collectively in harmony. Achievements • NetAPT (Network Access Policy Tool) already implemented and being tested at industry partners. • Includes secure rule collection, exhaustive analysis, and topology inference. • New achievements for this reporting period: • Topology inference: Support for VPNs and dedicated lines between firewalls. • GUI: manually or automatically merge and split networks to correct inferred topology. • Theory: Analytic evaluation of exhaustive analysis (for performance) and topology inference (for performance and completeness) algorithms. 14
TCIPG Testbed Development Project Objectives • Develop capability of end-to-end testing. • Develop proof-of-concept scenarios. • Support researchers in evaluation of emerging smart grid research. Challenges/Problems Addressed • Complex integration of cyber and physical domains. • Design of experiments, output analysis. • Appropriate equipment sourcing and build-out to provide maximum ROI with testbed resources.
Education and Workforce Development, p. 1 Project Objectives • Link researchers, educators, consumers, and students. • Develop pedagogically and technologically sound curriculum materials relating math and science to power, energy, and cyber communication issues and utilize these materials to connect with middle and high school teachers and students. • Provide energy information for an informed public. • Develop an exhibit at the Orpheum Children’s Science Museum (OCSM). Users can choose a three-tiered pricing option or seasonally adjusted hourly pricing. Outreach Events • University of Illinois Public Engagement Symposium, March 3, 2010. • University of Toronto Sustainability Energy Fair, March 12, 2010. • University of Illinois Engineering Open House, March 12-13, 2010. • Kiosks established at the Orpheum Children’s Science Museum, Champaign, IL. • Renewable Energy and the Electrical Power Grid presented at the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) national meeting in Philadelphia on March 20. Science teachers from the U.S. and Canada attended a presentation of the education materials.
Education and Workforce Development, p. 2 Achievements Milestones/Plans for Remainder of Year • The TCIP and TCIPG Education website, tcip.mste.illinois.edu, received 5,044 visits during the first quarter of 2010. • Developed first prototype of Cyber Communication applet. • Continued development and testing of Time-Sensitive Pricing applet and curriculum materials. • Public access to Time-Sensitive Pricing applet and curriculum. • Cyber Communication applet. • Production of a power grid video in collaboration with Bill Hammack, www.engineerguy.com. • Grand Opening for Children’s Museum exhibit. • Smart HVAC applet. • Smart grid applet that integrates the concepts of communication, in-device intelligence, and the physical behavior of electrical systems. • Begin planning for a second workshop for researchers and practitioners from industry, national laboratories, and academia to be held in the summer of 2011. Expected Outcomes/Impacts TCIPG Education strives to relate school math and science to power and energy issues, to create interest in STEM disciplines and careers, and to illustrate issues necessary for consumer acceptance and use of smart grid technologies. Personnel Jana Sebestik, Himanshu Khurana, George Reese, Tom Overbye, Zeb Tate Students:Kurchi Subhra Hazra, Steve Granda